Blackouts possible this summer due to heat and extreme weather, officials warn

Global Warming is real

  • Agreed. NASA details the evidence and causes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Disagreed as proved by Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe - I'm still thinking about it

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
anyone else notice that blackouts seldom happened until we started making power companies incorporate solar and wind and not use cheap, reliable coal to make power ?
anyone else notice that blackouts seldom happened until we started making power companies incorporate solar and wind and not use cheap, reliable coal to make power ?

Our power system has needed major investment for a lot of years, it is just one more thing that never got done....but yes, now it it being weakened even more with intermittent energy production.

If I were younger I would get a tied in gas generator system for my oasis, so far our elites have been able to keep the gas on, though I suspect that might be going away too. Gas is certainly getting very expensive very rapidly thanks to the failed elites.
I am reminded of Paglia and Peterson agreeing that we have been blessed so far in having largely stupid terrorists. If somebody wants to hurt us right now hitting our energy supply would ramp up the terror rapidly.
Just think about what a few black market Javelans from Ukraine could do to us.

Almost certainly will do to us eventually.
anyone else notice that blackouts seldom happened until we started making power companies incorporate solar and wind and not use cheap, reliable coal to make power ?

two states with the biggest investment in wind energy are Iowa and Wyoming......I'm not aware of blackouts in either.....

what puzzles me is California, which has brown outs with a declining population base.......perhaps illegals use more electricity than legals because that seems to be the only demographic still growing in CA.......
It's going to be a long hot summer. How many Global Warming converts will vote Democratic at the end of it? :cool:
Blackouts possible this summer due to heat and extreme weather, officials warn
By Tyler Mauldin, CNN | Posted - May 20, 2022 at 10:04 p.m.

Yes because summers weren't hot before the industrial revolution. If we have blackouts it will be the result of Bidens incompetent and failed energy policies.
Yes because summers weren't hot before the industrial revolution. If we have blackouts it will be the result of Bidens incompetent and failed energy policies.

....because all the best fucking morons believe these problems began January 20th, 2021?

Net electrical output USA:
The United States generated 4,116 terawatt hours of electricity in 2021, the third-largest figure recorded in the indicated period. In comparison to the previous year, power generation increased by roughly three percent. There had been a notable decrease in power production in 2020, brought about by the drop in commercial and industrial electricity demand due to the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown measures.
Ya because blue cities and states artificially and unnecessarily shut down their economies you retarded pos. And production would have went back to baseline in order to meet demand if not for Bidens incompetent and failed energy policies you dumb fuck.

^^^ Fucking moron can't read charts and do the math. :rofl2: ^^^

United States - Historical Population Data
1950 158,804,395
1960 186,720,571
1970 209,513,341
1980 229,476,354

2020 331,002,651
We are not to mention that the grid needs something like $2 trillion in investment, and that we dont have enough electric production capacity, nor that there is a big push for intermittent energy production.

Its global warmings fault, because it cant be our leaders fault.

When you have leaders and talking heads telling the sheeple that climate change isn't real, there's nothing to see here, folks -- what do you expect? Will those voters vote for candidates who acknowledge that we have a problem, that we need to shore up the grid, and make other changes?
When you have leaders and talking heads telling the sheeple that climate change isn't real, there's nothing to see here, folks -- what do you expect? Will those voters vote for candidates who acknowledge that we have a problem, that we need to shore up the grid, and make other changes?

These fucking morons are more concerned about assigning blame on the Left than on fixing the problems facing all Americans. Note that not a single one of them has offered logical solutions for a, literally, global problem and our nation which has failed to keep up with demand over the past several decades.

Note that some of the idiots believe private business will provide them cheap electricity instead of maximizing their own profits:
So? Without government interference production increases to meet demand.
These fucking morons are more concerned about assigning blame on the Left than on fixing the problems facing all Americans. Note that not a single one of them has offered logical solutions for a, literally, global problem and our nation which has failed to keep up with demand over the past several decades.

Note that some of the idiots believe private business will provide them cheap electricity instead of maximizing their own profits:

You want solutions? Remove Obama-era restrictions on power plants and drill, baby, drill!

Also build small modular nuke plants.
You want solutions? Remove Obama-era restrictions on power plants and drill, baby, drill!

Also build small modular nuke plants.

Thanks for the standard mantra of corporations.

Matt; if Exxon could drill oil for $20/barrel and oil was selling for $100/barrel in Europe, do you really believe Exxon would sell all the oil you want for $20/barrel?

They're a corporation with fiduciary responsibilities to maximize profit. They'd ship as much oil as they have from the US to Europe.
We are not to mention that the grid needs something like $2 trillion in investment, and that we dont have enough electric production capacity, nor that there is a big push for intermittent energy production.

Its global warmings fault, because it cant be our leaders fault.

You feel they should do everything except raise the tax revenue to pay for it.
Thanks for the standard mantra of corporations.

Matt; if Exxon could drill oil for $20/barrel and oil was selling for $100/barrel in Europe, do you really believe Exxon would sell all the oil you want for $20/barrel?

They're a corporation with fiduciary responsibilities to maximize profit. They'd ship as much oil as they have from the US to Europe.

STFU you moron.

Pinheaded motherfucker.