T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Hello T. A. Gardner,
But we can only exist when our environment is sustained.
What does that have to do directly with where government regulations are set. The real question here is What is the allowable amount of some type of pollution in our society? The answer to that question is virtually NEVER None. To have the society we live in we have to accept some level of pollution as a result. The EPA is trying hard to push regulations that say NONE!
We have individuals in our society who are so greedy that they don't care about anyone else, don't care about leaving a healthy planet for those who will come after us. They just don't care about the environment at all. Not one little bit. Their all consuming greed would ignore all of that in the quest for more wealth.
That includes people in government bureaucracies like it or not. There are also people that do care about the environment and want a balance between pollution and wealth generation. They are sensible. Zero tolerance and no rules are radical extremists at opposite ends of the spectrum.
It is only logical that our government maintains a regulatory agency to ensure that such greedy individuals do not spoil the planet for everyone else.
It is also logical that we put very strong checks on government to ensure that regulations are absolutely necessary, that the set points are clearly justified and reasonable and in most cases any attempt to move towards zero tolerance rules is smacked down not just with saying "No!" to such regulations but that the bureaucracy is penalized and those pushing them are fired. That keeps bureaucrats in their place.
We simply must have responsible environmental regulation.
Agreed. What we've been getting from the EPA lately though are unreasonable regulations, overly zealous regulations, unnecessary regulations, and all the other hallmarks of a bureaucracy out-of-control that needs a serious smackdown and probably mass terminations of employees doing this crap. They are not irreplaceable and a thorough housecleaning from time-to-time keeps bureaucrats in check as they know the public is watching and will fire their worthless asses if they step out of line.
If any part of the government that we, the people, created is not functioning adequately then the responsibility for that lies with we, the people, to correct it.
With the EPA that means lots of firings, a thorough review of every regulation, and chopping of those that make no sense, cost too much, or don't do anything. The EPA has lots of those.
Simply arguing that it shouldn't exist in the first place is ridiculous, and a non-starter.
I've never argued the EPA shouldn't exist. When Nixon created the EPA it was really needed. Back then, there were no controls on pollution and it was a major problem. Today, pollution is mostly well in check and the problem is an overreaching nanny state EPA doing more than it should.
Because it just comes back to basic logic:
We simply must have responsible environmental regulation.
And to get it we need to smack the EPA down hard and good because right now they aren't pushing responsible environmentalism, they're pushing zero tolerance.