The more outlandish the Republican talking points become, the more these idiots believe them.
The more outlandish the Republican talking points become, the more these idiots believe them.
Hello and welcome redfish,
I've read your first dozen posts. I don't get the impression that we will be able to have mutually respectful discussions because you've already issued blanket derogatory remarks about the entire left, which includes me. I am a liberal thinking American. If you are an American too, I want to be able to at least talk about the issues facing our country, even if we disagree. But here's the thing. Any discussions between us must be on an equal footing of mutual respect as fellow Americans. If you think we can talk about politics without insults or getting personal I am for it. Can you do that? If so, I welcome it. If not, we won't be talking long.
The way I see it, people either come here with a sincere desire to discuss the business of our nation, or they just want to unload on 'the other side,' whichever that is for them. I have zero interest in being an enabler for internet abuse. The first instance of it will result in getting cut off forever. You can search my old posts and see that I do not insult people or get personal. I just want to talk about politics. Since this is a wide open forum with essentially no rules, we collect a lot of trolls here. Anybody who has ever mouthed off at me is on my lengthy Ignore List. I will have no qualms over adding yours or anyone else's name to that list. It's all up to you. I am going to be fair, and that is what I require in return. My rules are more strict than the site rules. Please make note, respect is a two way street:
Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.
Facts are things that actually exist. Perceptions are not facts. Opinions are not facts. The things you have speculated on are all predictions, not facts. Could we see $5 gasoline? Sure, that's possible. That could happen no matter who is president. Will China tell us what to do? That is a concern. China is becoming a very powerful nation. Their economy is poised to surpass ours. We will have to be very wary of China, but the fact is people in America and China both realize we are better of if we cooperate than if either nation tries to dominate the other. I do not believe that China has any 'secret evidence' on President Biden. I certainly do not believe that Pelosi and Harris have any kind of plan to invoke the 25th. And no way I believe the election was anything but fair and well certified.
Trump lost the popular vote in every election he ever entered. He won the EC in 16 and he had his chance to improve America. I think he failed miserably. I think he is a crook. He has routinely tried to rip people off his entire life. He is a failure of a businessman who went bankrupt 6 times. He has no friends. He grew up as a bully millionaire's kid who was told to suspect everyone is after his money. He thinks that anybody who has anything to do with him is after his money. He doesn't know what true friendship is even like. He cheated in school, paid others to take tests for him, and he doesn't read books. He got caught lying on camera, trying to say he read 'Vanity of the Bonfires' when he obviously didn't:
Trump is a pathological chronic liar.
like putting 50,000 americans out of work on day one? by pissing off Canada our closest neighbor and ally? By kowtowing to Iran and China? By allowing boys on girls teams and in girls bathrooms? By proving that he lied to the unions about jobs?
It must REALLY suck to still be a trumpanzee!
You got that right. Ever notice, too, how they all echo each other? It's patently obviously that few of them think their own thoughts; they just copy and repeat what they hear/see on their inside-the-Reichwing-bubble media sources. It's fun to a take a typical phrase from one of their posts, copy it into a search engine, and watch how many RW blogs and media sites pop up with that same phrase in them.![]()
I heard it was closer to ELEVENTY KABILLION Americans out of work.... IN THE FIRST SECOND!
ok, lets discuss Biden's first few days. lets talk about the 50,000 or more union workers that he put out of work of day one. lets talk about the Paris climate deal which sends american money to india and China so they can "try" to lower emissions while the USA "must" comply with the arbitrary limits, lets talk about his reopening of the nuclear deal with Iran that sent the billions and allowed them to continue making nuclear bombs, lets talk about him allowing trans men to compete on girls teams and use girls locker and rest rooms. Lets talk about the FACT that he is so low energy that he cannot put in a full day even in his first week. Lets also talk about the democrats wasting our time and money on another fake unconstitutional impeachment. How do you remove someone from an office they no longer hold? But we do know what that is about, don't we? the dems are so scared that Trump might run again in 2024 and continue to expose the corruption in DC in both parties that they are willing to violate the constitution to save their skins. So bring it on, and lets do it using facts, common sense, and constitutional law. Lets do it with respect and politeness. But as I told another poster earlier today. If you want to trade insults, I am very good at that too. Your choice.
ah, a brilliant retort from one of the resident libs. no, 50,000 is the right number, check the cover of Time magazine.
ok, lets discuss Biden's first few days. lets talk about the 50,000 or more union workers that he put out of work of day one. lets talk about the Paris climate deal which sends american money to india and China so they can "try" to lower emissions while the USA "must" comply with the arbitrary limits, lets talk about his reopening of the nuclear deal with Iran that sent the billions and allowed them to continue making nuclear bombs, lets talk about him allowing trans men to compete on girls teams and use girls locker and rest rooms. Lets talk about the FACT that he is so low energy that he cannot put in a full day even in his first week. Lets also talk about the democrats wasting our time and money on another fake unconstitutional impeachment. How do you remove someone from an office they no longer hold? But we do know what that is about, don't we? the dems are so scared that Trump might run again in 2024 and continue to expose the corruption in DC in both parties that they are willing to violate the constitution to save their skins. So bring it on, and lets do it using facts, common sense, and constitutional law. Lets do it with respect and politeness. But as I told another poster earlier today. If you want to trade insults, I am very good at that too. Your choice.
thanks for the "welcome" . I will always respond politely and intelligently to polite and intelligent posts. But, I will reply in kind to arrogant and insulting posts. I will not tolerate stupidity or lying or simply repeating tired dem/lib talking points. If you want to have an intelligent informed back and forth, bring it on, I'm your guy for that. But if you revert to juvenile insults or merely repeat what the corrupt left wing media is saying, I will retaliate with facts and logic. Lets give it a shot. I hope you are what you claim to be.
Hello redfish,
Thank you for your sincere reply. It's on. I look forward to some very stirring discussions. I will do my best to give honest answers and comments from a liberal Democrat perspective. I am not here to insult anybody. My interest is in having academic and informed discussions between fellow Americans. Unity.
I can always find liberals who agree with me and we can high five one another all day long. That's fine, but it's not very challenging. I yearn for something that causes me to really think about what it is I believe in and why. I am very logic based. I know I can be wrong just as all humans can and often are. My goal is to learn and find out what things I have gotten wrong and to correct them. A completely different perspective can help with that. I want to have as accurate a perception of politics as possible. This way, when I vote, I can feel confident that I am making the correct choices.
I am totally happy to trade comments with someone who believes the opposite of what I believe. I just want it to be done in a nice polite way. I don't like all the friction of nasty personal arguments. That messes with enjoyment of life. We all have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Minimizing hurtful arguing leads to a happier life. That's my logic, so my PIP is part of the steps I take to purposely pursue happiness. I do have a very enjoyable life. I love my life. I wish everyone could enjoy their own life as much as I enjoy mine. I don't want to be desensitized to nasty arguing. I don't want that to be a habit in my life. I don't want my life to be about that. I want, and take active steps to create, a low stress life. I've got a good life because I purposely created a good life for myself.
So yeah. I want to be well informed; I want to have an understanding of what motivates others to believe differently, I want to do my part for my nation and the world, and I want to enjoy life.
I want to believe we can have some very deep political discussions and also maintain respect, even if we believe different things. I'm very different from most posters here, yes. And I am good with that. So yeah; I totally hope it works out for us, and will do my best to see that it does.
Political comment: I totally believe the media when they say the viewership of the Biden-Harris inauguration exceed that of the Trump inauguration. I think the main stream media has to get things right or they would lose credibility, respect and viewership. Since that has only happened for the right, that means it is political, not fact based. The right is notorious for disparaging government and our institutions, the media being the '4th estate.' Whenever the media gets something wrong, they release a retraction. They strive to get it right, so I generally believe them.
You got that right. Ever notice, too, how they all echo each other? It's patently obviously that few of them think their own thoughts; they just copy and repeat what they hear/see on their inside-the-Reichwing-bubble media sources. It's fun to a take a typical phrase from one of their posts, copy it into a search engine, and watch how many RW blogs and media sites pop up with that same phrase in them.![]()
And Ted Bundy got hundreds of letters from adoring women, ..... all sounds fine to me.
Most of Biden's executive orders are to reverse Trump's inane executive orders.
and George Floyd was a wonderful, saintly, lovely, fine example to all black kids - apparently sticking a loaded gun in the stomach of a visibly pregnant black woman saying to her: "If you try to stop my two brothers from stealing all your valuables I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR BABY"!!! - this lovely behaviour is fine with Biden and Kamaleeion and the BLM.
PS: The BLM did nothing for the victim ... thats what I said... THE BLM DID NOTHING FOR THE VICTIM <<<<< !!!!! I know facts are hard to take but there you have it. The Dem lefties dont give a flying kite either.
I am hoping you are being sarcastic?? There can be no other rational reason for your comment above.How much oppression is a black man suppose to tolerate? He only did that because he lived in the most racist country on the planet and walked around everyday in fear if his life because the racist police were hunting him every single day. And then when ttump was elected well he just couldn't take it anymore he HAD to do those things.
I am hoping you are being sarcastic?? There can be no other rational reason for your comment above.