Biden drops out

There are "some" folks in here that love to puff up their chests,...brag about military service, play the part of the badass. People shouldnt really do that, never know who you could be talking to. Would I ever travel somewhere to meet up with someone I had a beef with? Nope,...most likely not. Waste of my time and energy. But,........dont be the guy who ever comes to me as you will surely live to regret it, if you are lucky. I am 60 years old and have always tried my best to avoid hurting anyone in physical confrontation,...I turn the other cheek until I am unable to turn anymore and am left with no other options. The few confrontations I have been in over the last 30 years have been short and sweet,....did all I could to avoid them,...until I couldnt anymore,...they all ended badly for the aggressor. I had one three years ago at 57 years old,....I was attacked from behind. Nothing I could do about it as it was from behind. It ended real bad for him. The second I was attacked IT kicked in. I have zero control over it,....muscle memory pounded into my brain. Its really something how this all works, dont even think about what you are doing, its just kicks in like a damn computer...its almost like having something inside you thats in control and you are just the vessel. You think I like that? I dont! In fact I hate it. Point being,........dont be floating checks you cant cash as you might end up having one hell of a big surprise. You just dont know who you are talking to on line so beware.
I ain't looking for any confrontation that cannot be settled by who can fart the loudest.
I ain't looking for any confrontation that cannot be settled by who can fart the loudest.
You've nailed the JPP MAGAt contingent.

Not only do they regularly see who can fart the loudest, but they spend almost as much time smelling each other's farts as seen on this thread. Sad.
Okay, Beverly Hills Rapper, NOT the real Tiggered59. :rolleyes2:

You're Mason or guno. :|

Or maybe Jittler.
I will never ever ever understand why conservatives have issues with REALITY??? This constant jab of me being someone else is getting old and its exhausting. I troll other political venues beside JPP, duh
I will never ever ever understand why conservatives have issues with REALITY??? This constant jab of me being someone else is getting old and its exhausting. I troll other political venues beside JPP, duh
Un huh. I dealt with Triggered59 for years. You ain't her. :nono: