Biden's address to the nation

No, Biden certainly isn't the Hildabeast. She's a criminal, megalomaniacal, narcissist of the worst sort. Biden is just your stupid, crazy uncle you don't invite to the family reunion.

His speech Thursday was thirty minutes of rambling nonsense, non sequesters, and questionable anecdotes. He might want everyone to wear a mask, social distance, isolate, and a whole bunch of like stuff until the cows come home. I, for one, am done with that. Not happening. Joke can shove that crap straight up his ass. This lockdown is quickly becoming the new national 55 mph speed limit. Like that with Carter, Biden's going to find he's being made a joke of because he keeps pushing the masks, etc., even as the population gets vaccinated. It will end up hurting, not helping Democrats.

Bitterness and resentment is never a good look for you.

Joe Biden decisively defeated Donald Trump by over seven million votes and turned him into a failed, one term loser.

Joe Biden has a 60% approval rating.

Joe Biden passed a landmark stimulus law which is arguably the most progressive piece of legislation passed in this century, and which has a 70% approval rating.

The reason you lost is because you had an incompetent president and you hung your hat on false claims that Biden was a pedophile addled with dementia. No sentient person was ever going to buy that horseshit
First, Biden's leadership style is a quantum leap over his predecessor's complete lack of one. A Navy Chief should certainly be able to recognize the difference.

Second, if Trump hadn't fucked up the COVID response with both his greed and his nonsense, this would have ended before the election. It's only a guess, but if Trump resigned in 2019 leaving Pence as POTUS, I have no doubt it would have been a post-reelected President Pence giving that speech talking about how far we've come and how much money was saved by early actions on the part of a of Republican Presidency.

Unfortunately, Trump was a fucking moron and here we are.

I do. It isn't Trump who's a "fucking moron." I've worked for guys like Trump and guys like Biden. The Biden sort are the fucking morons. They know nothing about what they're doing and rely on a circle of people that are the 'right sort' or are like-minded. They make decisions from ignorance and when things don't work they look for scapegoats.

Trump appears to be the sort that gets decent subordinates that can do their jobs. He might not be the most likeable guy--unlike Biden--but you know he's in charge. Trump's Chinese Disease response was far better than Biden's has been.

For example Biden yesterday in his speech was either a bald-faced liar or a complete idiot (your choice) when he claimed "There was no vaccine available" before his administration was in place. Well, on December 16th 2020 he got his vaccine shot.


So how the hell did he manage that?

Biden is a rambling, liar in the speeches he's given in the last two days. Liar with a capital LIAR. And, they weren't just exaggerations or that he misspoke. One major reason Biden is so pathetic as a leader--other than his advanced age and senility--is that he's never had to really lead. He's always just been a politician doing politician things.
Now because he's put politics ahead of the good of the country and sound leadership we're having a disaster at our southern border, a Chinese Disease response that's based on a combination of what Trump's administration put in place and nonsense and quackery from morons like Fauci. Joke tells us that by July we might--MIGHT--be able to meet in small groups. He's full of shit! Most people are already doing that now. More states are opening and dropping mask and other requirements. Even those that haven't are having more and more people ignoring the bleatings of government and so-called experts. It's becoming another 55 mph speed limit farce quickly and Biden doesn't recognize it.

Biden is the crazy uncle that you don't want at the family reunion...
I do. It isn't Trump who's a "fucking moron." I've worked for guys like Trump and guys like Biden. The Biden sort are the fucking morons. They know nothing about what they're doing and rely on a circle of people that are the 'right sort' or are like-minded. They make decisions from ignorance and when things don't work they look for scapegoats.

Trump appears to be the sort that gets decent subordinates that can do their jobs.

Results count, Chief. You know that our nation should have been in the lead from the beginning on this pandemic instead of becoming a global laughingstock of ineptitude.

Here's the truth teller: Why do the Democrats now run all three branches of government? Was it because the New World Order Jewish Globalist conspiracy fucked over poor Donald Trump or was it because the Republican party has been going downhill for almost 3 decades? They'd become a quasi-religious party for a few decades then, with Trump, a full blown cult.

Regardless, results count. TBH, I'd rather Pence had taken over but it wasn't my call.
Results count, Chief. You know that our nation should have been in the lead from the beginning on this pandemic instead of becoming a global laughingstock of ineptitude.

Really? Just what has Biden done exactly to make that happen other than simply being elected?

Here's the truth teller: Why do the Democrats now run all three branches of government? Was it because the New World Order Jewish Globalist conspiracy fucked over poor Donald Trump or was it because the Republican party has been going downhill for almost 3 decades? They'd become a quasi-religious party for a few decades then, with Trump, a full blown cult.

I'd say it's in large part that they barely control Congress and Biden got elected because of highly questionable changes in election laws and methods, just as it was with their short-lived victories in Orange County California in 2018, as but one example. One good indicator of this being a major cause is how hard the Democrats are now unilaterally pushing HR 1 to institutionalize those changes nationally.
Really? Just what has Biden done exactly to make that happen other than simply being elected?

I'd say it's in large part that they barely control Congress and Biden got elected because of highly questionable changes in election laws and methods, just as it was with their short-lived victories in Orange County California in 2018, as but one example. One good indicator of this being a major cause is how hard the Democrats are now unilaterally pushing HR 1 to institutionalize those changes nationally.

In less than two months? He got a major bill passed, but I'd prefer to let him sit in the seat at least a year before passing judgment.....unless he says something completely stupid or insane, then I'd be happy to talk about it.

Let me know when he says he won the election by 30 million votes. :)

Correct about the narrow margin of control. I don't know why you think that's a Republican victory, but it tells me most Americans aren't very happy with Trump or either party.
In less than two months? He got a major bill passed, but I'd prefer to let him sit in the seat at least a year before passing judgment.....unless he says something completely stupid or insane, then I'd be happy to talk about it.

A major bill that passed without a single Republican vote (sound familiar?) and even a few Democrats voting against it. Where's that unity he touted? Now he's on a 'Good for America' tour to try and sell this bill to the public. If it's so great, why does he need to do that?

He has said something completely stupid or insane. On Wednesday, during his thirty minute speech, he directly claimed there was no vaccine available prior to his taking office. He then made claims that distribution and use of these vaccines has only occurred on his watch (eg., in the last 50 or so days). Those are bald faced lies. Either that, or Biden and his staff are utterly stupid. So, which is it? Is Biden a liar who thinks you and I are stupid, or is Biden and his staff completely stupid? It's got to one or the other...

Let me know when he says he won the election by 30 million votes. :)

He'll get to that right after he remembers what day of the week it is...

Correct about the narrow margin of control. I don't know why you think that's a Republican victory, but it tells me most Americans aren't very happy with Trump or either party.

What I predict is that if the Democrats keep it up as they have been for their first two months in control, come 2022 they are in for a royal pasting in the mid-terms. It will be unbelievably disastrous for them.

Have you heard about the "PRO Act" they're now pushing?

They are going to piss off millions of Americans in the gig economy, working side jobs, and in Right-to-Work states. They will lose a big chunk of blue collar America with that blunder of a bill.

The Left does this every time, everywhere they get in power. And, it always goes badly for them.
A major bill that passed without a single Republican vote (sound familiar?) and even a few Democrats voting against it. Where's that unity he touted? Now he's on a 'Good for America' tour to try and sell this bill to the public. If it's so great, why does he need to do that?

He has said something completely stupid or insane. On Wednesday, during his thirty minute speech, he directly claimed there was no vaccine available prior to his taking office. He then made claims that distribution and use of these vaccines has only occurred on his watch (eg., in the last 50 or so days). Those are bald faced lies. Either that, or Biden and his staff are utterly stupid. So, which is it? Is Biden a liar who thinks you and I are stupid, or is Biden and his staff completely stupid? It's got to one or the other...

He'll get to that right after he remembers what day of the week it is...

What I predict is that if the Democrats keep it up as they have been for their first two months in control, come 2022 they are in for a royal pasting in the mid-terms. It will be unbelievably disastrous for them.

Have you heard about the "PRO Act" they're now pushing?

They are going to piss off millions of Americans in the gig economy, working side jobs, and in Right-to-Work states. They will lose a big chunk of blue collar America with that blunder of a bill.

The Left does this every time, everywhere they get in power. And, it always goes badly for them.
The fact all the Republicans were against it is, indeed, significant.

Midterms usually go against the incumbents. Another example that, like myself, neither party seems to represent most Americans. That explains why 70% of Americans aren't Democrats. It' also why 70% aren't Republicans.

If the trend holds, the Republicans stand a good chance of gaining control of the Senate again...despite the number of Republicans refusing to run again.,_2022
Elections to the U.S. Senate will be held on November 8, 2022, and 34 of the 100 seats are up for regular election. Special elections may be held to fill vacancies that occur in the 117th Congress. Those elected to the U.S. Senate in the 34 regular elections in 2022 will begin their six-year terms on January 3, 2023.

Fourteen seats held by Democrats and 20 seats held by Republicans are up for election in 2022. Republicans are defending two Senate seats in states Joe Biden (D) won in the 2020 presidential election: Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Democrats are not defending any Senate seats in states Donald Trump (R) won in 2020.