Best and Worst of 2007

It looks like God was wrong. God told Pat Robertson we'd have a terror attack last year.

I'm worried, I thought He was invincible....
Say what.............!

I'm in L.A. I just flew in from Lake Tahoe. I missed my flight so it took me awhile to get here.

I actually just got a crackberry a couple of weeks ago so I don't have online access through it yet. That's my next step in drunken postings. So I won't be able to post until I get home tonight. And it is New Year's Eve so there is hope I won't be coming home along. However most of us live in the real world so yes we do know I'll be coming home alone.

Happy New Year to everyone and hopefully this will be my last sober post in 2007.

You 'flew in from 'Lake Tahoe' don't you mean 'Reno-Tahoe' if ya meant 'Lake Tahoe' ya must have went private...are ya a pilot?
I forgot he was connected to 'Girls Gone Wild'....but Tahoe...for the bikinis and all!...never mind nipples erectous...rules in his little world...:rolleyes:

My 'girls gone wild' boy is in jail in Reno. I should have stopped by. I think they reshowed his interview from prison with Greta on Fox News last night. He said he nows know what Jesus felt like when he was persecuted or something to that extent. It takes a special person to compare their situation to Jesus Christ.
My 'girls gone wild' boy is in jail in Reno. I should have stopped by. I think they reshowed his interview from prison with Greta on Fox News last night. He said he nows know what Jesus felt like when he was persecuted or something to that extent. It takes a special person to compare their situation to Jesus Christ.

I'm drinkin. Are you?

I might be at Hollywood Park tomorrow.
Dude, I haven't touched tequilla in 15 years. I can almost get sick just off the smell of that stuff.

I heard there is a term called moderation when it comes to drinking. I might look up the meaning in 2008.

Isn't moderation what Damo does on this site?