Biden to recieve medal

HEY IDIOT..... TRUMP made the deal to get out.

Either way, whether it happened under Trump or under Biden, the weapons would have been left there anyway because they BELONGED TO THE AFGHAN ARMY and they were expected to continue fighting.

And no matter who was POTUS, the Afghan Army would have caved in to the Taliban just as fast as they did.

The fact that you assholes on the right try to politicize EVERYTHING including the deaths of US soldiers, just shows the world what low class scum you really are.

hey idiot trumps not president and unless your a simpleton and a idiot joe was not obligated in any way its all on him
hey idiot trumps not president and unless your a simpleton and a idiot joe was not obligated in any way its all on him

HEY IDIOT.... your idiot Trump screwed things up by leaving Biden with a fucked up choice to make.

Do you suddenly thing its OK to be the world's police force?

Do you suddenly think it's OK to continue dumping billions of tax dollars into Afghanistan year after year knowing that the fanatics have all the time in the world and are content just waiting?

You right-wingers are scum.

You're fucking hypocrites who politicize everything.
HEY IDIOT.... your idiot Trump screwed things up by leaving Biden with a fucked up choice to make.

Do you suddenly thing its OK to be the world's police force?

Do you suddenly think it's OK to continue dumping billions of tax dollars into Afghanistan year after year knowing that the fanatics have all the time in the world and are content just waiting?

You right-wingers are scum.

You're fucking hypocrites who politicize everything.

you going to blame every democrat fuck up on trump forever or be a man
Biden to receive medal from Russia for removing all the sanctions trump put on Prussia slowing down the ng pipe line and costing Russia billions but god old blow hole joe managed to get the sanctions removed and help out his buddy Putin and all the while killing a oil pipe line that would of \helped another nation were friends with aka Canada .And it only gets better from here , who side is joe working for ours LOL probably not , theirs well it all depends on how much the bag boy hunter has got paid, almost for sure Biden is on bidens sides of that me we have no doubt

Appears "bs" has all his facts wrong, shocker, Trump didn't do anything to halt the pipeline, in fact, there was very little he or Biden could do, at best, slow it down somewhat, but inevitably it was a given a long time ago

And the rest of your post is the usual talk radio rhetoric
Appears "bs" has all his facts wrong, shocker, Trump didn't do anything to halt the pipeline, in fact, there was very little he or Biden could do, at best, slow it down somewhat, but inevitably it was a given a long time ago

And the rest of your post is the usual talk radio rhetoric

fact s Biden made it easier and cheaper for Russia and faster
Lol, should we start calling this a witch hunt like you did for all the investigations into the former administration?

General Milley says there’s a time for reevaluating what went wrong, but for now, we just need to focus on the mission.

Be ready though, the investigation will also examine the Trump administrations part in this.

Milley should face a firing squad.

He's neck-deep in this fuckup.
Biden to receive medal from Russia for removing all the sanctions trump put on Prussia slowing down the ng pipe line and costing Russia billions but god old blow hole joe managed to get the sanctions removed and help out his buddy Putin and all the while killing a oil pipe line that would of \helped another nation were friends with aka Canada .And it only gets better from here , who side is joe working for ours LOL probably not , theirs well it all depends on how much the bag boy hunter has got paid, almost for sure Biden is on bidens sides of that me we have no doubt

Realistically the Nobel Peace Prize for taking on the monumental task at dealing with atrocities left behind by the lawlessly hacked in and un American tRump insurgency.
Realistically the Nobel Peace Prize for taking on the monumental task at dealing with atrocities left behind by the lawlessly hacked in and un American tRump insurgency.

He hijacked your mind you understand.

Of course you suck, But you must get on with your life....You must try.