Best Album of the 1990s

I've only ever called a radio station once in my life. I asked them to play NIN's "Heresy", and dedicate it to "All you god-damned Creed fans".

The fucking lame station only had "Closer". I quit listening to music radio on that day.
"Live in Concert" - G3 (Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Eric Johnson)

You and I are using wildly different standards for a "Best Of" list.

C'mon, these guys are guitar shredders, with cult followings. Neither they, nor their albums are condsidered Icons of the 90s, outside of a cult following of fans.

But, I'm using the MTV standard for a "Best of" list: Albums that were highly influential in that decade, were widely listened to, and instantly recognizable to most people.

You're adding in barely-known artists that are your own personal favorite. That's a way different standard, than I'm using.
I'll forgive you for being drunk whenever you said that, Damo.
You're more forgiving than I am. Creed?
