Best Divorce Letter Ever

That's MY favorite subject. I know Winter is a cool/classy guy, but not as much as I am. Please try not to confuse the two of us in the future.

Its not that anal sex is my favorite subject, Capt. Its that she didn't know the definition of sodomy. Apparently some people think it only means anal sex.

But thanks for the vote of confidence.
Its not that anal sex is my favorite subject, Capt. Its that she didn't know the definition of sodomy. Apparently some people think it only means anal sex.

But thanks for the vote of confidence.

I assume you two partake in this exchange together?
I'm glad that you're so open-minded about that then. :palm:

I used to try and defend the south. But then I realized that the only southerners some of these people know are Dixie, SouthernMan, and me. Two out of three are closed-minded assholes. They probably assume I am the exception that proves the rule.

I used to try and defend the south. But then I realized that the only southerners some of these people know are Dixie, SouthernMan, and me. Two out of three are closed-minded assholes. They probably assume I am the exception that proves the rule.

You forgot Toppy. I'm semi-southern myself.
Yes, you're exceptionally tolerant of other's opinions. /sarcasm :palm:

I have no problem with other people having differing opinions.

When people try and take those opinions and make them laws, I take exception to that.

And since this is a political debate site, the entire point is to debate differing opinions.
I'm pretty close-minded to conservative opinions, though, considering them something like a plague that spreads and has to be stamped out before it gets too far.