Bill Richardson

If you like Clark, I think you will like Richardson as well. Overall he is fairly moderate, an effective leader and someone who doens't seem to have a problem working across the aisle.

Ideally a Clark/Richardson combo would be put in play. If it were, I don't see a Rep combo that could beat it... or really even come close. Maybe a Rudy/Hagel ticket or a Paul/Hagel... but somehow I doubt the Reps go with either of those.
Well Cypress, I can honestly say that with endorsements like the above ones pouring in...I'm thinking, Richardson? Probably not my guy.

C'mon. You know how it works.

As long as a "moderate" Democrat is below the radar screen, Bush fans will say they like him.

As soon as they become front-runner though, these Democrats will get smeared as flaming lefties.

Could anyone look at Howard Dean's pro-NRA, and moderate economic tenure as governor of vermont, and proclaim him as anything other than a relatively moderate Dem? of course, when Dean became the front runner, the Drudges and Limbaughs of the world turned him into a Stalinist.
C'mon. You know how it works.

As long as a "moderate" Democrat is below the radar screen, Bush fans will say they like him.

As soon as they become front-runner though, these Democrats will get smeared as flaming lefties.

Could anyone look at Howard Dean's pro-NRA, and moderate economic tenure as governor of vermont, and proclaim him as anything other than a relatively moderate Dem? of course, when Dean became the front runner, the Drudges and Limbaughs of the world turned him into a Stalinist.

LOL! I actually forgot that. You just brought back a memory of a particulary annoying idiot on our other board, who swore they "liked" John Edwards, until of course, he became the vp nominee, and who at various times was a big fan of Clark, Joe BIDEN, and a bunch of other dems. And then shortly afterwards, would hate every single one of the. I really had forgotten.
Could anyone look at Howard Dean's pro-NRA, and moderate economic tenure as governor of vermont, and proclaim him as anything other than a relatively moderate Dem? of course, when Dean became the front runner, the Drudges and Limbaughs of the world turned him into a Stalinist.

That is the way the game is played and most of the sheeple don't realize this and fall into line with the talking heads.
People should realize that talking heads only have as much control over us as we grant them.
LOL! I actually forgot that. You just brought back a memory of a particulary annoying idiot on our other board, who swore they "liked" John Edwards, until of course, he became the vp nominee, and who at various times was a big fan of Clark, Joe BIDEN, and a bunch of other dems. And then shortly afterwards, would hate every single one of the. I really had forgotten.


I forgot that. See what I mean? Closet bush fans will say they "like" a moderate dem, until that moderate Dem looks like they might actually have a shot at being prez. Then, all of a "sudden" they're as left-wing as Vladimir Lenin.

You know I'm right ;)
C'mon. You know how it works.

As long as a "moderate" Democrat is below the radar screen, Bush fans will say they like him.

As soon as they become front-runner though, these Democrats will get smeared as flaming lefties.

Could anyone look at Howard Dean's pro-NRA, and moderate economic tenure as governor of vermont, and proclaim him as anything other than a relatively moderate Dem? of course, when Dean became the front runner, the Drudges and Limbaughs of the world turned him into a Stalinist.

Ive seen it happen over and over again.
LOL! I actually forgot that. You just brought back a memory of a particulary annoying idiot on our other board, who swore they "liked" John Edwards, until of course, he became the vp nominee, and who at various times was a big fan of Clark, Joe BIDEN, and a bunch of other dems. And then shortly afterwards, would hate every single one of the. I really had forgotten.

Remember that as soon as Clark declared he was running in 2004, and there was a lot of media buzz about him, Cons on that board started madly posting stuff about how Clark almost started world war 3 with the russians in the Balkans, and that Clark was a crazy, mentally-unstable war monger?
Ive seen it happen over and over again.

That's why when I hear a republican bemoan that "if only Dems would have given us somebody better than John Kerry, I would have helped vote bush out of office!" - I never buy it.

No matter what Dem runs, they're going to get painted as a socialist.

And Dems can do some smearing to. But, I'll at least be honest about it.

I forgot that. See what I mean? Closet bush fans will say they "like" a moderate dem, until that moderate Dem looks like they might actually have a shot at being prez. Then, all of a "sudden" they're as left-wing as Vladimir Lenin.

You know I'm right ;)

Right, leaving them "no choice" but to vote for the "lesser of two evils" which ends up this year, to be a Republican, just as it ended up every other year to be a Republican, and boy howdy do they wish that the dems would just nominate someone "sensible" so that they could fulfill their lifelong wish of being able to vote Democratic.

I did forget, and you of course, are right. :)
Remember that as soon as Clark declared he was running in 2004, and there was a lot of media buzz about him, Cons on that board started madly posting stuff about how Clark almost started world war 3 with the russians in the Balkans, and that Clark was a crazy, mentally-unstable war monger?

Yes! LOL. Damn I had forgotten all of that. That was hysterical!
I would have voted for Clark in '04. Never cared for Edwards. I would definitely vote for Richardson over any current Republican front-runner. The only Republican I can think of that I might vote for over Richardson is Thompson, who can never get any nomination because he is way too conservative........kind of like I am.:)
Oh LR, I apologize if you interpreted that I meant you were a closet bush fan.

You're a good old, conservative red state democrat. And I'm proud to have you on my team. Even if we don't agree on everything, we probably agree enough to share the Democratic coalition ;)
Yeah I was talking about the other guy. I'm afraid to say his name, because that could be taken as me "jumping all over his ass", which trust me, I never want to be taken for doing.
As to Dean being a "moderate.........." Not from where I sit.

Gays deserve equal rights under the law. (Nov 2003)
Gay rights are a matter of principle. (Oct 2003)
Black roommate at Yale defined his views on tolerance. (Oct 2003)
Passed civil unions, despite it being unpopular. (Sep 2003)

Individual freedom should apply to abortion decision. (Dec 2003)
Government should not make personal medical decisions. (Nov 2003)
Rollback restrictions on stem cell research. (Nov 2003)
Abortion is none of the government's business. (Nov 2002)
Partial birth abortion ok to protect the mother. (Nov 2002)
Favors abortion rights. (Nov 2002)

Supports assault weapons ban and Brady bill. (Apr 2003)

These might not be important issues to folks where Dean is from but they are important to a lot of folks and these folks will call one who supports the above a liberal every time.

That said, I liked Dean and his stance on the war by 2004, though I thought his tactics were not appealing.....except maybe to the teenagers and early twentiers. I couldn't in good conscience vote for him though, especially with Clark on the ballot.
Oh LR, I apologize if you interpreted that I meant you were a closet bush fan.

You're a good old, conservative red state democrat. And I'm proud to have you on my team. Even if we don't agree on everything, we probably agree enough to share the Democratic coalition ;)

No apology necessary Cypress. Not a problem and I didn't see it that way. Also, don't take the post about Dean to be a shot at you........I posted it to show folks why some will view Dean as a liberal despite his moderate fiscal record.

There was a post on the other site about a ride through the red states or whatever that explains a lot about the mindset of people where I live. Long but good read.
As to Dean being a "moderate.........." Not from where I sit.

These might not be important issues to folks where Dean is from but they are important to a lot of folks and these folks will call one who supports the above a liberal every time.

That said, I liked Dean and his stance on the war by 2004, though I thought his tactics were not appealing.....except maybe to the teenagers and early twentiers. I couldn't in good conscience vote for him though, especially with Clark on the ballot.

Those issues are important to me, and I agree with Dean on each and every one of them!