
BS. trump's been saying he won't commit if he loses for months now.
He never said any such thing, liar.
In fact, he said the election would be illegitimate if he loses.
He never said that either.
"During his latest call-in interview to Fox News' morning program yesterday, Donald Trump was asked if he'd accept the results of his own country's election in the event of his defeat. Predictably, the president, as he's done many times before, hedged.

"You have to see what's happening," the incumbent Republican said, adding that he doesn't believe the 2020 elections will be "fair."
Typical of MSNBC, taking things out of context. Fake News.
A few hours later, with the Democratic National Convention poised to get underway, Trump hit the campaign trail, taking an even more provocative message to a Wisconsin audience.
Fake News.
"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged," Trump said during a rally in Wisconsin. "Remember that."
Contextomy fallacy. Fake News.
A year is not a thought.

In both 2016 AND now 2020, the President and the Senate have both followed the Constitution with regard to nominating, advising, and consenting on SCOTUS nominees...

In 2016, Obama nominated Garland, and the Senate did not consent to that choice. In 2020, Trump nominated Barrett, and the Senate appears as if they will consent to that choice.

I don't see what the issue is, or how 2020 is any different than 2016... The President and the Senate have been doing their Constitutional duties regarding this issue...