It must REALLY suck to still be a trumpanzee!
Has to suck more to be such a lying moron on steroids and supporter of an unaccomplished, senile, OLD, WHITE dunce.
It must REALLY suck to still be a trumpanzee!
It must REALLY suck to still be a trumpanzee!
hes also beating him in exective orders , if you recall trump was called a dictator for using elective order but biter and O bung hole are hero
Most of Biden's executive orders are to reverse Trump's inane executive orders.
A tRumpanzee moron challenging the intellect of anyone is hilarious. Your dumbass spent the last four years digesting blatant tRump lies that an average middle school student could determine were lies. Yet you lapped them up like the mindless dumbfuck that you are. No wonder tRump said he liked the "uneducated".
Sure thing, Skippy. You know best.![]()
It must REALLY suck to still be a trumpanzee!
And here is another welcome message accompanied by a threat. You are really screwed up.Hello and welcome redfish,
Argument of the Stick fallacy. You have quite probably the longest ignore list on JPP. You can't have a normal conversation. You need to stay in your Safe Zone. All you do is just allow people to talk about you 'behind your back' so to speak.I've read your first dozen posts. I don't get the impression that we will be able to have mutually respectful discussions because you've already issued blanket derogatory remarks about the entire left, which includes me. I am a liberal thinking American. If you are an American too, I want to be able to at least talk about the issues facing our country, even if we disagree. But here's the thing. Any discussions between us must be on an equal footing of mutual respect as fellow Americans. If you think we can talk about politics without insults or getting personal I am for it. Can you do that? If so, I welcome it. If not, we won't be talking long.
You are not interested in debate. You aren't interested in conversations with anyone except liberals.The way I see it, people either come here with a sincere desire to discuss the business of our nation, or they just want to unload on 'the other side,' whichever that is for them. I have zero interest in being an enabler for internet abuse. The first instance of it will result in getting cut off forever. You can search my old posts and see that I do not insult people or get personal. I just want to talk about politics. Since this is a wide open forum with essentially no rules, we collect a lot of trolls here. Anybody who has ever mouthed off at me is on my lengthy Ignore List. I will have no qualms over adding yours or anyone else's name to that list. It's all up to you. I am going to be fair, and that is what I require in return. My rules are more strict than the site rules. Please make note, respect is a two way street:
Bald faced lie. You shut out discourse. You have quite probably the longest ignore list on JPP.Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse.
Bald faced lie. Threatening people is not respect.I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me.
Argument of the Stick fallacy. So you remove yourself from yet another conversation. Big hairy deal.Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions.
Big hairy deal. You are not being civil. You are threatening.I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads.
Inversion fallacy. It is YOU being shallow.... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful.
And you won't be in it.Long Live Civil Discourse,
And you don't have it.Mutual Respect,
And you won't be in it.and Good Debate!
Right. Only a moron would adopt such a Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.
WRONG. Facts are nothing more than mutually accepted predicates. The predicate can be about something in fiction, piece of artwork, a theory of science, an axiom in mathematics, ANYTHING. Facts are just a way to shorten speech. It is a commonly accepted fact, for example, that Hobbits have hairy feet. Hobbits only exist in a work of fiction. So do their feet.Facts are things that actually exist.
A piece of fiction is a perception. Observations are a perception. Religions are a perception. Watching the Sun come up in the morning is a perception. Is it not a commonly accepted fact that the Sun rises in the east? Even the concept of North, East, South, and West are preceptions.Perceptions are not facts.
Opinions can most certainly be facts. It is the opinion, for example by Tolkien, that Hobbits have hairy feet. It is the opinion of Christians that Christ exists and He is who He says He is (namely the Son of God). That Christians believe this, is a commonly accepted fact.Opinions are not facts.
Predictions can also be facts. It can be a fact, for example, that there is a 50% chance the next coin toss will be heads. This particular fact is based on probability mathematics.The things you have speculated on are all predictions, not facts.
Quite probable. Shutting down our ability to produce oil for refining into gasoline is sure to cause shortages. This is market interference. It is fascism. That's what fascism is.Could we see $5 gasoline? Sure, that's possible.
But Biden is shutting down our ability to produce oil for refining into gasoline.That could happen no matter who is president.
Not nearly as powerful as you think. China is facing some very serious issues. It is on the verge of entering revolution after revolution again, like most of it's history. Workers are retiring. There is not enough new workers to replace them. Those still working are saving like crazy instead of spending because there is NO retirement benefit from the government. Money velocity is almost nil in China and has been for some time. Those with any wealth at all are doing everything possible to get it OUT of China before the crash. The see the writing on the wall. What they are doing is illegal, but they are doing it anyway.Will China tell us what to do? That is a concern. China is becoming a very powerful nation.
Nowhere near it.Their economy is poised to surpass ours.
Some do. Unfortunately, the government of China thinks otherwise.We will have to be very wary of China, but the fact is people in America and China both realize we are better of if we cooperate than if either nation tries to dominate the other.
Correct. It's quite public.I do not believe that China has any 'secret evidence' on President Biden.
Time will tell. Perhaps they will get rid of Biden with one of Hillary's 'accidents'. Maybe the day will come when he simply can't find his way back to the White House.I certainly do not believe that Pelosi and Harris have any kind of plan to invoke the 25th.
Paradox. Beginning four years ago you said the election was tainted by interference by the Russians. Now you suddenly claim it's clean?????And no way I believe the election was anything but fair and well certified.
The President is not elected by popular vote in the United States. It is already known that you do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor the constitution of any State.Trump lost the popular vote in every election he ever entered.
He did too. An amazing set of accomplishments, despite the persecution he went through by the Democrats.He won the EC in 16 and he had his chance to improve America.
No. Successfully negotiating new treaties in North America to better favor the U.S. is not a failure. Removing burdensome regulations and taxes to allow the economy to function is not a failure. Getting NATO to pay it's bills according to NATO treaty is not a failure. Getting government out of the way to develop a vaccine to covid19 in LESS THAN A YEAR is not a failure. Marshaling resources for hospital equipment is not a failure. Getting mid-east nations to stop killing each other and to start trading with each other is not a failure. Getting North Korea to stop launching missiles all over the Pacific is not a failure. Exposing the swamp for what it is and the news media for what they are and so-called Big Tech for what they are is not a failure. Getting large numbers of supporters at his rallies is not a failure.I think he failed miserably.
YAVC. Yet Another Vague Comment.I think he is a crook.
YAVCHe has routinely tried to rip people off his entire life.
He is a successful real estate developer.He is a failure of a businessman
Nope. Some development projects went bankrupt due to unforeseen changes in circumstance. Not Trump. Trump never filed for bankruptcy.who went bankrupt 6 times.
Everyone has friends, dumbass.He has no friends.
It is Trump's money, not YOURS. Yes. Trump is a fighter. Another welcome relief to presidents such as Clinton, Bush, or Obama.He grew up as a bully millionaire's kid who was told to suspect everyone is after his money.
It is Trump's money, not YOURS.He thinks that anybody who has anything to do with him is after his money.
Psychoquackery. True Scotsman fallacy.He doesn't know what true friendship is even like.
Fake News.He cheated in school, paid others to take tests for him, and he doesn't read books.
Strawman fallacy.He got caught lying on camera, trying to say he read 'Vanity of the Bonfires' when he obviously didn't:
Lie. YOU are a pathological chronic liar.Trump is a pathological chronic liar.
Redfish is another tRumpanzee recycled "sock".
You got that right. Ever notice, too, how they all echo each other? It's patently obviously that few of them think their own thoughts; they just copy and repeat what they hear/see on their inside-the-Reichwing-bubble media sources. It's fun to a take a typical phrase from one of their posts, copy it into a search engine, and watch how many RW blogs and media sites pop up with that same phrase in them.![]()
There is no 'fake unconstitutional impeachment', Mrs. Bubbles.
You're really not very good at insults, honey.
You might as well give it up, Persistent Troll. Unread. Always will be.
This message is hidden because Into the Night is on your ignore list.
And intelligent and independent thinker could never defend tRump. Neither could a TRUE Christian.