"Blackface" isn't ok for Halloween?

All over Social media this year I saw this "Blackface isn't ok for Halloween!".. Google "blackface not ok for Halloween" and pick your source if you didn't hear this.

I felt like I was the only one wondering why.

Most people dress up as someone or something they are not for this occasion. I've never heard of a line crossed until this year. You can't go "blackface"....

Most Halloween Costumes are of something people desire to be. A cop, a fireman, a princess, a doctor ETC.

Share your thoughts on this. Is it offensive? And why? I am not racist and always think people should be proud of who they are. If someone mimics me, I feel flattered. Why is black bad and can blacks go "whiteface"?

Maybe I just don't understand it because I was raised redneck and was taught to be racist from a VERY young age. I broke the link...

Maybe that's the answer, in how you were raised. You had to ask? Of course it's offensive.....how could it not be?
What were those "atypical facial features"?

I'm smart. I'll agree that people in the past may have dressed up as blacks to clown them or even more recently dress up as a black clown for a rodeo....

But shouldn't each case be different? Shouldn't it be ok to be black now??????? Shouldn't it be something to be proud of?
No, and you really are retarded. You are not smart at all.
I know racism is still out there and out of control. But this is the case for both skin tones in the majority of the matter, black and white. Thugs and bikers. Same thing, different color GENERALLY SPEAKING.

I just think that if you are poked at for being who you are you should own it and not shame from it. Only then are you an empowered person.

Note that Louis CK is Mexican.....not white.........not many know that.

Fortunately, you don't get to determine what makes or doesn't make an empowered person. No one cares what you think, even if you could.
Are black kids ok to be superman or batman? If they paint their face white is it racist? I think the answer is there.
You won't find any black kids painting themselves white. Racist forays tend to be driven by whites. Blacks don't do whiteface because of the pain associated with blackface. But you'd have to have a working brain and a compassionate heart to get that.
Look people no one has made it illegal for you to say the N word or wear blackface.

the pressure you feel NOT to say it or do it is social.

YOU will NEVER change how that pressure manifests itself by screaming "it aint fair".

That social pressure derives out of people being aware that the history of how whites treated blacks in this country was horrendous.

It is a self imposed bow to the black community by people who actually care about black people and seek their respect as a fellow world inhabitant.

Here is what many of you FAIL to understand.

every time you WHINE that black people can say it and you cant displays exactly the attitude that black people don't deserve any respect.

for hells sake think for a fucking minute.

they were stolen from Africa

carried like so much cargo on a very dangerous voyage

sold like cattle

knew that any children they bore would be sold like cattle





and fought to the death for freedom.

Your reaction is to say

I want to say the N word or wear blackface.

No bow of respect from you.

Not saying a certain word is JUST TOO MUCH for you in light of the entire horrible history.

can you say RACIST
Are black kids ok to be superman or batman? If they paint their face white is it racist? I think the answer is there.

First off Batman and Superman are fictional characters and despite them being white (cause you know in the 40's 50's and 60's there were no black superheroes in mainstream society thus limiting the choices to which people of color can identify with) these characters do not resemble any real white person in the real world. If black kids are dressing as fictional comic characters then it is to identify with their heroism and superhuman ability, not their ethnicity. Just as you can ask why do black, white, and hispanic dress up as ninjas which ninjitsu is a part of Japanese culture? It's because it is meant to identify with a shadowy and cool figure. As far as black kids painting their face white, I have never seen it not sure why a black kid would do that.
First off Batman and Superman are fictional characters and despite them being white (cause you know in the 40's 50's and 60's there were no black superheroes in mainstream society thus limiting the choices to which people of color can identify with) these characters do not resemble any real white person in the real world. If black kids are dressing as fictional comic characters then it is to identify with their heroism and superhuman ability, not their ethnicity. Just as you can ask why do black, white, and hispanic dress up as ninjas which ninjitsu is a part of Japanese culture? It's because it is meant to identify with a shadowy and cool figure. As far as black kids painting their face white, I have never seen it not sure why a black kid would do that.

I must say that I continue to be mystified as to the difference between people of colour and coloured people. Why is one PC and the other not, frankly I don't like either phrase to be honest? But then again I've never been able to understand why blacks are not called browns. The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) hasn't been renamed the NAAPC, now has it?
What word kid?

Guessing you mean the "N Bomb"

I don't "need" to use it. It's just a word. Why do black people "need" to use it?

In language there is an unconscious evolution of word usage, and depending on the culture, people respond to other like minded members accordingly. There is a certain dynamic which only people of that culture use specific words and phrases that identify with that specific culture. Before the circulation of the "N word" in Hip-Hop, it was street lingo just as blacks referred to each other as Blood or Cuz before they became monikers for Crips and Bloods of today. So in the eyes of a black person, to argue for the need to say the "N word" is like trying to argue to say Blood or Cuz. I'm sure today you wouldn't walk up to a group of blacks and say what's up Blood or Cuz less you get asked what gang your from. In dealing with linguistics and cultural dynamics, we must understand unwritten rules set in place by certain cultures.

Another example would be how one addresses Muslims. You don't call a Muslim a "Mohammaden," because Muslims perceives the word Muhammaden as the worship of Muhammad, not God. To non-muslims referring to Muslims as Muhammadens may seem logical since Islam and the prophet Muhammad are almost synonymous, it is still perceived (Muhammaden) as an inappropriate word towards muslims.
In language there is an unconscious evolution of word usage, and depending on the culture, people respond to other like minded members accordingly. There is a certain dynamic which only people of that culture use specific words and phrases that identify with that specific culture. Before the circulation of the "N word" in Hip-Hop, it was street lingo just as blacks referred to each other as Blood or Cuz before they became monikers for Crips and Bloods of today. So in the eyes of a black person, to argue for the need to say the "N word" is like trying to argue to say Blood or Cuz. I'm sure today you wouldn't walk up to a group of blacks and say what's up Blood or Cuz less you get asked what gang your from. In dealing with linguistics and cultural dynamics, we must understand unwritten rules set in place by certain cultures.

Another example would be how one addresses Muslims. You don't call a Muslim a "Mohammaden," because Muslims perceives the word Muhammaden as the worship of Muhammad, not God. To non-muslims referring to Muslims as Muhammadens may seem logical since Islam and the prophet Muhammad are almost synonymous, it is still perceived (Muhammaden) as an inappropriate word towards muslims.

If there is one word that pisses me off these days it is inappropriate, I think it should be banned or called the I word.
I must say that I continue to be mystified as to the difference between people of colour and coloured people. Why is one PC and the other not, frankly I don't like either phrase to be honest? But then again I've never been able to understand why blacks are not called browns. The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) hasn't been renamed the NAAPC, now has it?

To not be mystified you must go back and understand the historical evolution of how white society whether in Europe or North America viewed not white cultures. There is evidence in history of explorers identifying cultures as black, yellow, and brown along with associating their civilization and behavior in respect to their "race." Scientifically calling a black person a black person is as erroneous as to saying square circles. We know in society "black people" have a variety of shades of skin pigmentation, but we as a society depending of what era you were born, these words are simply a part of your vocabulary. I'm sure there are some whites that lived pre, during, and post civil rights era still use the word colored, just as some still say black while others say African-American.

If I were a betting man the NAACP is still NAACP because of their historical imprint in this country, and that their name is a constant reminder of what persons of color go through. As you must know NAACP doesn't just represent blacks.
To not be mystified you must go back and understand the historical evolution of how white society whether in Europe or North America viewed not white cultures. There is evidence in history of explorers identifying cultures as black, yellow, and brown along with associating their civilization and behavior in respect to their "race." Scientifically calling a black person a black person is as erroneous as to saying square circles. We know in society "black people" have a variety of shades of skin pigmentation, but we as a society depending of what era you were born, these words are simply a part of your vocabulary. I'm sure there are some whites that lived pre, during, and post civil rights era still use the word colored, just as some still say black while others say African-American.

If I were a betting man the NAACP is still NAACP because of their historical imprint in this country, and that their name is a constant reminder of what persons of color go through. As you must know NAACP doesn't just represent blacks.

You are missing my point, if coloured people is now viewed as anachronistic and offensive why is people of colour any better? I can't see any difference between them. Also if coloured people is so offensive why hasn't the acronym NAACP been changed?
To not be mystified you must go back and understand the historical evolution of how white society whether in Europe or North America viewed not white cultures. There is evidence in history of explorers identifying cultures as black, yellow, and brown along with associating their civilization and behavior in respect to their "race." Scientifically calling a black person a black person is as erroneous as to saying square circles. We know in society "black people" have a variety of shades of skin pigmentation, but we as a society depending of what era you were born, these words are simply a part of your vocabulary. I'm sure there are some whites that lived pre, during, and post civil rights era still use the word colored, just as some still say black while others say African-American.

If I were a betting man the NAACP is still NAACP because of their historical imprint in this country, and that their name is a constant reminder of what persons of color go through. As you must know NAACP doesn't just represent blacks.

Please. You don't actually expect AoX to understand, or worse, "sympathize" with the "black experience in America, do you? He is still hung up on how we choose to identify ourselves and those "age-old" institutions that were formed as a result of Jim Crow. Constructs change as do labels. It is now only PC to refer to us as "blacks" or African-Americans....and it's not up to him or any other white to choose for us how we want to be referred to as. Period. He needs to move on.
Please. You don't actually expect AoX to understand, or worse, "sympathize" with the "black experience in America, do you? He is still hung up on how we choose to identify ourselves and those "age-old" institutions that were formed as a result of Jim Crow. Constructs change as do labels. It is now only PC to refer to us as "blacks" or African-Americans....and it's not up to him or any other white to choose for us how we want to be referred to as. Period. He needs to move on.

Listen sunshine, I am old enough to have lived through that era and even remember where I was when Kennedy was shot. Who do you think you are anyway? Harry Belafonte or MLK? No, you are just another race hustler who never misses any occasion to tell everybody that you are gay and black, that's all you ever do. I cannot recall you ever starting a thread that wasn't about you, the sad fact is that you are just an aging queen that should go gently into the good night but won't.
There are thousands of disguises people can wear for Halloween without having to be offensive. What does everybody think of this one? Is it okay to make fun of that tragedy?
