Best Concerts You've Ever Been To...


Will work for Scooby snacks
AC/DC - 1980

The Who -1983

Rush - 1984

Bonnie Raitt - 1991

Pearl Jam - 1992

Arlo Guthrie - 1993

Eagles - 1996
ZZTOP 1977 Tulane stadium
torching dubbies like there was no tommorow

fwd 2002 Creed Babby dome some kid gets ejected for smoking a cigarette.

the good ole daze:clink:
Ozz Fest 1997/1998/1999/2000 Alpine Valley

Worked backstage security for all four... friggin sweet... especially 1999 when Godsmack was there... they put on an awesome show.

Side note: Ozzy is fried... they get him on stage by using a laser pointer. He chases the light onto the stage. Teleprompters up to let him know what the words to the songs are.... AND to remind him of the names of the guys in his band.
Ozz Fest 1997/1998/1999/2000 Alpine Valley

Worked backstage security for all four... friggin sweet... especially 1999 when Godsmack was there... they put on an awesome show.

Side note: Ozzy is fried... they get him on stage by using a laser pointer. He chases the light onto the stage. Teleprompters up to let him know what the words to the songs are.... AND to remind him of the names of the guys in his band.
Godsmack is awesome!
Ozz Fest 1997/1998/1999/2000 Alpine Valley

Worked backstage security for all four... friggin sweet... especially 1999 when Godsmack was there... they put on an awesome show.

Side note: Ozzy is fried... they get him on stage by using a laser pointer. He chases the light onto the stage. Teleprompters up to let him know what the words to the songs are.... AND to remind him of the names of the guys in his band.

Backstage security, I bet you got a lot of offers.
also... tibet freedom concert... also at Alpine Valley 1999...

Run DMC, The Cult, Beastie Boys, Blondie, Tracy Chapman, The Roots, Live, Eddie Vedder, Otis Rush, Cibo Matto, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Rage Against the Machine, Wu-Tang-Clan, Chaksam-pa

Best part... Blondie. Every other act crowded onto the stage out of view to watch her.
Backstage security, I bet you got a lot of offers.

worked every show at Alpine those four years. But I was on stage and not by the entrance, so not very many offers. I did however confiscate numerous joints.... had to protect the kids from those awful drugs...:rolleyes:
As much as I love their music... it almost hurts to listen to it after seeing them live... because it is sooooooo much better live. They know how to entertain.... the dueling drum solos... sweeeeeeet.
Ever hear Screaming Pumpkins? Their drummer is freaky talented.
in the 70's Taj mahal, minnie ripperton and Chick corea
Also in 70's Frank Zappa.
umm I forget when late 70's I think. Jethro Tull.

Not been to a concert in many years...Just an old fogey and they are too darned loud. Still have good hearing and like it that way.
Mid 70s for me whe I saw jethro tull and I really do think it was my best concert.

How was the Chick Corea?
For real. "Screaming Pumpkins?" The best they could do was take the names of two seattle bands, and combine them?

As for me? I like the Rolling Beatles.