that was an employer requirement.
At no point were banks and third party payment providers asked to show such a low threshold about lowly wage earners
ROLFMAO. Employers don't give their employees 1099s.
Employees get a W-2.
How stupid are you?
that was an employer requirement.
At no point were banks and third party payment providers asked to show such a low threshold about lowly wage earners
ROLFMAO. Employers don't give their employees 1099s.
Employees get a W-2.
How stupid are you?
taxes are a voluntary reporting system tardoHmmm.. Nothing in there about reporting $600 in tips.
It is about getting employers to join a system that helps to electronically provide information that is already required.
a voluntary tip reporting program between the IRS and employers in various service industries.
These are the incentives for the employer since it reduces their liability
Participating employers demonstrate compliance with the program requirements by submitting an annual report after the close of the calendar year, which reduces the need for compliance reviews by the IRS.
Participating employers receive protection from liability under the rules that define tips as part of an employee's pay for calendar years in which they remain compliant with program requirements.
while all of this is indeed correct, you do yourself a huge disfavor by ignoring all the anti American ideology from the right.
Anti American ideology from the right? Could you give an example?
trying to ignore US Constitutional limits by making federal laws on things like abortion, marriage, machine gun prohibitions, nationwide conceal carry, etc.
semantics in the new gig economy
go bother someone else with your retarded sophomorics
How stupid are you?
No. It isn't semantics. It's tax law.
You seem to be arguing that tax law is whatever you imagine it to be rather than what is written.
taxes are a voluntary reporting system tardo
it is semantics. the business owner is responsible for reporting compliance
Whether he hires employees or contractors
you are a mouth breather. just a waste of space and air
It has to do with reporting earnings for others that pay taxes. Employers have been required to report tips for many years. This is a system to help automate that and make it easier and more accurate and reduce audits.
no shit moron.
and tips have always been taxable
And now Biden wants 27k more agents because he plans on going after low income wage earners and will also lower the threshold for 1099-k too so it is easier. He also wants all banks to report total deposits and withdrawals.
you all caught up mouth breather?
The $600 threshold for 1099-Ks have nothing to do with waiters and waitresses since they don't receive 1099-Ks.
Lowering the threshold for 1099-Ks will have no effect on anyone that already was reporting their earnings properly.
Correct, those are to go after your favorite hairdresser. Biden wants to see your annual bank deposits to get the waitress
That is not what this thread is about. stay on topic.
go read the thread title, and come back when you can debate the topic
A hairdresser will also not be getting a 1099-K unless they are getting paid with paypal or Square.
Biden said that no one making less than $400,000 a year will not be affected by his tax increases. But Biden's new 87 K IRS agents will be targeting low-income waiters and waitresses' tips. This is nothing more than another big brother power grab by biden and his admin.
Is the biden administration becoming, or are they already an authoritarian/totalitarian style government? We all know its already America's worst and destruction administration in our history as a nation, so it shouldn't be too tough to add another name to this administration that clearly defines it to a tee. (MAFIA)....Make America Fail Insidiously Again.
No, he said anyone making less than $400,000 per year will NOT be affected by any tax increases.
Of course anyone currently paying taxes on $50,000 when they are cheating and should be paying taxes on $65,000 may see an increase but I suppose you are just too fucking stupid to realize that.
We are 30 fucking trillion in debt when is the right going to realize we need to collect more taxes.
giving government more money just means they spend more money. taxes are used to pay the interest on the debt. We don't live in a sound money environment - they have no intentions of paying down the debt, they want the tax base to increase so they can justify a bigger debt ceiling
Not true. You think like a righty.