Biden is looking to restore faith in government

If Biden wants to restore faith in government he is going about it the wrong way. His lack of transparency about the crisis at the border does not engender faith in the government.

Republicans don’t like government .. start from there. The border problem should and undoubtedly will be addressed, but Biden’s first and overwhelming responsibility and priority was arresting the pandemic, which one of the reasons why America hired him, not the other guy. Biden has indeed acted to restore faith in government. Texas .. start there, or I can help you out with that. Stimulus, jobs report, infra-structure proposal, civility, civility..ALL of which is opposed by your side.
Republicans don’t like government .. start from there.
this is incorrect. Republicans LOVE government, when it's in the form of more law enforcement agents or increasing the size of the military

The border problem should and undoubtedly will be addressed, but Biden’s first and overwhelming responsibility and priority was arresting the pandemic, which one of the reasons why America hired him, not the other guy. Biden has indeed acted to restore faith in government. Texas .. start there, or I can help you out with that. Stimulus, jobs report, infra-structure proposal, civility, civility..ALL of which is opposed by your side.
Biden was elected solely because a majority of people hated another person. It stops and starts with that.
Yeah, well I don't care about the border. He's doing a good job for America.
Then you admit you don't give a shit about immigrant children. You don't care if they are packing the plastic cages to 1600% capacity. They are packing those kids in like sardines with no social distancing and 10% have COVID. Did you not see the 3y.o and 5 y.o. that were dropped over a 14 foot fence to fin for themselves in the middle of a desert. Fortunately the much maligned Border Patrol saved them. You are a worthless POS.
Then you admit you don't give a shit about immigrant children. You don't care if they are packing the plastic cages to 1600% capacity. They are packing those keds in like sardines with no social distancing and 10% have COVID. Did yo not see the 3y.o and 5 y.o. that were dropped over a 14 foot fence to fin for themselves in the middle of a desert You are a worthless POS.

No, I don't give a shit. Your issue is not my issue.
WASHINGTON (AP) — As President Joe Biden preaches patience but acts with urgency, his vision of the powers of the Oval Office is quickly taking shape, modeled after Democratic predecessors who dramatically expanded the reach of government to confront generational crises.

In a recent meeting with historians and in private conversations with advisers, Biden looked to the examples set by Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson as he aims to use the levers of executive authority to create opportunities and break down barriers.

Unlike Roosevelt and Johnson, who enjoyed formidable Democratic majorities in Congress, Biden has had to operate with a no-margin-for-error edge in fiercely partisan Washington.

:rofl: Danke! Du bist ein wunderbarer propagandaminister, Herr Goebbels!
Republicans don’t like government .. start from there. The border problem should and undoubtedly will be addressed, but Biden’s first and overwhelming responsibility and priority was arresting the pandemic, which one of the reasons why America hired him, not the other guy. Biden has indeed acted to restore faith in government. Texas .. start there, or I can help you out with that. Stimulus, jobs report, infra-structure proposal, civility, civility..ALL of which is opposed by your side.

Biden is about as popular in Texas as a turd in a punch bowl. He is hurting oil and gas and that kills jobs in Texas. The curtailing fracking on Federal land halts gas exploration. And the Keystone pipeline was to end in Texas bringing jobs with it. . Killing that killed jobs too. So don't try to BS me about Texas and Biden. Couple that with allowing illegal aliens to stream unchecked into Texas of who 10% have COVID in just insanity.

Biden sure is going about controlling COVID in a moronic way. He is hosting a COVID super spreader event on the border right now. It will undoubtedly infect and kill Americans.
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No, I don't give a shit. Your issue is not my issue.
Oh they are loading COVID infected immigrants onto buses and jets and sending them all over the country including your state. You don't give a shit that people will get infected and die because of Biden's COVID superspreader event on the border. But you obviously don't give a shit about the girls being raped by the coyotes and the kids they abuse. You don't give a shit about the drugs that are being smuggled in while the BP is busy taking care of the immigrants. You don't give a shit about the people that will die from those drugs. You don't give a shit about the cartels getting rich off of the human trafficking and drugs.. You are a worthless POS.
Oh they are loading COVID infected immigrants onto buses and jets and sending them all over the country including your state. But you obviously don't give a shit about the girls being raped by the coyotes and the kids they abuse. You don't give a shit about the drugs that are being smuggled in while the BP is busy taking care of the immigrants. You don't give a shit about the people that will die from those drugs. You don't give a shit about the cartels getting rich off of the human trafficking and drugs.. You are a worthless POS.

bye troll
LBJ as an example? LBJ's time in office was a nadir in faith in government. It was a period of great social unrest where most of the public didn't trust government to do anything. FDR's pre-WW 2 administration was much the same way with court packing, ramrodding through unpopular legislation, and a general suspicion of government.

In the last hundred years, there have only been three Presidents to get over 60% of the vote. LBJ and FDR were two of them. They were much more popular than you admit. FDR's legislation was extremely popular with the voters, which is why he was elected to a third term, before WWII.

There have been several posts that make it seem like FDR actually packed the Supreme Court. He did not. He threatened to. The issue was that America was changing rapidly, and the Supreme Court was trying to stop that. He threatened to pack the court, and the Supreme Court backed down to just enforcing the Constitution.