Whether he gave you satisfaction by reacting doesn't change your purpose in its use.
"Get over it"
that is what the right tells black people about this horrible history.
Funny they never tell the jews to "just get over it" when it comes to Hitler
ILA is one person, he doesn't speak for everyone on the right. So get off your high horse Desh and quit acting like your sh*t don't stink.
Well the entire thread is about black people isn't it? Or weren't you paying attention? That GED is failing you again. The civil servant exam must be a breeze if you could pass it. I heard it was in par with the Wundelich given to football players
bite a turd asslips
The entire right wing power lies in the republican party.
people of color denounce your party as racist to the tune of about 90%.
Your party has targeted black people to keep them from voting for decades to win elections.
enjoy your turd
so no one is allowed to discuss WHY it hurts peoples feelings?
how freedomy of you
In my scenario fuckface....in my scenario....YOU were the black person. But you are much too dumb to figure that out.
I thought I was a guy who had a confederate flag tattooed on my forehead?
You aren't bright are you
There is a difference between having ones feelings hurt and having any material impact on ones life. Does being called a nigger hurt someone's feelings? I am sure it does. But, that is after all up to that person. I surely don't think blacks react uniformly do you?
I won't argue that the word hurts feelings. It just doesn't have an impact over and above that which is what I am arguing.
you could do a personal experiment and go ask every black person you see today if they like being called a Ni88er?
you could do a personal experiment and go ask every black person you see today if they like being called a Ni88er?
Apparently these blacks have no problem with the word,
It's pretty clear Desh was talking about non-black people using the word towards black people.
Oh! So black people aren’t color-blind and they have double standards? Why is it do you suppose that they feel authorized to exhibit their biases and bigotry but white folks aren’t?
Do we hear the fraudulent cry for color-blindness and equality from a people that are still color-sensitive and desiring of ”special rights” for themselves???
Oh! So black people aren’t color-blind and they have double standards? Why is it do you suppose that they feel authorized to exhibit their biases and bigotry but white folks aren’t?
Do we hear the fraudulent cry for color-blindness and equality from a people that are still color-sensitive and desiring of ”special rights” for themselves???