Best Movie Ever


I'm going to put the current scores each one has in this quote box, and average them out as the scores come in:

Shawshank Redemption - 8.75
A beautiful mind - 8
Mulholland Drive - Doesn't have enough people who have scored it
It's a wonderful life - 7
the princess bride - 5 and 1/3
Winged Migration - 4
Star Wars series - 6
The Godfather - 8
Citizen Kane - 8
Casablanca - 7
Police Academy - 5
The Wizard of Oz - 6.25
The Road Warrior - 4 and 2/3
American Beauty - 8 and 1/3
To Kill a Mockingbird - 6 and 2/3
Dr. Strangelove - 6
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - 7 and 2/3
The Battle Of Algiers - 4
Lawrence of Arabia - 6.5
Seven Sumari - Everyone leaves this out of their list for some odd reason
Lost in Translation - 6.25
Lord of the Rings trilogy - 7.25

For convenience, one list without the averages:

Shawshank Redemption
A beautiful mind
Mulholland Drive
It's a wonderful life
the princess bride
Winged Migration
Star Wars series
The Godfather
Citizen Kane
Police Academy
The Wizard of Oz
The Road Warrior
American Beauty
To Kill a Mockingbird
Dr. Strangelove
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
The Battle Of Algiers
Lawrence of Arabia
Seven Sumarai
Lost in Translation
Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Copy and paste this list into your reply box, and then give each movie a score between 1 and 10, or you can choose not to have an opinion on the movie by placing an "X" beside it (use this option very stingily, so that an option doesn't win merely because no one had an opinion on it). Now, all of these are good movies, so it may seem tempting to give each 10, but this will make your vote meaningless. Exaggerate your preferences a little bit, because this is really great company.

If the final results are inconclusive, I will "reweight" each vote and then take the winner and the second place choice in a runoff.

A general rule is that you shouldn't give anything less than a 4 - this is to avoid a few extreme people burying some good movies.

I'm going to put the current scores each one has in this quote box, and average them out as the scores come in:
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Dang I thought I nominated Seven Samurai. Maybe I forgot to hit the post button.

You never got a second on that one. Since you didn't specify an order, I simply took the first one off of your list.

Oh wait..

Did IHG second it? these order get confusing sometime. Since no one has yet to throw a ballot in, I'll just put it in there.
My ballot, if you guys need an example:

Shawshank Redemption - 9
A beautiful mind - 7
Mulholland Drive - X
It's a wonderful life - 10
the princess bride - 8
Winged Migration - 5
Star Wars series - 6
The Godfather - 7
Citizen Kane - 10
Casablanca - X
Police Academy - 4
The Wizard of Oz - 6
The Road Warrior - 4
American Beauty - 10
To Kill a Mockingbird - X
Dr. Strangelove - X
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind - 9
The Battle Of Algiers - 4
Lawrence of Arabia - X
Lost in Translation - 10
Lord of the Rings trilogy - 7
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So, do you want me to keep on bumping forever?

Or should I just give up and declare citizen Kane the winner (with me as the tiebreaker, obviously, since I'm the only one who actually voted)?