Good post. I'm not okay with either one. I don't care if we pretend to have a lofty goal of "freedom" and "democracy". To fuck around in some other country's electoral processes is the very antithesis of democracy.... even if those processes are rigged by whatever govt. that country has. Provide the citizens with information, fine, like we did during the Cold War/Iron Curtain years with Voice of America. But no hacking, vote switching, etc.
Agree with your first few sentences -- that shit is ludricrous and should be rejected by anyone halfway informed.
Companies pay for cutting edge computer security systems to prevent corporate espionage, hacking, etc. If they can do it, so can we with our election/voter systems. Will there be slip-ups? Definitely. But there could be a whole lot less if we put our minds to it. Either we want free and clear elections, or we're content to let the Russians, Chinese, Plutonians or others pull our puppet strings.