Big 10 SUCKS!

And the refs even robbed Bama of a touchdown, and we still rolled. That pass was caught and tucked under his arm before he got nailed.

Good Game!!
Way to air bend fact mot.
Look at pairings OSU co-champ playing third in the SEC, MSU co champ (co-chump) playing 4th in the SEC west
What? Michigan State was 11-1 and Bama was 9-3. MSU was much higher in all the polls. By the record, MSU was clearly a superior team.

MSU was a co-champion of the Big 10, and Bama was 4th in our conference.

As for the home field, Orlando may be closer to Bama, but it is hardly our home field.

The the utter destruction of Michigan by the MS State Bulldogs was another example of what I said above.

I all ready said that MSU was the exception.
Way to air bend fact mot.
Look at pairings OSU co-champ playing third in the SEC, MSU co champ (co-chump) playing 4th in the SEC west

OSU is the de-facto #2 team in the Big 10 and Arkansas is the defacto #2 team in the SEC but the game is being played in the SEC's backyard...again. Pussies! The game should be played in Camp Randall Stadium!!
the little ten sucks big time, weak ass Nebraska will rape all of them except Ohio Slow.
Mott is in serious denial, co champ outscored by #4 SEC team big time. LOFL
Actually Topper, it's the other way around. The SEC almost always get's paired up against lower rated teams with lower won loss records in bowl games and they get to play with the home field advantage. The only exception this year was the MSU/Bama game. The Pac 10 has played more higher rated teams on the road and won more of those games then the SEC has. You can't argue the numbers. If Oregon wins in a week then clearly, from top to bottom the Pac 10 is a better conference this year then the SEC.

So if Auburn wins in a week, does that mean the Pac 10 is not a better conference, or is it just not clear?

Besides, the title of this thread isn't "Who is the best".
Ark has zero championships, Zero Sec championships and was not as good as Bama or Au. But it was good for OSU to keep the big ten from falling below the big least as worst AQ conf.
And MOtt had to shit when they said "OSU is the most SEC like school in the big ten".
Ark has zero championships, Zero Sec championships and was not as good as Bama or Au. But it was good for OSU to keep the big ten from falling below the big least as worst AQ conf.
And MOtt had to shit when they said "OSU is the most SEC like school in the big ten".
I wouldn't be bragging to much Topper. The Big 10 is 3-5 in Bowl play. The SEC is 3-4.

Look the Big 10 and Pac 10 know that the SEC is a better football conference from top to bottom and we know what we have to do to be able to compete. We need to spend the kind of money on our programs that the SEC does and we need to lower our academic standards for student athletes to SEC levels. That's one thing that inpresses the hell out of me about Florida. They spend well below the average for an SEC football program and they refuse to lower their academic standards (along with Vandy) to that of the rest of the SEC and they still win championships.
So if Auburn wins in a week, does that mean the Pac 10 is not a better conference, or is it just not clear?

Besides, the title of this thread isn't "Who is the best".
No, if Auburn wins and LSU and KY lose then it's about a wash numerically between the PAC and SEC but the edge goes to the SEC for winning the national championship. If Oregon wins though.....then the PAC 10 wraps it up as the best conference in the nation for 2010.
Congrats Mott! OSU finally broke their curse.

I'm looking forward to about 5 years from now when the Big 10 and SEC will be playing in the regular season. With the added income from the Big 10 network we'll be spending almost as much money as the SEC. I don't see the Big 10 changing their academic standards or earning quite as much as the SEC so the edge will still belong to the SEC.
OSU are the biggest hick rednecks in the Big 10? That's a low blow!! :cof1:

Keep in mind that only Florida and Vandy are rated tier 1 Universities where as all the Big 10 schools are Tier 1 schools. But to be honest with you. There are probably more rednecks at Ohio State then Alabama just because OSU is about 2 or 3 times the size of Bama. LOL
your on crack if you think the pac10 is the best

watch the NFL draft and see who gets the most top players picked
thanks for providing the new pussiest argument of lowering standards. OSU besides being slow produces some of the dumbest football factory players ever.
Yeah, high standards like violating rules and pretending to have a punishment.
In the words of you other losingest team, Child please.