Black Conservatives and the Zimmerman Case

Calling someone a "Race baiter" and "playing the race card" are the "go to" tactics in the playbook of white racists, because it
suggests that they
would know better, what constitutes racism, than someone subjected to it, on a daily basis. They, in fact, haven't a clue.
It's "projection", plain and simple.

But it was one of the procedures that's in the liberal handbook.
Sexual innuendo, you can be better than that.

While innuendo is subjective to both the writer and reader, where did you find any innuendo in the post you're complaining about?

You didn't read anyone any "riot act" at anytime.
What you did do, was cry and whine like a bitch; because you posted so much info about yourself, then forgot what you had posted, and then begged the mods to ban people.

Is the Mayor going to shun you again, this year?
Looks like Rune is groaning over the fact that BAC has been outed as a race baiter
Plus he's bound and determined that no one and I mean NO ONE ever takes away his job of kissing BAC's ass.
Laughing at you is more like it. Obeying? Bitch, please. Come to Houston, is what you do. I'll meet you at Hobby Airport, and you can feel me obey.

LOL, keep your sick Larry Craig fantasies where they belong.

Are you one of those curbside baggage handlers at the airport?
LOL, keep your sick Larry Craig fantasies where they belong.

Are you one of those curbside baggage handlers at the airport?

Oh, you were the one, that was ordering me around...and now you reveal yourself as a pussy.
Handlers? Bitch, I'm retired. I spend my days working on music, producing videos for the artist d'jour of Houston, and watching stupid white people on America's Dumbest.
Oh, you were the one, that was ordering me around...and now you reveal yourself as a pussy.
Handlers? Bitch, I'm retired. I spend my days working on music, producing videos for the artist d'jour of Houston, and watching stupid white people on America's Dumbest.

LOL you're still doing my bidding.

I like the way you can't debate at all and resort to idle threats and impotent bluster.

Name some of these big-time artistes whose bags you checked at Hobby.
Oh, you were the one, that was ordering me around...and now you reveal yourself as a pussy.
Handlers? Bitch, I'm retired. I spend my days working on music, producing videos for the artist d'jour of Houston, and watching stupid white people on America's Dumbest.

You left out and being shunned by the Mayor of Houston.
LOL, what? The mayor wouldn't let Poet carry his bags?

He was bragging about how he was going to read a poem, on AID's awareness day (or something like that), and that he would be standing next to the Mayor of Houston, when he read it; but she shunned him and had a subordinate stand there instead.
LOL you're still doing my bidding.

I like the way you can't debate at all and resort to idle threats and impotent bluster.

Name some of these big-time artistes whose bags you checked at Hobby.
I'm an ex-cardiopulmonary tech. I worked at the Texas Medical Center for 15 years.
And I debate just fine. Too bad, you can't figure out the rules of engagement.
How do you like working at Jack-N-The-Box? How about that minimum wage?
LOL, what? The mayor wouldn't let Poet carry his bags?
Oh, that girl thinks that the mayor snubbed me...when she sent a representative in 2011, and I took a picture with her, Reps. Shelia Jackson-Lee and Al Green. What is Miss USF talking about? Are y'all dyking ?
I'm an ex-cardiopulmonary tech. I worked at the Texas Medical Center for 15 years. And I debate just fine. Too bad, you can't figure out the rules of engagement. How do you like working at Jack-N-The-Box? How about that minimum wage?

LOL, were you fired from Texas Medical Center?

You can't debate for shit. Is braggadocio and deflection all you have?