Biggest Con In Modern History

I see the nurse forgot to add fiber to your pudding this morning. Oh well, maybe tomorrow you won't be as constipated even if you are every bit as retarded.

Piss poor response on your part, Jerkoff. is to be expected from the likes of you.

I'll bet the other kids think you are really hot shit.
Thank you President Trump for getting NATO to pay their fair share .... About time someone did !

And for denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.

This asshole claims victories by just claiming victories...and the assholes who support him buy into it.

Each time I remember that Hillary isn't President, I still grin. I may not like Trump all that much, but even his policy is better than Hillary's proposed policies. I especially like his first SCOTUS choice. I'm still deciding on the second one.


That explains that avatar!
Israel tried to help Romney; China tried to make illegal donations the DNC for Clinton's re-election; Krushchev backed Kennedy in opposition to Nixon.

And the Soviets offered to help Adlai Stevenson against Eisenhower. He ignored them and informed the authorities.

What did those others do?
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If the Democrats want to win, they have to not nominate a Republican-Lite like Secretary Clinton but a real Social Democrat like Liz or Bernie.

If the Trumpanzees proved anything, it's that you have to energize your base, not go after the wishy-washy middle.
In a polarized society, the center is irrelevant. All of the energy is at the poles.

Get the real progressive liberals out to the polls and we have a chance to win. The wishy-washy middle will do whatever it's going to do.
They don't have a clue what they're doing. How can we guess what they're going to do?
" If the Democrats want to win, they have to not nominate a Republican-Lite like Secretary Clinton but a real Social Democrat like Liz or Bernie. "

Oh YES ! Please pick .... Lying Liz or Boring Bernie ! PLEASE ! Lol
You have money to bet? I figured the nursing home took all that to pay for your care.

Yup...that is a statement about your ability (or non-ability) to "figure."

In any case, I would still bet the other kids from the schoolyard think you are hot shit.
The biggest con in modern history isn't that Trump won. It is that the democrats who lost to Trump have convinced their base that they are not to blame for the loss and if they double and triple down on the same strategy that lost, magically it will work.

If the left wants to defeat Trump should he run again, they need to come up with a new strategy that does not involve blaming Russia and grand conspiracies for the Clinton campaign getting it wrong and all the professional pundits getting it wrong. Even if Russia tried to interfere with the election, it does not change that the DNC's hundreds of millions in ad spending wasn't negated by some hashtags and memes. It is little more than "Look! A squirrel!!" CYA.

Here is something to ponder--even if Russia were effective in electing Trump as alleged (not that they were), that would not explain why the DNC has been run out of so many seats that its landslide blue wave has them with their fewest number of seats since the Great Depression.

Stop relitigating 2016, if you want to win 2020, democrats. You lost. Get over it.

The Repubs were very good at Gerrymandering. A large portion of the house has "safe" seats. Until gerrymandring is ended, the Repubs are locked into those. they have nothing to do with Russia. The Dems had many more votes that the Repubs did, but did not pick up seats like they should have.

Russian interference isn't a strategy. it is a fact and a crime. The presidential race was extremely close and it is clear that Russian influenced it Trumps way. However the Muelller investiogation is not relitigating it. it is revealing the fact to you rightys that they were working for trump and his people were involved. You should be screaming to help Mueller take away the threat of foreign contries moving our elections to suit their own international needs. You should actively support this investigation.
so you're going to tell me you know what i was thinking over what I know i was thinking? like i said, arrogance and ignorance.


At least the Trump supporters have their support for the abomination to explain their conduct.

EVERYONE who did not support Hillary Clinton in that last matter what they thought of her...HELPED TO ELECT DONALD TRUMP.

YOU, even though you do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge it...HELPED TO ELECT DONALD TRUMP.

And your "Johnson over everybody" bullshit is fooling only one person...yourself.