Blacks can use the N word, whites can't

Without reading any of the thread. Yes, black people can use the n-word and whites cannot without some heavier consequences than the black person who would have. This is neither surprising, nor even unjustifiable. I don't understand why anybody would be upset over it. Just don't use the word if you aren't willing to face the consequences of your action. It certainly isn't illegal to use.

Yes, but even black people face often negative consequences for using the word. Invertebrate racists, like ilaDY, are just looking for cover.
Bullshit! Every white folk have used the word nigger and every black folk has used cracker and several other derogatory words for whites. Y’all are acting like a bunch of fucking politically correct hypocrites and morons. Stop your fucking lying!
Bullshit! Every white folk have used the word nigger and every black folk has used cracker and several other derogatory words for whites. Y’all are acting like a bunch of fucking politically correct hypocrites and morons. Stop your fucking lying!

So what? I have used the c word and actress (it's not nearly as charged just making a point) too. I used to say "oriental" quite often before I realized it was seen as offensive (I had no idea). But once I learn that someone is offended by it then I can try to amend my behavior or be an inconsiderate asshole. Cultural norms are not absolute. A violation of them is not objectively wrong and sometimes they should be violated. What's the point of doing it here? What value is gained by using such a word? You think your right to be a stupid racist asshole is being limited? You are offended that I call you a stupid racist asshole in response?

Basically, the invertebrate whiners like you and ilaDY (or is that redundant) are just pissed because you don't control the culture. Too bad.
Bullshit! Every white folk have used the word nigger and every black folk has used cracker and several other derogatory words for whites. Y’all are acting like a bunch of fucking politically correct hypocrites and morons. Stop your fucking lying!

BS lies. I dare you to go to the neighborhood mall and say it. The c-word can't compare with the n-word, by any stretch of the imagination...and I'll repost why, later.
I am not a supporter of using any racial slurs against any race -- even IF you said the slur to somebody of YOUR race in a 'playful fashion'.
I don't care, it is disrespectful, derogatory, and you cant get lower than that.
I don't support any usage of words like "chink", "nigger", "fag", "cracker", or "kike", or "spic", things like that.
I see many blacks calling whites crackers and thinking it is ok to do so, when if a white man calls a black the N word, he gets a bullet right through his skull. With that being said, it still is not A-OK to think you can call someone a bad word because they called you a bad word.

Society will never get rid of insults involving skin color or "race", until people start accepting people as people.
That includes making racist comments about people within their own race.
I am not a supporter of using any racial slurs against any race -- even IF you said the slur to somebody of YOUR race in a 'playful fashion'.
I don't care, it is disrespectful, derogatory, and you cant get lower than that.
I don't support any usage of words like "chink", "nigger", "fag", "cracker", or "kike", or "spic", things like that.
I see many blacks calling whites crackers and thinking it is ok to do so, when if a white man calls a black the N word, he gets a bullet right through his skull. With that being said, it still is not A-OK to think you can call someone a bad word because they called you a bad word.

I haven't heard the word 'cracker' in a long ass time .. and I suspect that I know a whole lot more black people than you do. There is no comparison with that and the frequency of use of the N word.
So what? I have used the c word and actress (it's not nearly as charged just making a point) too. I used to say "oriental" quite often before I realized it was seen as offensive (I had no idea). But once I learn that someone is offended by it then I can try to amend my behavior or be an inconsiderate asshole.

So you’ve converted from an inconsiderate asshole into a lily-livered, bleedin-heart, politically correct ass hole. WhoopTfuckingDoo!!!

You think your right to be a stupid racist asshole is being limited? You are offended that I call you a stupid racist asshole in response?

In other words you leave your fucking hypocritical political correctness outside the door when you want to call names to folks that disagree with you and expose your fucking hypocrisy. How cute!!!

BTW Goober, I’m no fucking more racist than you or most of the blacks I know. As a matter of fact these days blacks are the champions of racism in my superior opinion!!!
I haven't heard the word 'cracker' in a long ass time .. and I suspect that I know a whole lot more black people than you do. There is no comparison with that and the frequency of use of the N word.

I've heard it used on many occasions, usually people who come from lower-income households say it and think of it as ok.
Same with many whites down south, they think it is OK to say the N word not even in the racial context.
I haven't heard the word 'cracker' in a long ass time .. and I suspect that I know a whole lot more black people than you do. There is no comparison with that and the frequency of use of the N word.

I use it all the time to describe cranky, old white men, it just seems to fit.

If you have ever had an old cracker, it is very stale!

So you’ve converted from an inconsiderate asshole into a lily-livered, bleedin-heart, politically correct ass hole. WhoopTfuckingDoo!!!

In other words you leave your fucking hypocritical political correctness outside the door when you want to call names to folks that disagree with you and expose your fucking hypocrisy. How cute!!!

BTW Goober, I’m no fucking more racist than you or most of the blacks I know. As a matter of fact these days blacks are the champions of racism in my superior opinion!!!

No, I did not convert. If you are ignorant of the offense you are giving you can't be inconsiderate of it. Once I was made aware I stopped using the word.

I am not politically correct. I will attack sacred cows if I feel there is some value in it. Politeness is in no way an absolute value, as far as I am concerned.

I don't care about your claims of personal character. They have no value as you hide behind an anonymous avatar. My guess is, you are just another sock puppet of a racist. But I did not call you a racist. I asked you a question that you have avoided. Maybe you can quit bullshitting and explain to me why it is important for you to be free to say the word without being criticized?
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Maybe you can quit bullshitting and explain to me why it is important for you to be free to say the word without being criticized?

When the fuck did I say I should “be free of criticism” for any word/words I say???? I have no problem with criticism. I can take it as well as I can dish it out, how about you????
When the fuck did I say I should “be free of criticism” for any word/words I say???? I have no problem with criticism. I can take it as well as I can dish it out, how about you????

Then what is the problem? You can say the n word. It's not illegal. People will call you a racist. Deal with it.
I haven't heard the word 'cracker' in a long ass time .. and I suspect that I know a whole lot more black people than you do. There is no comparison with that and the frequency of use of the N word.

Not sure if you've ever seen this bit from Chris Rock bac but I thought it pretty funny. (my apologies for posting if you don't find it the same)
