Althea told me...........
Perhaps you have reading comprehension issues?Originally Posted by Taft2016
Polling is merely an internal quality controldevice the liberal news media employs.
They skew the news and report in a manner to achieve a desired result.
Polling merely shows them how successful they've been, and frankly, since theyhave a stake in it ... the entire process is questionable at best.
Didn’t that just make Taft’s point?
Polling merely shows them how successful they've been, and frankly, since they have a stake in it ... the entire process is questionable at best.
Perhaps you are too dumb to comprehend that?
But Rove did make a serious faulty calculation in his assumptions; he forgot to assess the American sheeple and their incapacity for thinking logical and fact that they re-elected Obama because he was the first acceptable "black" President for no better reason.