Bigots who don't know they are bigots

I run into these types quite often, in fact often enough that it makes me uncomfortable to know how many of them are out there.

The other day at work, I was waiting for the elevator and one of the lawyers thats a tenant on the same floor as my company says to me "I can't believe Obama even has a chance at winning. Its unamerican, and its not because he's black and all that bullshit we her them crying about all the time, but we're going to elect a muslim who never even knew real father, as usual, to run our country." I'm paraphrasing a little here, but not much.

Most of the time when you hear the disclaimers, ie. "it's not that they're black, but...", or "I'm so not a racist, but...." or "I have a lot of gay friends, but...." that you know you're about to hear some broad brushing stereotype of a group of people who the speaker understands little about, and is bigoted against, often while masking his bigotry by convincing himself that he is really just observing some sort of ugly reality, and that he is entirely objective.

There are several of those here, can anyone name them?

Well I have a lot of bigot friends....but.......;-)
I dared question the sanctity of the messiah... that always gets them riled.... good little lemmings that they are.
You use the word Messiah alot. I don't believe in the concept and don't believe ANYONE has ever been the Messiah. But after 8 years of the fool on the hill, anyone can look somewhat Messianic.
It goes to show you that a piece of paper saying you have a law degree doesn't give you social skills above a neanderthal.
Dr's and lawyer are some of the most arogant mutha fuckers.
It goes to show you that a piece of paper saying you have a law degree doesn't give you social skills above a neanderthal.
Dr's and lawyer are some of the most arrogant(fixed) mutha fuckers.
You say that word like it is a bad thing.
Humility when false, benefits no one.

Arrogance is never real. It is an attempt to protect ones ego, rather than assert one's surety. Otherwise, it would be known as confidence.

Humility is real by definition. If it is ingenuine, then it is just another form of arrogance.

Think about it esquire.
Beefhead, here is some insightful information for you... ALL Bigots, don't know they are Bigots! Think about it.... when is the last time you heard someone say, "I'm a bigot, and I admit it!" ...Doesn't happen! People who are bigoted, don't realize their bigotry, if they did, chances are they wouldn't be bigoted. Another thing, most of the time, a bigot can somehow justify his bigoted view, this is how he is able to continue his bigotry. There is always a 'reason' for the bigoted view he has, and to him, it makes perfect sense. The primary cause of bigotry, is the fact that we are all 'prejudiced' to some degree. It is part of the human condition, although, many of us will staunchly deny our own prejudices.