'Blame Russia Narrative'

dear fucking idiot,

why does Putin hate Hilary

because her and Obama stood against him when he aggressed on his neighbors

fuck you very much

If your posts here represent the average cross section of the lefty base, lefties do not stand a chance in 2020. Sometimes when I come to this forum after a few days away, I stumble across one of your posts and have to ask myself what I am even doing here.
If your posts here represent the average cross section of the lefty base, lefties do not stand a chance in 2020. Sometimes when I come to this forum after a few days away, I stumble across one of your posts and have to ask myself what I am even doing here.

that idiot insult doesnt change the facts I stated does it

Obamas whole term he was giving shit to Russia for being assholes

so what is with this lie about "Sudden" distain for Putin on the left?

Its your republican party that all of the sudden was licking Putins ass
Not suddenly. Russia was our mortal enemy from after WW2 , through the Cuban crisis, til when Trump became president. Now they are despotic, like Trump is. We had movies about Russian spies and TV shows. When I was in grade school we his under our desks or went to the school basement with nuclear bomb drills. We were always wary with Russia.Until Trump.

Especially the right, before the Clintons arrived Russia was their main scapegoat, I can even recall conservatives screaming against drinking water fluoridation as Gov't interference claiming it was a Russian plot

Tensions remained as Russia pushed back against attempts at further eastward expansion of NATO and the European Union into areas that had previously been part of the Russian Empire and the USSR. Georgia and Ukraine were the major flash points. Early on, Obama called for a "reset" of relations with Russia, and in 2009 the policy became known as the Russian reset; but critics debated whether or not it could improve bilateral relations or was about to concede too much to Russia.[87]
At the end of March 2014, president Obama dismissed Russia as a "regional power" that did not pose a major security threat to the U.S.[88] The statement was later sharply criticised by Putin as ″disrespectful″ and an attempt to prove America's exceptionalism[89][90] as well as by the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker who in November 2016 said, ″We have a lot to learn about the depths of Russia, we are very ignorant about it at the moment. ... Russia is not, as President Obama said, ′a regional power′. This was a big error in assessment.″[91]
After Russia′s military intervention in Syria in 2015 and the alleged interference[92] in the 2016 election campaign in the U.S., relations between the Russian government and Obama administration became more strained. In September 2016, the U.S. government publicly accused Russia of ″flagrant violations of international law″ in Syria.[93] Thomas Friedman opined, ″Obama believed that a combination of pressure and engagement would moderate Putin's behavior. That is the right approach, in theory, but it's now clear that we have underestimated the pressure needed to produce effective engagement, and we're going to have to step it up. This is not just about the politics of Syria and Ukraine anymore. It's now also about America, Europe, basic civilized norms and the integrity of our democratic institutions.″[94]
In mid-November 2016, the Kremlin accused president Obama's administration of trying to damage the U.S.′ relationship with Russia to a degree that would render normalisation thereof impossible for the incoming administration of Donald Trump.[95]
Tell Vladimir I can be more flexible after the election.

and he tried

then Putin kept being Putin so they came down him.

so this idea of a sudden 2016 change is bullshit huh

it was the republican party kissing Putin ass in 2016
Why would I do that? I don't care about socialism, and you clearly haven' the first clue as to what it is.

It's a failed economic system yet there are pockets of people who enjoy the fruits of capitalism yet find it "enlightening" to espouse socialism.

And I'm pretty familiar with what is and what it does to people
It's a failed economic system yet there are pockets of people who enjoy the fruits of capitalism yet find it "enlightening" to espouse socialism.

And I'm pretty familiar with what is and what it does to people

I see absolutely no evidence that you are. Carry on, if that's what you have to believe.