Biden drops out

As one of the greatest one term president EVER

We'll see. The Biden body-count isn't over.

All this turmoil in the D party, the uncertainty, the inflation, gas prices, wars, and lack of upward mobility....combined with the deal trump cut with Kennedy to release all the info about his uncle Johns murder by our own deepstate if Kennedy gets on the ballot in the swing states. :) Nice,...absolutely brilliant. Big trump win coming. Plus this way all you dummies will finally know that he was clipped by the deepers because of his EO 11110. Gonna be a real blast!
The only real downside I can see is im gonna miss toying with the leftards in here when they all run and hide in shame and disgrace after the election. Oh well,....I can always pull the wings off of flies I guess....:cool:
"If you can be convinced that you cannot defeat Donald Trump, will you stand down?" Stephanopoulos asked. "It depends on -- on if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that, I might do that," Biden said.

Guess he came today