Betting Odds on Impeachment

This isn't a new poster STY, that's why I said seriously?

Yes but he said new favorite, not favorite new. Like my new favorite beer could be Blatz. Obviously an old beer, but newly inducted into my favorites list.

For the record I don't love Blatz. It's ok on a hot day but I won't go out of my way for one. It's just an example.
You don't sound as confident as you did earlier.

I agree that many of the GOP hate Trump as much if not more that the democrat party however they would be wise to tread carefully

Barring some major fuck up it isn't happening.

If you think the American people will support impeachment because he doesn't accomplish enough in his first 100 days then you should be banned for life from every political message board in the world

how does a protest mean trump will commit high crimes or misdemeanors? The two aren't even remotely related. Why are liberals so dumb?

That aside, what odds would you lay me?

He came into office in violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution because he chose not to divest himself of Trump tower and other properties which collect rent from foreign governments.
So yes, he is fully impeachable