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We're a threat to the democrats statist and tyrannical agenda...................that makes me happy.
that's nice
We're a threat to the democrats statist and tyrannical agenda...................that makes me happy.
There are weapons for defending yourself and there are weapons only useful on the assault. Civilians are not allowed to just go on an open assault they are allowed to defend themselves. Just try giving a warning shot with a gun that could flatline a couple 1,700 lb yak. For that matter, try hunting with it and not ruining your kill.
Hey, Charoite...
Which one would be a better choice to "not ruin your kill" hunting large game like say elk?
Or this:
CNN: So, to gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns?
BIDEN: Bingo. You’re right if you have an assault weapon. The fact of the matter is, they should be illegal, period. Look, the Second Amendment doesn’t say you can’t restrict the kinds of weapons people can own. You can’t buy a bazooka. You can’t have a flame thrower.
AR-15s, AK-47s, and other rifles which liberals describe as “assault weapons” are, in fact, guns, and Biden has made clear he is coming for them. Therefore, his claim that he is “not taking your gun away, at all,” is false.
I'm guessing Biden is to big a chicken shit to do it himself , but who will enforce his buy back aka confiscation ?The police democrats are de funding perhaps ? the military ? His wet dreams and the taco boy ?
You un American tRump kool aid drinkers need the guns of a mental health system in order to get their guns of psychiatric and intense care at a mental health facility.
You un American tRump kool aid drinkers need the guns of a mental health system in order to get their guns of psychiatric and intense care at a mental health facility.
Must be the inner Muslim
Nobody wants your fucking guns. Rightys are going back to that old lie. Nit nobody, O would love it if we were not allowed to have guns without serious need and safety measures applied.
Nobody wants your fucking guns.
Stop it.what other rights would you like to remove and turn in to privileges for the elite only?
Stop it.
No, he doesn't, eternal 7th grader. You and your boogiemen and the conflation between assault weapons and all guns really is an embarrassment to humanity.
what other rights would you like to remove and turn in to privileges for the elite only?
Nobody wants your fucking guns. Rightys are going back to that old lie. not nobody, I would love it if we were not allowed to have guns without serious need and safety measures applied.
what the hell are you talking about ? are you high or just stupid ?
Disagree. Yes, they do.
No, he doesn't, eternal 7th grader. You and your boogiemen and the conflation between assault weapons and all guns really is an embarrassment to humanity.
I'm guessing Biden is to big a chicken shit to do it himself
and if I remember right, Beto wants my guns and Biden is talking about making him his gun czar......we already know that the anti gun californian top cop wants my just walk away with your bullshit lies about not wanting my guns.