Biden to recieve medal

Joes plan to give a list of Americans and afgans etc that they want to get out of the nation alone deserves a medal.
What Joe did was basically the same as if he had given the cartel a list of every undercover agent and Informer we had. You know they are going to wack a few of them . joe the fucking pinhead moron. What a plan joe.
Dont forget to let the russians and Chinese and n korea know who all of our agents and 8nformers are so they can wack them also
Biden stands to get another medal for arming the Taliban the haqqani network Al-Qaeda and others . they will be well supplied with weapons and ammo thanks to joe bidens plan.
WOW Biden will get medals from the Taliban, and several muslin terrorist groups the drug cartels Russia and china and several oil producing nations all the transvestites and socialist .

No wonder joe thinks hes a Avenger



Biden to receive medal from Russia for removing all the sanctions trump put on Prussia slowing down the ng pipe line and costing Russia billions but god old blow hole joe managed to get the sanctions removed and help out his buddy Putin and all the while killing a oil pipe line that would of \helped another nation were friends with aka Canada .And it only gets better from here , who side is joe working for ours LOL probably not , theirs well it all depends on how much the bag boy hunter has got paid, almost for sure Biden is on bidens sides of that me we have no doubt

I wonder if it will be as nice or nicer than the medal Trump got from Russia for taking the largest amount of Russian prostitute piss to the face of anyone in history?
why yes I do first claim Taliban love him for giving them billions in weapons next claim Russia he removed sanctions from on them and that put billions a year in russias cash strapped economy

I still don't see proof of anything in your dribbling and babbling.

And the only billions in weapons they got were the weapons the US sold the Afghan govt over twenty years and 3 Presidents.

Keep in mind.... Trump made the deal, not Biden. :fu:
I still don't see proof of anything in your dribbling and babbling.

And the only billions in weapons they got were the weapons the US sold the Afghan govt over twenty years and 3 Presidents.

Keep in mind.... Trump made the deal, not Biden. :fu:

lol your a idiot so your saying blow hole joe didnt abandon weapons lol your a idiot
lol your a idiot so your saying blow hole joe didnt abandon weapons lol your a idiot


You're too fucking stupid to understand that the US over 3 administrations, including Trump, sold or otherwise provided litary hardware to the Afghan army to employ in the fight against the Taliban and ISIS.

Any hardware that was left by the US belonged to the Afghan army and it was assumed the would continue to fight the terrorists.

The fact that they folded up and fell apart like a cheap suit and handed their weapons over, is nobody's fault but their own.

You're too fucking stupid to understand that the US over 3 administrations, including Trump, sold or otherwise provided litary hardware to the Afghan army to employ in the fight against the Taliban and ISIS.

Any hardware that was left by the US belonged to the Afghan army and it was assumed the would continue to fight the terrorists.

The fact that they folded up and fell apart like a cheap suit and handed their weapons over, is nobody's fault but their own.

and your to fucking stupid to understand that we left a bunch also and we should of destroyed any and all abandoned military weapons or we or others will have to face these same guns again one day in the hands of terriost and the taliban . again a stupid plan that any idiot would of been able to deal with except biden and you will suck his ass and make excuses for his fuck ups for years to come to try and excuse your stupidy for voting for him
I still don't see proof of anything in your dribbling and babbling.

And the only billions in weapons they got were the weapons the US sold the Afghan govt over twenty years and 3 Presidents.

Keep in mind.... Trump made the deal, not Biden. :fu:

lol keep in mind Biden is president and he has used executive power time and time again to undo anything trump did so dont blame trump asshole joe didnt have opt pull out and could of done what ever he wants . he did and now hes got to wear it like the badge of stupidly he already has earned
and your to fucking stupid to understand that we left a bunch also and we should of destroyed any and all abandoned military weapons or we or others will have to face these same guns again one day in the hands of terriost and the taliban . again a stupid plan that any idiot would of been able to deal with except biden and you will suck his ass and make excuses for his fuck ups for years to come to try and excuse your stupidy for voting for him

Try to get this through your ignorant, low-educated redneck skull, Bullshit Bobby.... the stuff that was left behind belonged to the Afghan army and it was left so they could use it to keep fighting the Taliban.

Had we taken back all the weapons, assuming we could have, you fucking assholes would be howling like stuck pigs about how we left the Afghan army with no weapons to fight with.

Fuck you, ignorant hillbilly!!! :fu:
lol keep in mind Biden is president and he has used executive power time and time again to undo anything trump did so dont blame trump asshole joe didnt have opt pull out and could of done what ever he wants . he did and now hes got to wear it like the badge of stupidly he already has earned

Ignorant hillbilly^^^ doesn't understand that had we reneged on Trump's agreement, the Taliban would have stepped up attacks and more than just 13 American soldiers would have died.

It's truly sad how fucking ignorant assholes like you are.
Ignorant hillbilly^^^ doesn't understand that had we reneged on Trump's agreement, the Taliban would have stepped up attacks and more than just 13 American soldiers would have died.

It's truly sad how fucking ignorant assholes like you are.

Ignorant asshole joe was under no obligation. And unless your the dumbest sob on the net and th8nk he had to lol your a idiot.
Joe could of got every American out destroyed the left behind hardware and got afgans out that helped up.
Then you pull out troops. Only a idiot loke joe would do it the way joe did. So stop trying to cover up for him
Ignorant asshole joe was under no obligation. And unless your the dumbest sob on the net and th8nk he had to lol your a idiot.
Joe could of got every American out destroyed the left behind hardware and got afgans out that helped up.
Then you pull out troops. Only a idiot loke joe would do it the way joe did. So stop trying to cover up for him


As part of the Doha Agreement, the Trump agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments.

At the start of the Biden administration, there were only 2,500 US soldiers in Afghanistan.

Stupid liar-ass fucking redneck retard. :fu:
Try to get this through your ignorant, low-educated redneck skull, Bullshit Bobby.... the stuff that was left behind belonged to the Afghan army and it was left so they could use it to keep fighting the Taliban.

Had we taken back all the weapons, assuming we could have, you fucking assholes would be howling like stuck pigs about how we left the Afghan army with no weapons to fight with.

Fuck you, ignorant hillbilly!!! :fu:

so hows the afgan army doing with it nomad are they using that eqt ? why no they are not the Taliban is you stupid fucker biden knew full well who would get the arms and all he sis was stick his thumb us his ass and spin on it the stuoid bastard
so hows the afgan army doing with it nomad are they using that eqt ? why no they are not the Taliban is you stupid fucker biden knew full well who would get the arms and all he sis was stick his thumb us his ass and spin on it the stuoid bastard

HEY IDIOT..... TRUMP made the deal to get out.

Either way, whether it happened under Trump or under Biden, the weapons would have been left there anyway because they BELONGED TO THE AFGHAN ARMY and they were expected to continue fighting.

And no matter who was POTUS, the Afghan Army would have caved in to the Taliban just as fast as they did.

The fact that you assholes on the right try to politicize EVERYTHING including the deaths of US soldiers, just shows the world what low class scum you really are.