big big polling trouble: keep on stabbing yourself Rs

Still gendering your responses, I see. That doesn't count as rebuttal. It's simply name-calling and bigoted name-calling at that! But typical of many Conservatives and those who like their mindless jabber.

I do what the fuck I want when the fuck I want. Got it bitch?
That is what your wife said when I slapped her with my cock

More gendered comments, showing that general level of intelligence that has you bragging daily about how smart you are. I guess your comment would be punishing to someone with an IQ of 70, but since my wife is dead and cremated you would have a hard time slapping her. Another example of your puerile ignorance. Keep trying though. Sooner or later you will come up with something meaningful. If a monkey could eventually write like Shakespeare who knows what a person of your intellect and energy can create. But if this is the best you have, you're not "smart" you're not even grown up!

Obama's approval is up and ... lookie there, Repub disapproval is up to 70% and rising.

what more do you need to see the republican party no longer cares about the country.

Its all about keeping their own jobs with gerryrigged districts
what more do you need to see the republican party no longer cares about the country.

Its all about keeping their own jobs with gerryrigged districts

Are you so incredibly dense and devoted to mindlessly parroting DNC talking points that you foolishly believe that Gerry mandering is strictly a Republican practice?

Still gendering your responses, I see. That doesn't count as rebuttal. It's simply name-calling and bigoted name-calling at that! But typical of many Conservatives and those who like their mindless jabber.

Yes; the lefttards on this forum never engage in name calling and mindless jabber right?

You're selective myopic outrage has been noted however.
what more do you need to see the republican party no longer cares about the country.

Its all about keeping their own jobs with gerryrigged districts

I would argue that they care more; they realize that the irresponsible spending binge engaged in by Democrats who believed that crisis is opportunity was a detriment and uneccesary burden on the US taxpayer. They understand that what Americans earn belongs to them and not a bloated Federal Government. They understand that if we, the sheeple, do not begin to reign in this behemoth and get back to our Constitutional foundations, there will be no future.

Have they been successful in doing this? I give them a "C" for effort. But dimwitted Democrats who arrogantly act like what we earn belongs to them and that we should be thankful for what they allow us to keep, and who condescendingly believe they know better what is good for us than we, the sheeple, I give an "F" for complete failure.

You see, you're a dimwit and can't possibly comprehend the societal consequences of the welfare state, but no one has ever benefitted from being a dependent ward of the state. Yes it makes leftist dimwits feel warm and fuzzy inside thinking they care more than everyone else on the planet spending other people's money on their failed programs, but it benefits NO ONE.

But you're a dimwit; how could anyone expect you to get anything?

This is a polling memo that provides an overview of 24 surveys conducted in GOP-held House districts in the days after the 2013 government shutdown.

If the 2014 elections were held today, Republicans would be in grave danger of losingcontrol of the House of Representatives, according to a series of 24 surveys conducted byPublic Policy Polling in Republican-held House districts over the past few days. Thesurveys challenge the conventional wisdom that gerrymandering has put the House out of reach for Democrats

This is exactly why the White House is taking such a hard line stance, they have the Republican party in between a rock and a hard place and they are not letting up. They are driving in the stake between the Tea Party and the moderate Republicans as deep as they can.

Politics over Country, but at least in this case its helping those I agree with about the direction of the country.
I wasn't on the site during the last election... I'm still a newbie!

The Republicans were on here with a daily rant about how bad PPP was and how they were super partisan and how bad the polls were. It was because PPP showed that Obama was going to get re-elected. The day after the election it was pointed out that PPP was the most accurate of all the pollsters.
This is exactly why the White House is taking such a hard line stance, they have the Republican party in between a rock and a hard place and they are not letting up. They are driving in the stake between the Tea Party and the moderate Republicans as deep as they can.

Politics over Country, but at least in this case its helping those I agree with about the direction of the country.

Wrong again dimwit; they are shooting themselves in the foot almost as badly as Republicans. But there is a big difference; Democrats want an unlimited credit card to keep buying the votes of dimwitted low information voters like yourself while the Republicans see the long term damage of unlimited Government spending and the welfare state.

But you're a dimwit; you can't possibly see past that Pinocchio nose you have shoved so far up Obamas rectum. ;)
Wrong again dimwit; they are shooting themselves in the foot almost as badly as Republicans. But there is a big difference; Democrats want an unlimited credit card to keep buying the votes of dimwitted low information voters like yourself while the Republicans see the long term damage of unlimited Government spending and the welfare state.

But you're a dimwit; you can't possibly see past that Pinocchio nose you have shoved so far up Obamas rectum. ;)

So the issue regarding the shutdown is spending? The Republicans are asking for more cuts in spending?