Biden to recieve medal


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Biden to receive medal from Russia for removing all the sanctions trump put on Prussia slowing down the ng pipe line and costing Russia billions but god old blow hole joe managed to get the sanctions removed and help out his buddy Putin and all the while killing a oil pipe line that would of \helped another nation were friends with aka Canada .And it only gets better from here , who side is joe working for ours LOL probably not , theirs well it all depends on how much the bag boy hunter has got paid, almost for sure Biden is on bidens sides of that me we have no doubt
The Taliban will almost for sure give joe a medal for sure setting them up in Afghanistan and turning it into a terrorist haven and drug deal haven .
Senate Democrats To Hold Hearings On Biden Admin’s ‘Flawed’ Afghan Withdrawal
Photo of Martin Walsh Martin WalshAugust 18, 2021


Senate Democrats are planning to investigate the Biden administration’s “flawed” American withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Senate Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committees — both chaired by Democrats — are planning to investigate the catastrophic withdrawal that resulted in roughly 10,000 American citizens and nearly 40,000 other allies left stranded in Afghanistan as the Talib take over the country, Axios reported.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) are vowing to investigate the crisis.

“As the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I hope to work with the other committees of jurisdiction to ask tough but necessary questions about why we weren’t better prepared for a worst-case scenario involving such a swift and total collapse of the Afghan government and security forces. We owe those answers to the American people and to all those who served and sacrificed so much,” Warner said in his statement.

“I am disappointed that the Biden administration clearly did not accurately assess the implications of a rapid U.S. withdrawal. We are now witnessing the horrifying results of many years o policy and intelligence failures,” Menendez said in his own statement.

“The American and Afghan people clearly have not been told the truth,” he added.

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Lol, should we start calling this a witch hunt like you did for all the investigations into the former administration?

General Milley says there’s a time for reevaluating what went wrong, but for now, we just need to focus on the mission.

Be ready though, the investigation will also examine the Trump administrations part in this.
Lol, should we start calling this a witch hunt like you did for all the investigations into the former administration?

General Milley says there’s a time for reevaluating what went wrong, but for now, we just need to focus on the mission.

Be ready though, the investigation will also examine the Trump administrations part in this.

actually a with hunt is what you call it when its based on rumors and lies when itrs based on fact and truthb such as current events its called biden in the news
Biden to receive medal from Russia for removing all the sanctions trump put on Prussia slowing down the ng pipe line and costing Russia billions but god old blow hole joe managed to get the sanctions removed and help out his buddy Putin and all the while killing a oil pipe line that would of \helped another nation were friends with aka Canada .And it only gets better from here , who side is joe working for ours LOL probably not , theirs well it all depends on how much the bag boy hunter has got paid, almost for sure Biden is on bidens sides of that me we have no doubt


how long will it be now before Syria and Iran off a medal to Joe maybe cubs and Mexico , \\Of all nations Mexico owes how a medal more then another nation on earth , just the cartels owe him billions
I think the drug cartels are having a solid gold statue of blow hole biden made. It will show a lasder aginst the boarder wall with joe at the bottom waving illegals on to climb over the wall with a sign no vax needed no job needed
Biden to receive medal from Russia for removing all the sanctions trump put on Prussia slowing down the ng pipe line and costing Russia billions but god old blow hole joe managed to get the sanctions removed and help out his buddy Putin and all the while killing a oil pipe line that would of \helped another nation were friends with aka Canada .And it only gets better from here , who side is joe working for ours LOL probably not , theirs well it all depends on how much the bag boy hunter has got paid, almost for sure Biden is on bidens sides of that me we have no doubt

As a result within 100 days of correcting numerous atrocities of the lawlessly hacked in Putin b!tch tRump's insurgency and dealing with the Afghanistan mess that tRump intentionally left for President Biden to deal with as a heinous setup; getting over 200 million Americans covid vaccinated. This includes with global implications that has contributed to the advancement of the U.S. economy and convidence among the global community, President Biden deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and just for these reasons alone:

Budowsky: President Biden for the Nobel Peace Prize

If the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize was made today, I propose the recipient should be President Biden, who has been formally nominated.

What follows are reasons that our nation’s president, based on what he has achieved during his first six months in office, and what he aspires to achieve going forward, has earned the honor.

First, Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations."
As a result within 100 days of correcting numerous atrocities of the lawlessly hacked in Putin b!tch tRump's insurgency and dealing with the Afghanistan mess that tRump intentionally left for President Biden to deal with as a heinous setup; getting over 200 million Americans covid vaccinated. This includes with global implications that has contributed to the advancement of the U.S. economy and convidence among the global community, President Biden deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and just for these reasons alone:

Budowsky: President Biden for the Nobel Peace Prize

If the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize was made today, I propose the recipient should be President Biden, who has been formally nominated.

What follows are reasons that our nation’s president, based on what he has achieved during his first six months in office, and what he aspires to achieve going forward, has earned the honor.

First, Biden, after four years of a president who divided America from our democratic allies and praised various enemies of democracy and abusers of human rights around the world, has restored America’s role as a leader of the free world of democratic nations."

Hey look joes a Avenger now wow other then lying and mass stupidity I wonder what his super power is ? And harris is her super power still sucking cock ?
Lol, should we start calling this a witch hunt like you did for all the investigations into the former administration?

General Milley says there’s a time for reevaluating what went wrong, but for now, we just need to focus on the mission.

Be ready though, the investigation will also examine the Trump administrations part in this.

Translation: "Don't look over here."