Biden fed up with gays, saying "World is Going to Hades in a Hand Basket"

$20 says it has something to do with his mother. :laugh:

These wackadoodle thread shouldn't be taken anymore seriously than the wackadoodles who support them.

Grow up, pussy. Still showing that infantile character we all know you have.
Take your own advice, Momma's Boy. You're the one supporting wacky theories and crying to Mommy when people are mean to you.

LOL! Still trying to deny you're the one who wussed out? I'm the one who said I'd come down there and you could talk your shit to my face. Your the one who said you'd wimp out and would have me arrested if I readjusted your attitude. A Marine, who doesn't have the balls to defend himself? I never thought there could be such a thing as a pussy Marine. I still don't think there is, and I'm not alone. PUSSY :)
That's what I thought you're just another low IQ opioid addicted uneducated right winger

I'd guess you never thought it would be so easy for a low IQ opioid addicted uneducated right winger to 'turn out' Momma katzgar, did you?


Which one is your Mom and which one is your wife?
Yes. Trump is the Messiah to some Trumpkins.

Watch President Trump's farewell speech from White House

17:07 - 17:40

as i think back on the past four years one image rises in my mind above all
others whenever i traveled all along the motorcade route there were thousands
and thousands of people they came out with their families so that they could
stand as we passed and proudly wave our great American flag.

It never failed to deeply move me i knew that they did not just come out to show
their support of me they came out to show me their support and love for our country
Snitches. You smell like a Biden snitch who reports what we post here to Biden's goons.

Dude, you've already proved you're a wackadoodle. No sense in continuing to prove just how nuts you are since you could run headlong into a Red Flag law. :)
Watch President Trump's farewell speech from White House

17:07 - 17:40

as i think back on the past four years one image rises in my mind above all
others whenever i traveled all along the motorcade route there were thousands
and thousands of people they came out with their families so that they could
stand as we passed and proudly wave our great American flag.

It never failed to deeply move me i knew that they did not just come out to show
their support of me they came out to show me their support and love for our country

You have pus for brains
I'm safe, sound and sane unless sufficiently provoked.

That' what everyone says. The proof in if their ideas, thoughts and posts are rational or irrational. Yours are irrational...consistently irrational such as those on this thread.
Just more Joke run up the proverbial flag pole. That is, Joke for his entire career has shifted positions like a flag flapping in a hurricane. The guy has a moral compass that spins continuously. Yet, he's now touted as some great uniter and savior of the nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. We're seeing it unfold daily. The border collapse, the silence on radical Left wing rioting that's still going on nationwide, the feckless weighing in to be politically correct--at least when he's awake from his fourth nap of the day or something--and willingness to go along with every crackpot idea the ideologues of the Left in his party cook up in Congress.

Nothing could be more dangerous.

When you are in politics for almost 50 years, things change. Circumstances change. Knowledge changes.
The left wants a better and kinder America. The right wants threats and violence to determine policy. Being rude and crude is not how you win an argument. It is how rightys talk back and forth stressing anger and hate. Confrontation does not often end well.
When you are in politics for almost 50 years, things change. Circumstances change. Knowledge changes.
The left wants a better and kinder America. The right wants threats and violence to determine policy. Being rude and crude is not how you win an argument. It is how rightys talk back and forth stressing anger and hate. Confrontation does not often end well.

Homogeneity leads to consensus.

When Americans mostly shared the same experiences of life as Americans, we developed a way of minimizing our differences as much as we did, to get along.

Conservatives learned and shared a true understanding of what was best for America because we all had someone who knew someone whose relative had fought with Washington or at the Battle of Gettysburg or who lived through the Great Depression and we still honor the service of those remaini8ng WWII veterans among us.

But as we have imported aliens to reside here who have a mind to changing America to be what they want it to be instead of what we want and need it to be to stay whole and functional and free, we are no longer one people proud to be known as "Americans."

Conservatives by nature and nurture have grown to be doers and not as much, talkers.

It's comparable to the joke about the dog who can walk on two legs. Yeah, Conservatives can carry on intellectual discussions, but to many of my brethren, they don't do it well or as their first option.

So, to get some of the really great Conservatives that currently post here to forums like this AT ALL is a significant occurrence because many Conservatives would rather not have to try to explain what is obvious to them and what we feel should be obvious to everyone.

How to stop America's erosion. How to fix America. How to save America.

So when Leftists, who want to impose Communism on US, are told in the best way that we can explain it, why Communism is not a good idea but the Leftists persist in pushing Commie ideas forward anyway, and they won't listen to reason, we reach a point when we know you guys are being obtuse because any normal person would "get it" the first time we explained it.

And when we can't get the Leftists to see the common sense wisdom which comes to Conservatives as though by osmosis, the only thing left to do is to treat the Leftists on the screen as the enemies they are.

By calling them names in lieu of using powerful written responses.

The Left is taking advantage of not just fuzzy brained Libbies, but Leftists are taking advantage of Conservative tendencies to be doers rather than talkers.

And don't you try to play innocent nor dumb.

You are neither.

And you know it.
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When you are in politics for almost 50 years, things change. Circumstances change. Knowledge changes.
The left wants a better and kinder America. The right wants threats and violence to determine policy. Being rude and crude is not how you win an argument. It is how rightys talk back and forth stressing anger and hate. Confrontation does not often end well.

Biden has always been a feather in the wind. He's never produced any really significant legislation either. His academic background could be characterized as mediocre, his time in the US Senate as unproductive and lackluster. So far as President he's screwed the pooch repeatedly in just the 100 or so days he's been in office. He's put the kibosh on thousands of jobs in the oil and coal industries, completely fucked up the Southern US border, has emboldened America's enemies like China, N. Korea, Iran, and Russia.

The Left may "want a better and kinder America," but so far they're making it more tribal, divided, racist, hateful, violent, and poor. Abroad, Leftist policies leave the US weak and easily challenged. Look at Iran right now. They've openly admitted they're enriching to 60 to 75% now and Biden is talking about trying to reopen the failed deal Obama made. The Iranians obviously aren't the least bit worried about Biden doing anything. I wouldn't be surprised if they got a nuke in the next two years.
N. Korea is back to firing ballistic missiles at will. The Chinese are ramping up their campaign to bring Taiwan into their scope of power, while they're openly challenging Philippine sovereignty on several reefs and islands near the nation itself. Biden sits on the sidelines.

He babbles on about this massive infrastructure bill, but like the one Obama passed, it's mostly bullshit stuff that won't make a penny on ROI. Meanwhile he has Lurch... err, John Kerry the traitor, out making deals on Gorebal Warming that will slam the US economy hard. His UN ambassador has dissed her own nation hard in a speech calling the US massively racist.
You would ask smarter questions if you read the info I posted.
Dude, Trump is a pedophile. See? Here' the evidence:


If you think that's wackadoodle, then why won't people see your assertions that a community organizer plunged the world into the Great Recession. :laugh:
Biden has always been a feather in the wind. He's never produced any really significant legislation either. His academic background could be characterized as mediocre, his time in the US Senate as unproductive and lackluster. So far as President he's screwed the pooch repeatedly in just the 100 or so days he's been in office. He's put the kibosh on thousands of jobs in the oil and coal industries, completely fucked up the Southern US border, has emboldened America's enemies like China, N. Korea, Iran, and Russia.

The Left may "want a better and kinder America," but so far they're making it more tribal, divided, racist, hateful, violent, and poor. Abroad, Leftist policies leave the US weak and easily challenged. Look at Iran right now. They've openly admitted they're enriching to 60 to 75% now and Biden is talking about trying to reopen the failed deal Obama made. The Iranians obviously aren't the least bit worried about Biden doing anything. I wouldn't be surprised if they got a nuke in the next two years.
N. Korea is back to firing ballistic missiles at will. The Chinese are ramping up their campaign to bring Taiwan into their scope of power, while they're openly challenging Philippine sovereignty on several reefs and islands near the nation itself. Biden sits on the sidelines.

He babbles on about this massive infrastructure bill, but like the one Obama passed, it's mostly bullshit stuff that won't make a penny on ROI. Meanwhile he has Lurch... err, John Kerry the traitor, out making deals on Gorebal Warming that will slam the US economy hard. His UN ambassador has dissed her own nation hard in a speech calling the US massively racist.

Which is why I continued to be amazed that the Republicans are so fucked up they handed over the White House, the Senate and the House to the Democrats.