philly rabbit
Verified User
Cool beans!!
Pastor Goody the cultural Marxist is celebrating.
Cool beans!!
Yes, I haven't got to vote for a winner for president since GW Bush's first run.
Yes to the least in some states.
then why is she winning
You're a lying leftist fraud with a new age collar turned around on your neck. Nobody loves the progressive left more than you.
Yes, I haven't got to vote for a winner for president since GW Bush's first run.
I went through a long cold dry spell too. Prior to Barry I hadn't voted for a winner since Bush 1.
Clinton, Clinton, Obama, Obama
now I will win on a Clinton again
now realize that means both those posters did not vote for Clinton either time.
This post is Desh rich in irony
He's a progressive, he believes in the God state.
Notice desh that I said "some states." I can almost guarantee you that's why Bernie won in OK. The conservative democrats...the ones more likely to vote for Hillary...they either stayed home or voted for Sanders for the reason I already stated once or twice in this thread. As to why she is winning overall: She's getting more votes than he is. People (democrats) who are serious about voting aren't likely to care for Bernie's brand of socialism. But also look at the turnout. People, democrats included, aren't nearly as pumped up as they should be to vote for the first (likely) woman president. To me that's very telling.
What's conservative about you? tell me.
When do you lean right? - never.
Why can't you fess up and admit you're a christian progressive who wants heaven on earth established by the government. You already stated that America was never a christian nation. Your natural home is among other progressives. They make the most sense to you.
Will you stop now with the leaning right conservative label?
Wait, you bemoan a lack of Christianity in this country yet are upset at a conservative Christian? You make no sense dude.
now realize that means both those posters did not vote for Clinton either time.
He's made it quite clear over his time posting here. Not his fault if you choose not to pay attention.
Don't give me punk talk. He's progressive like you, not conservative. He's a Woodrow Wilson type, progressive God stater.
And both you and three dee think that middle class white workers are racist scum.