Bitch bitch bitch

It is not copycat when you threadban someone you ignorant tard.

You start shit about me and then your little gang keeps talking shit about me and I finally respond and your crybaby leader thread bans me.

Poor Jaded. You fucking fools can talk all the shit you want about me, but when I finally respond, you fucking cowards thread ban me.....

And then come into this "copycat" thread to continue your insults about me.

Why ban me and then come to this thread only to continue your bullshit? You abuse the thread ban feature. If you really meant it, why continue your insults here?

Didn't think the bitch could answer.

Go cry to mommy and lose some weight while you're at it, Jaded.
aka Mongoose.....aka Rickets......

He wasn't around when the Ricky Tavy gang came over from USMB. Those people were delirious with happiness when they finally got shot of them. I wonder if that bugger still does his getting paralytic on home made cider and wine routine at the weekends? Maybe Bowel Woman and Crypiss could try that as a double act?