Biden drops out

Matt can't own a gun and can't leave his facility unescorted, so I'm certain the FBI will find him to be a paper tiger.

OTOH, notice how the MAGAts can post violent intentions attacking and murdering innocent American citizens, but when I start a thread advocating all Americans arm themselves against tyranny, they crap their collective Depends?

@T. A. Gardner
@RB 60
You're the one advocating making killing Trump supporters a national pastime.
You have a fetish with killing, yet you're a gutless coward who's afraid to stand
one on one, face to face. You're as yellow-bellied as they come, a low life loser,
a squealing whining wimp who's cries fell on deaf ears. You deserve what you get.
You're the one advocating making killing Trump supporters a national pastime.
You have a fetish with killing, yet you're a gutless coward who's afraid to stand
one on one, face to face. You're as yellow-bellied as they come, a low life loser,
a squealing whining wimp who's cries fell on deaf ears. You deserve what you get.
You say a lot of silly things, Arbie. Like most MAGAts you prove yourself to be both poorly educated and less than average IQ since I've never said that. Find Legion's post for the quote and read it slowly to until you understand it. Stop seeing only what you want to see. It makes you look stupid.

Your projections about cowardice are interesting and revealing, Arbie. You're a momma's boy who was bullied and called a coward when you wouldn't fight 3-5 idiots acting like you are acting now. Like most MAGAts, you say you support the US military then shit all over all vets who disagree with you, especially if they are officers.

Your First Amendment rights allow you to post all the lies and personal attacks you like, but please stop thinking your fellow MAGAts don't realize the same things I do. It's not rocket science.
You say a lot of silly things, Arbie. Like most MAGAts you prove yourself to be both poorly educated and less than average IQ since I've never said that. Find Legion's post for the quote and read it slowly to until you understand it. Stop seeing only what you want to see. It makes you look stupid.

Your projections about cowardice are interesting and revealing, Arbie. You're a momma's boy who was bullied and called a coward when you wouldn't fight 3-5 idiots acting like you are acting now. Like most MAGAts, you say you support the US military then shit all over all vets who disagree with you, especially if they are officers.

Your First Amendment rights allow you to post all the lies and personal attacks you like, but please stop thinking your fellow MAGAts don't realize the same things I do. It's not rocket science.
You lie like the squealing mentally deficient coward you are. That's a fucking joke, you saying I'm poorly educated, especially if it's you in comparison. Everyone knows you're a lying piece of shit.

It's been proven you're a coward, time and time again. You have to hide behind others because you're a yellow bellied twit.

Of course I support our military as a whole, but there are cowards and woke soldiers in the military. I'm sure you and they would be the first to scream conscientious objector if the shit hit the fan and hide under your bed.
You say a lot of silly things, Arbie. Like most MAGAts you prove yourself to be both poorly educated and less than average IQ since I've never said that. Find Legion's post for the quote and read it slowly to until you understand it. Stop seeing only what you want to see. It makes you look stupid.

Your projections about cowardice are interesting and revealing, Arbie. You're a momma's boy who was bullied and called a coward when you wouldn't fight 3-5 idiots acting like you are acting now. Like most MAGAts, you say you support the US military then shit all over all vets who disagree with you, especially if they are officers.

Your First Amendment rights allow you to post all the lies and personal attacks you like, but please stop thinking your fellow MAGAts don't realize the same things I do. It's not rocket science.
One only has to look at Arby's "education" and upbringing

Very low grade person

bet you can't guess who this one is...
There are "some" folks in here that love to puff up their chests,...brag about military service, play the part of the badass. People shouldnt really do that, never know who you could be talking to. Would I ever travel somewhere to meet up with someone I had a beef with? Nope,...most likely not. Waste of my time and energy. But,........dont be the guy who ever comes to me as you will surely live to regret it, if you are lucky. I am 60 years old and have always tried my best to avoid hurting anyone in physical confrontation,...I turn the other cheek until I am unable to turn anymore and am left with no other options. The few confrontations I have been in over the last 30 years have been short and sweet,....did all I could to avoid them,...until I couldnt anymore,...they all ended badly for the aggressor. I had one three years ago at 57 years old,....I was attacked from behind. Nothing I could do about it as it was from behind. It ended real bad for him. The second I was attacked IT kicked in. I have zero control over it,....muscle memory pounded into my brain. Its really something how this all works, dont even think about what you are doing, its just kicks in like a damn computer...its almost like having something inside you thats in control and you are just the vessel. You think I like that? I dont! In fact I hate it. Point being,........dont be floating checks you cant cash as you might end up having one hell of a big surprise. You just dont know who you are talking to on line so beware.
We don’t care one whit who you silly Dems voted for in the Primary. The Party will decide your candidate for you.
Keep trying. You may get something worthwhile. (But I doubt it.)

No matter if Joe Biden stuck it out...or dropped would have pissed on the move.

All we on this side of the issue can do is to laugh our asses off at the discomfort you are going through right now.
