Biden virus death counter

What's sad is the fact that Trump was chastised for allowing the state governors make the decisions for their respective states.
Biden said he was gonna stomp this virus out himself, but now changes his tune. And NO fallout from the liberal press. I wonder why?

Brandon? Oh, Brandon?
417,366 dead, all of the flu because I know you shut down the China Virus.
More deaths under Biden than Trump.

Not to worry, Biden says he will stop Covid.

WATCH: 'I will end this,' Biden says of pandemic › watch
Oct 22, 2020 — Former Vice President Joe Biden criticized President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic during the final presidential ...
CDC is now saying that the pandemic is on the verge of ending.

How about that President Biden? Ending wars, ending pandemics, bringing the economy back. This could be a truly great Presidency.