Best "Shitty" Beer?

What's the Best Shitty Beer?

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Pabst. Its actually tasteable, its far more affordable, and the old brewery is one of the greatest buildings ever.

Funny that you mentioned Pabst. I was watching the Ken Burn's documentary on "Prohibition" the other evening, Pabst figured prominently. Used to be the biggest selling beer in Chicago, then they screwed with the recipe. I think they've gone back to it, though 'lost ground.'
Funny that you mentioned Pabst. I was watching the Ken Burn's documentary on "Prohibition" the other evening, Pabst figured prominently. Used to be the biggest selling beer in Chicago, then they screwed with the recipe. I think they've gone back to it, though 'lost ground.'

Correct, they use the original pre-prohibiton recipe.
Keystone is fucking awesome. Its super shitty, but its easily one of the most cost-effective shit beers on the market. For about the same price as a case of Bud Light, you can purchase it and get twice as much volume per can in the process. I have an uncle who is notorious for drinking shit beer, so I have split a few Keystones with him while on camping excursions.

The problem with that in my state is that they put a hard limit of 6% on beer ABV. So there isn't any true malt liquor. However, a 12 pack of 6% Steel Reserve is still about as much as most six packs of light beer. So it's a way better deal.
The problem with Steel Reserve is that it's really something that you can only drink one or two nights in a month, it tastes so shitty. I've drunk worse beers though.
The problem with that in my state is that they put a hard limit of 6% on beer ABV. So there isn't any true malt liquor. However, a 12 pack of 6% Steel Reserve is still about as much as most six packs of light beer. So it's a way better deal.

God damn. 6% max? I've had beer at 22%. I will never move to the south.
The problem with that in my state is that they put a hard limit of 6% on beer ABV. So there isn't any true malt liquor. However, a 12 pack of 6% Steel Reserve is still about as much as most six packs of light beer. So it's a way better deal.

jesus fucking christ how many possible ways can a state possibly suck?
Holy fuck, that Olde English has the finest titties of any beer ever brewed!! WIN!

:yay: :clink: :yay:
Funny that you mentioned Pabst. I was watching the Ken Burn's documentary on "Prohibition" the other evening, Pabst figured prominently. Used to be the biggest selling beer in Chicago, then they screwed with the recipe. I think they've gone back to it, though 'lost ground.'

I remember when I was a kid the most popular beers were PBR, Schlitz, Schaeffer's and of course Bud and Miller.

They did that with all the major macro lagers. Cut down on the malted barley due to cost and replaced it with other cheaper attenuantes. The end result was that US Macro-Lagers became the whipping boys on Wall Street who could have gave a rats ass about how the beer tasted. The just wanted maximum return on investment. That started around 1970 along with the Beer TV Ad wars. Bud and Miller came out the champs and the American consumers the losers. In the process a lot of great beers which had screwed with their recipes to make them cheaper and earn higher margins couldn't compete with Bud and Miller. They all changed for quality lagers to piss water and most of them went out of business due to that.

To give you an idea what I mean. Get a six pack of Schlitz "Origial 1960" formula that's selling now. Drink that and then drink some Keystone light which is what Schlitz tasted like by 1980. Gives you an idea how bad macro-lagers become. I'm sure there will always be a huge market for cheap beer but the micro-brewery Industry save Beer in this country.
Haven't had a Genesee in a long time but I remember it was cheap and worked well at washing down bar food. The Genesee Cream Ale is yummy. Going to Ithaca NY in a couple of months, gonna have a couple of Gennies.
I like Budweiser. Anything light (or "lite") is terrible without qualification. Undrinkable. I used to enjoy PBR (tall boys, natch), but I ain't cool enough to drink it anymore. Olympia sucks. If it's the water, the water is shitty. Naragansett is the new regional brew but it's sickly sweet. I used to drink assloads of Busch and Milwaukee's Best when I was a younger fellow. Yuengling is the best mass produced lager in America.

I like Budweiser. Anything light (or "lite") is terrible without qualification. Undrinkable. I used to enjoy PBR (tall boys, natch), but I ain't cool enough to drink it anymore. Olympia sucks. If it's the water, the water is shitty. Naragansett is the new regional brew but it's sickly sweet. I used to drink assloads of Busch and Milwaukee's Best when I was a younger fellow. Yuengling is the best mass produced lager in America.


And yes, Yuengling is king.
I like Budweiser. Anything light (or "lite") is terrible without qualification. Undrinkable. I used to enjoy PBR (tall boys, natch), but I ain't cool enough to drink it anymore. Olympia sucks. If it's the water, the water is shitty. Naragansett is the new regional brew but it's sickly sweet. I used to drink assloads of Busch and Milwaukee's Best when I was a younger fellow. Yuengling is the best mass produced lager in America.

I agree about Yuengling. It's also the oldest.