Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
Don't be Dumb.
I'm thinking that ship mighta done sailed, bubba. Maybe not..
Don't be Dumb.
Makes no sense. trump's DOJ appointed him.
I'm thinking that ship mighta done sailed, bubba. Maybe not..
The Republicans will wait till after the election and treat him the way Democrats are treating Trump
You decide to he nice to me KNOW?
I know what you're trying to say, but you're pretty fucked up.
I never knew you had tres patriotic spirit.
I know what is going on...follow me.
I'm not a follower, dude. Sorry.
Those who refuse to follow truth deserve what they get.
Eat a bag of dicks, fuck off, retard.
So poof they just appear? The DOJ has nothing to do with it?
Makes no sense. trump's DOJ appointed him.
Yeah, but impeachment is doing jack shit right now.
The problem that can be addressed right now is the corrupt DOJ and FBI.
It's not all of them, but it IS some of them.
Do you write your Congressman?
I don't because mine is kickass, but I've found family letters where my predecessors have before and got good results.
Yeah.. that was a long time ago. Yeah, like back when Americans had actual representation. Before Congress voted themselves the Lords of The US.
No they are impaneled by a judge. . People are called to jury duty and may be selected for a grand jury. They are picked by a judge at random. They are not selected for one specific case. As I said, you should maybe educate yourself on the basics. You come across as an ignorant rube.
It is still the DOJ that calls for the grand jury
Why Comey was the same way. Now comey supports useless Biden
So the Democrats claimed Trump was a liar but they believe rthe lies of Biden
Does Biden believe anyone is stupid enough to believe this. WAIT!!!!! this is mean for Biden voters and they are that stupid
No it isn't. The jury is part of the judicial branch, DOJ is the Executive Branch. Jesus fucking Christ, can you learn anything? Pick up a fucking civics book. You look like a complete fucking moron. The DOJ has ZERO to do with picking or empaneling a Federal Grand Jury. Period. Full stop. You could not possibly be more wrong.
Comey was appointed by Obama and held over by trump. trump fired Comey when Comey refused to drop the investigation into Flynn. Then trump appointed Wray. You're saying trump was too stupid to appoint an FBI director. Both Comey and Wray refuse to buckle under to maga pressure and so the magas smear and try to intimidate them. That's exactly what's happening.
People aren’t stupid enough to believe Trump nor a recognized propaganda site as the epoch times, only those drunk on the Kool Aid would believe either