Villified User
You're hallucinating again.
OH NOOO not another flash back!!!!
You're hallucinating again.
Now I know you've never lived in L.A.True I have never seen a priest jogging naked on a school running track either, A fact for which I am most grateful.
I could have been, we really have no choice on what skin pigmentation we are born with. who our parents are, If the parents have money, etc....
1. first of all idiot. I did not imply rarity. I said NEVER and that is precisely what I meant. It is only your asininity which suggested rarity.
2. and again you lie. I never backed off of anything on this thread. what I did was to deny that you were correct. and you weren't, and aren't. you are simply a Jackass.
No, it's just that you either don't understand, or won't accept, what you read, if you don't agree with it. you were long ago busted as a Jackass of the first order.(by the vast majority of this board, if not all)So you did not intend your experience of having NEVER seen it to be an argument for the rarity of the event? I doubt it. That's exactly what you meant. ANd it was dumb. Now you're trying to spin out of it. Give up. You're busted.
No, it's just that you either don't understand, or won't accept, what you read, if you don't agree with it. you were long ago busted as a Jackass of the first order.(by the vast majority of this board, if not all)
How is it easier?
When moving in reverse you're steering with the rear wheels rather than the lead pair. As any hospital orderly will tell you, this is more efficient if you need to maneuver in very tight spaces.It is how I was taught. It is easier for me to judge the space and move the pickup directly in on the first try. Going in front first I always have to back out and straighten up.
Anyway, it is likely that since their fathers all back in, they were all taught to back in, it becomes a habit and easier to continue in than attempting to learn a new way.
As for the "rear-ending" crap, it is caused far more often by people who are backing out of the space than by those who are backing into a space. This is because those backing in can see behind them when they turn to look behind them, but those backing out of a space can't see around the cars they are parked next to and the car they'll hit isn't always directly behind them until the end of the backing out.
of course. you beleive me in something I did NOT say.I do understand perfectly. You were trying in vain to say rearendings in a parking lot don't happen or are RARE simply because you haven't seen one.
You said you weren't just sharing for fun. I believe you on that. But then, what were you doing?
You can't RALLY the board against me. I'm more right than you.
of course. you beleive me in something I did NOT say.
In short, YOU LIE. I said absolutely nothing about sharing the fun. and further. It isn't necessary nor my desire to rally the board against you. you have already caused that yourself. and further, There wa nothing I was trying "in vain" to do. you can beleive what you will, but what I said was fact. regardless of how you spin it for your little mealy mind.
just more of your JackAssinity. But I got to give you credit for one thing: Your Avatar is very accurate.
That is simpoly your opinion, and your definition of the word. and as always, you jumping to the wrong conclusions.You didn't MENTION sharing, but you were sharing, and it was MERELY sharing if it was not a comment on the incidence of parkinglot rear collisions. QUit struggling, it only makes you sink faster.
What is with black people and their compulsive need to back into parking spots?
Alternative thread title: Non-Blacks and backing out
Because they are racist and hate white people and its part of a zionist conspiracy to turn the US into Mexico.
First step, convert to Judaism. Second step, learn to back into parking spaces. Third step, hire illegls. Fourth step, train the populace to think homosexuality is 'normal'...Because they are racist and hate white people and its part of a zionist conspiracy to turn the US into Mexico.
First step, convert to Judaism. Second step, learn to back into parking spaces. Third step, hire illegls. Fourth step, train the populace to think homosexuality is 'normal'...
The plan is well on its way! Mwahahahahahaha!
Not just approve AHZ they want us all to become gay too![]()