Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

The actual history of the word nigger comes from the southern accent of the word ”negro” As pronounced by southerners the word “negro” comes out “negra.” The word nigger is simply a flawed pronunciation of the word negro. Once upon a time the word negro or negra was totally accepted by every race including the blacks. However white leftist politically correct bastards managed to convince blacks they were the victims of a white slur because leftist pretend to defend blacks but actually enslave them to a vote buying reliance on BIG white slave master government. But that’s what politically correct leftist bastards do. They’re leftist morons and scammers hell bent on the separation of races a divided citizenry and animosity from blacks so the left can convince them they’re victims and the left is their defender. In reality the left is their slave master.

We don't need you to do this.
The actual history of the word nigger comes from the southern accent of the word ”negro” As pronounced by southerners the word “negro” comes out “negra.” The word nigger is simply a flawed pronunciation of the word negro. Once upon a time the word negro or negra was totally accepted by every race including the blacks. However white leftist politically correct bastards managed to convince blacks they were the victims of a white slur because leftist pretend to defend blacks but actually enslave them to a vote buying reliance on BIG white slave master government. But that’s what politically correct leftist bastards do. They’re leftist morons and scammers hell bent on the separation of races a divided citizenry and animosity from blacks so the left can convince them they’re victims and the left is their defender. In reality the left is their slave master.

Hey man, If you want to come out to Oakland where I went to school in areas where I used to hang out and call black people the N-word and tell them it's just political correctness as to why it upsets them then please be my guest. I will even pick you up at the Oakland airport and drive you to these areas. I can't promise you a ride back to the airport because my money says you wouldn't make it.
they will have to come to some point in their lives when they realize its over.

heres a tip for all you right wing racists who claim your racism is warrented by reality.

The country will NEVER go back to the moron days on this one either.

You don't get a free pass to hate people and then have the greater society agree with you.

Its done.

its over.

Mankind has chewed on this Idea for decades and processed your debates about it for decades.

The out come is society aint buying your hate any more.

It will NEVER again become popular to be a racist.

enjoy your last mouthful of tar on your way down to the bottom of the pit dinos
they will have to come to some point in their lives when they realize its over.

heres a tip for all you right wing racists who claim your racism is warrented by reality.

The country will NEVER go back to the moron days on this one either.

You don't get a free pass to hate people and then have the greater society agree with you.

Its done.

its over.

Mankind has chewed on this Idea for decades and processed your debates about it for decades.

The out come is society aint buying your hate any more.

It will NEVER again become popular to be a racist.

enjoy your last mouthful of tar on your way down to the bottom of the pit dinos

It seems left-wing racists like Paula Deen haven't fared all that well either recently. You once again turn something like racism, which most people are against, into a partisan thing.
He's a comedian. Damn. I'm not. I don't use the word. You shouldn't either.

What makes you think I do use the word?

IMO the word will get used less and less only when people of color truly want to become equals and stop being such ardent racist themselves. That will be when they stop believing the fucking leftist ”you’re a victim” scam. That will be when they become patriotic constitutionalist Americans and reject the idea of inequality by unconstitutional Affirmative Action programming and socialist engineering.
Hey man, If you want to come out to Oakland where I went to school in areas where I used to hang out and call black people the N-word and tell them it's just political correctness as to why it upsets them then please be my guest. I will even pick you up at the Oakland airport and drive you to these areas. I can't promise you a ride back to the airport because my money says you wouldn't make it.

Why would I want to go to the bankrupted left coast and try to convince people of color that they’ve been hood winked and lied to by the fucking left coast leftist bastards? There’s more than plenty of racism right where I’m at. 90 % of it is the racism of the people of color. Most but not all are convinced they’re victims. Most but not all hate whitey. Most but not all think whites today owned black slaves and whipped and worked them to death. Most but not all call themselves “Afro-Americans" when they’re around whites and call each-other niggers when they’re around each-other. Most but not all have never been to Africa yet they retain the hyphenated identity as though they are above just plain old Americans. The fucking race-baiters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are their heroes. Jackson and Sharpton live high off of the Afro-American hog while they do absolutely nothing to help their race to rise out of poverty. On the contrary that’s Jackson & Sharpton’s worse nightmare. Non-victims and self-reliant people don’t need the Jacksons & Sharptons.
Why would I want to go to the bankrupted left coast and try to convince people of color that they’ve been hood winked and lied to by the fucking left coast leftist bastards? There’s more than plenty of racism right where I’m at. 90 % of it is the racism of the people of color. Most but not all are convinced they’re victims. Most but not all hate whitey. Most but not all think whites today owned black slaves and whipped and worked them to death. Most but not all call themselves “Afro-Americans" when they’re around whites and call each-other niggers when they’re around each-other. Most but not all have never been to Africa yet they retain the hyphenated identity as though they are above just plain old Americans. The fucking race-baiters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are their heroes. Jackson and Sharpton live high off of the Afro-American hog while they do absolutely nothing to help their race to rise out of poverty. On the contrary that’s Jackson & Sharpton’s worse nightmare. Non-victims and self-reliant people don’t need the Jacksons & Sharptons.

You're just dying to use the n-word. There are plenty of places all over the country where you will get the same response you would get in Oakland so you won't have to travel far from where you are if you want to drop the n-bomb on black folks and see what happens.

And Jackson and Sharpton being race hustlers have absolutely zero to do with the history of the n-word and its affect upon blacks.
You're just dying to use the n-word. There are plenty of places all over the country where you will get the same response you would get in Oakland so you won't have to travel far from where you are if you want to drop the n-bomb on black folks and see what happens.

And Jackson and Sharpton being race hustlers have absolutely zero to do with the history of the n-word and its affect upon blacks.

Don't encourage him he'll probably do it in front of a group of 8 yo black girls and then brag about having walked away from it.
Why are the racists needing affirmation and or permission to use the n word? It's not like they don't always do it anyhow.
Don't encourage him he'll probably do it in front of a group of 8 yo black girls and then brag about having walked away from it.

Since I did offer to fly you out here :) maybe I should do the same for him so I can videotape the beatdown
Yada, yada, yada, a gang of fucking leftist hypocrites who promote the fucking slave owning leftist politicians that keep their black slaves enslaved to the slavery of socialist government poverty and reliance on government handouts. Fucking idiots pretending they’re horrified by the word “nigger” that they fertilize in their little pea-brains every day of their fucking pathetic leftist lives. Racist bastards inciting black people to be as fucking racist as they themselves are.
Somebody should have video-taped your fucking balls when they ran down your daddy’s leg Hot Shot.

I'm no hotshot I just know what the results would be. I'm assuming you're a white male. I apologize if my assumption is wrong. A white male going up to black people and calling them the n-word stands a high chance of getting their butt kicked.

And I'm not a leftist, I'm a lifelong Republican. But what policies I support has nothing to do with why whites (and others) shouldn't use the n-word.
I'm no hotshot I just know what the results would be. I'm assuming you're a white male. I apologize if my assumption is wrong. A white male going up to black people and calling them the n-word stands a high chance of getting their butt kicked.

If somebody wants to kick my ass they better not bring a fucking knife to a gun fight. I don’t walk up to black folk and call them niggers. There are black niggers and there are white niggers, which one are you?

And I'm not a leftist, I'm a lifelong Republican. But what policies I support has nothing to do with why whites (and others) shouldn't use the n-word.

That’s rich!!! Like there’s no Republican leftist. Republicans spend as much other people’s money on socialist programs as the fucking Democrats. Republicans in general are even more politically correct morons than the Democrats, Republicans think they’re America’s conscience and distributor of acceptable morals. Republicans are fucking Democrats turned inside out.