T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
And the results of these should Biden implement them in red...
At least Trump didn't tank the economy on his own. It took a Chinese manufactured virus to do that.
Rejoin the Paris Accord. Tank the economy
Ban all drilling. Totally tank the economy
Commit to green energy with the Green New Deal. Totally destroy the economy
Modify whatever parts of it to ease the economic impact, whatever. We have to cut emissions to save humanity from itself. Massively increase welfare because that's the only way to fix the impact
Commit to an efficient new grid. Tank the economy
Commit to saving the national monuments from exploration and extraction. An irrelevant gesture for the most part
Commit to efficient new energy projects. Well, this contradicts all of the above, so which is it?
Create green jobs. Tank the wages of workers
Become a world leader in fighting climate change. Nobody will care and it won't get you votes
Save the endangered species. All of them? Good luck with that!
Protect wildlife. Meaningless political sop there
Protect the oceans. End the plastic pollution. Clean up the mess. So now we end using plastic. That'll really tank the economy
Strive for clean air. We have clean air. What you are calling for is Tank the economy
Strengthen the EPA. More bureaucracy to tank the economy
That's how you become the most environmentally sensitive president since Teddy Roosevelt. And, like Roosevelt, become a one term president who is seen as a failure.
Even Biden won't do all that but he is going to be a far cry better than greedy selfish uncaring Trump.
At least Trump didn't tank the economy on his own. It took a Chinese manufactured virus to do that.