Biden deploying B-1 bombers to Norway to send a message to Russia

a childish misunderstanding of the ability of China to divide and conquer-
China is already overwhelming the westPac defenses as well

ROFLMAO. I looooove how Putin's minions fear-monger China then say "Who's a threat? Not us!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

First, divide and conquer is as old as the Roman empire.

Second, would some Putin cocksucker care to explain how "China is already overwhelming the westPac defenses"?

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The word "could" is crucial to understanding that sentence, comrade dookie. :)

Russia has more to fear from the Chinese than the US. What are you and Putin doing about that?
you blithering idiot

Vostok 2018 (Восток) drills - taking place in eastern Siberia close to the border with China -
involve 300,000 Russian troops as well as joint exercises with the Chinese army.

....Putin is missing toadstool right about now

The US Air Force is deploying B-1 bombers to Norway for the first time in a move that sends a clear message to Moscow that the US military will operate in the strategically important Arctic region and demonstrate that it will defend allies in the area against any Russian aggression close to the country's border.

Four US Air Force B-1 bombers and approximately 200 personnel from Dyess Air Force in Texas are being deployed to Orland Air Base in Norway, and within the next three weeks, missions will begin in the Arctic Circle and in international airspace off northwestern Russia, according to multiple defense officials.

Until now, military missions over the Arctic had been largely staged out of the United Kingdom. The movement of forces much closer to Russia means the US will be able to react more quickly to potential Russia aggression, officials say.

"Operational readiness and our ability to support allies and partners and respond with speed is critical to combined success," said Gen. Jeff Harrigian, commander of US Air Forces in Europe and Africa.

Read more:

Obama said Russia is not a threat the cold war is over!
you blithering idiot

Vostok 2018 (Восток) drills - taking place in eastern Siberia close to the border with China -
involve 300,000 Russian troops as well as joint exercises with the Chinese army.

Disagreed, Dookie. Cocksuckers of dictators and wannabe dictators are blithering idiots. That means you. :)

Thanks for the evidence "Once a fucking Commie, always a fucking Commie".

I knew this thread would bring Little Commie Annie out swinging...........couldn't be more obvious we've got a Ruskie dick sucker making 5 rubles/hr in St Petersburg here
Obama said Russia is not a threat the cold war is over!
So I guess Biden is starting it back up! Nice!

No, the Kerry State dept undermined the Obama Russian reset, thru the Euromaidan causing the Crime annexation

and here we are in Cold War 2.0
ha ha ha
Trump sanctions /Donbass war funding of lethal weapons that Obama refused to do

Trump has publicly kissed Putin's ass, where have you been. Do you remember Trump saying that he had asked Putin if he interfered in our elections, and Trump said, that Putin told him that he didn't, and that he believes Putin.