The speech I watched was a rambling whine that was disconnected from reality for the most part. We might be able to open by July 4th? Got news for the senile Joke, we're already doing it regardless of what you say or occasionally think Joke.
I know the people around me have stopped listening to the CDC and idiots like Fauci because they've lied or been wrong on stuff too many times.
Sure, we'll get vaccines and once we do we'll throw away our masks and start resuming our lives regardless of whatever drivel comes out of Dirty City and empty headed politicians there.
It was truly sad that Joke--the guy that claimed to be a uniter--couldn't bring himself to give so much as a scintilla of credit to Trump for things he did with Chinese Disease. The vaccines weren't suddenly developed in the last two months, nor did their distribution suddenly start the day Joke was sworn into office.
It's all so stupid on the Democrat's part. We're not helpless children and the vast majority of Americans are not dependent on what they do, say, or give as handouts. Their maternalistic pandering and moralizing is disgusting.
Joke's ramble tonight was a waste of thirty minutes of my time, and I'd like it back.