Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

Poor George who went off immediately to put down the whiskey rebellion. Whiskey, or the control of the taxes, seem to have been more important than the liberty of those rebelling. George finally was more interested in his western properties than most other matters. Talked a good free the slaves bit, but did nothing until after death and then only a few. Too bad. As father of his country, as strong stand by him might actually have avoided the civil war. His buddy Jefferson did nothing except talk and beget children from his slaves. His children became his slaves - nice profit there. Little joy for lots of gain. Happy 4th.
say it all you want.

There is no laws against it.

Society will punish you one person at a time.

You will not force us to accept your hate of black people as a normal behavior
“Equality?” Is that what you call what Democrats fight for? Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are.

Democrats fight for the inequality of “Affirmative Action.” Democrats fight for the inequality of taking law-abiding folks means of self-defense away from them and leaving criminals unequally better armed. Democrats fight for the inequality of progressive income tax brackets. Democrats fight for the socialist bribery scam of the black vote with social programs that keep blacks “enslaved” to a reliance on government and thereby unequal. Democrats are lower than whale shit!!!

There are more whites on welfare than blacks, retard.
That’s your moronic interpretation, not mine.

The 4th amendment guarantees the right of “personal security.” Personal security includes a person’s unalienable right to do whatever the fuck they want with WITH THEIR OWN BODY Moron!!!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! We hear all the time about the “intentions” of particular amendments and articles. All of that horseshit is purely irrelevant and simply fraudulent tactics used by crooked bastards to attempt perversions of the Constitution. Words say what they say and if they don’t mean something then an explanation must be included to the text excluding particular possible interpretations not intended.

The 9th amendment guarantees the people have every right they choose for themselves and the only possible disclaimer to that would be ”as long as they don’t violate any right of anybody else.”

OK! So you can explain why you ignored my challenge for you to explain why the federal government in 1919 determined they needed the 18th amendment for the prohibition of alcohol but Richard (tricky Dick) Nixon never even attempted an amendment to prohibit some drugs.

Then when you’ve taken that on you can provide the amendment or article in the Constitution that actually gives the feds the authority to institute a fucking drug war.

As for why the Drug War effects blacks more than other races, that’s arguable and if it has any real merit, it’s likely because more blacks are actually dealing in illegal drugs because there are more black gangs than other races.

Wow you really are a retard.
And you're a moron. An "unleveled playing field" exists. AA is a tool designed to "level" that "unleveled" playing field. Democrats are fighting to curb gun violence, and asking for simple "background checks", which the right objects to. Obviously, they must have something to "hide". Democrats see how many of the wealthy are able to use lawyers, loopholes in the law to get out of paying their fair share of taxes, which couldn't be more un-American.
And Clinton all but ended welfare for blacks, during his first term in office. Blacks vote Democratic because their interests are best served there. Whites vote Republican because their interests are best served there. Duh. The Bush tax cuts was the equivalent of social welfare for the wealthy, and a reliance on the government to implement it.
Under whale shit, is the shit of the bottom feeders....and underneath that would be Republicans.

Awesome post Poet.
So glad you decided to grace us with your presence again.
I couldn't be bothered arguing with this POS but I am glad you took the time to spell it out.
It's too bad that you are too stupid to detect bluster and hyperbole, in order to stress a point, and to point out the absurdity in another's post. You, yourself are way too many things; too many to list here, but suffice to say, I don't give a rat's booty, what you think of me, because your opinion counts for and as "nothing". You are full of yourself, and yourself, is the worst of humanity, you arrogant SOB.
Wow you really are a retard.

As usual, the morons pretend they are providing credible debate with stupid irrelevant and absurd rhetoric so they can ignore the following challenge to their fucking stupidity and they hope nobody will notice their inability to answer the challenge.

“Why did the federal government in 1919 determine they needed the 18th amendment for the prohibition of alcohol but Richard (tricky Dick) Nixon never even attempted an amendment to prohibit some drugs?”

“Then when you’ve taken that on you can provide the amendment or article in the Constitution that actually gives the feds the authority to institute a fucking drug war.”
As usual, the morons pretend they are providing credible debate with stupid irrelevant and absurd rhetoric so they can ignore the following challenge to their fucking stupidity and they hope nobody will notice their inability to answer the challenge.

“Why did the federal government in 1919 determine they needed the 18th amendment for the prohibition of alcohol but Richard (tricky Dick) Nixon never even attempted an amendment to prohibit some drugs?”

“Then when you’ve taken that on you can provide the amendment or article in the Constitution that actually gives the feds the authority to institute a fucking drug war.”

I notice you ignored my post where I refuted the single incorrect fact you based your rhetoric upon, as you always do,
I notice you ignored my post where I refuted the single incorrect fact you based your rhetoric upon, as you always do,

Such as what? Are you too fucking lazy to present your post again if you think you have a relevant argument?
We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
We have a Black Chamber of Commerce
We have a Black History Month.
We have the United Negro College Fund
We have Black Entertainment Television Network....
We have a Miss Black American pageant, white woman not allowed
We have over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the USA
We have the NAACP
We have a Black Congressional Caucus

Take any one of those an replace Black/Negro/or Hispanic with White and watch the ramifications.....
It is undeniable that racism is alive and well in the USA, and the dreams of those that of us that recognize and despise racism,
and the dreams of Dr. M. L. King are long dead....

Now you all can commence with the name calling, etc., it won't bother me a bit, ..... but whatever you do, don't address the truth of the post

"It its the truth, it ain't racist" - Poet

That's because the Chamber of Commerce, colleges, most of congress, most of the months of the year, etc etc etc ARE for white folks. And for white men at that. You don't need to have a "white chamber of commerce" because the chamber of commerce IS mostly white. Ditto with the others.

The default setting is white. Having organizations for women or minorities is how those who don't have much power get some.

Tell me what percentage of broadcasters on non-BET stations are minority or women. Go ahead. It's pitifully small. How many minority actors/actresses get starring roles? again, pitifully small.

The US is by default white male. Rest of us are just trying to get a little of the pie.
listening to the last little squeals of the racist part of my white brethren mourning the loss of their exclusive rights to everything and how its so unfair to them makes me laugh.

Its way better than watching them own the rights to everything and brag about it like its a moral right for them to do so.

They used to make me wretch and now they make me laugh.

their power is quickly fading and now all us sane people will actually be able to improve the world going forward instead of having to watch them pull us back two stepps for every step forward we make.

Big ole crockadile tears for them.
I haven't heard the word 'cracker' in a long ass time .. and I suspect that I know a whole lot more black people than you do. There is no comparison with that and the frequency of use of the N word.

Couldn't care any less if I have heard "cracker". I don't know one white person as affected by the word cracker as a black person would be by being called the n-word by some white guy.
Couldn't care any less if I have heard "cracker". I don't know one white person as affected by the word cracker as a black person would be by being called the n-word by some white guy.

How is a black guy affected by being called nigger by a white guy? That is foolish. How was BAC impacted when I called him a nigger? Did he lose his house? Did he fear being enslaved? Losing the right to vote? Words only have the power you give them.

I never too, you for falling for the liberal memes, but I guess anyone can be susceptible
How is a black guy affected by being called nigger by a white guy? That is foolish. How was BAC impacted when I called him a nigger? Did he lose his house? Did he fear being enslaved? Losing the right to vote? Words only have the power you give them.

I never too, you for falling for the liberal memes, but I guess anyone can be susceptible

It's silly to ignore the hundreds of years of negative history that associate to the word just so you can feel better because they call you a "cracker". You may lack empathy, but it doesn't change reality. A black person will be far more affected by the n-word than you will ever be by being called a piece of food.
It's silly to ignore the hundreds of years of negative history that associate to the word just so you can feel better because they call you a "cracker". You may lack empathy, but it doesn't change reality. A black person will be far more affected by the n-word than you will ever be by being called a piece of food.

First of all you confuse empathy and sympathy. YOU can't feel empathy for a black guy being called a nigger.

You keep saying they will be affected but you can't tell me how they will be affected in any material way.