'Blame Russia Narrative'

You missed the nuclear race? How about the proxy wars ? What about the Cuban missile crisis? These were not slogans but dangerous actions and extremely threatening events. We are in a proxy war with them in Syria right now. This is actual perilous actions, not people blindly accepting sloganism.
here you go. the warmongering left. "Proxy war in Syria"
It was good to see some dialogue here, but it seems most live in a world that passed long ago. The old love hate baloney doesn't address the reality of the present moment. The OP below is fascinating as it touches on the powers that control the words that control the people. See books too if you want to move into now.

'Donald Trump is the culmination of decades of work from various actors ranging from American Conservative Icons to Russian Intelligence and it all seems to have been part of one large and well orchestrated coup by people who want to institute a worldwide authoritarian state....The Evangelical Movement helped lead the charge to ensure Russia had a president they could control.' https://medium.com/@trumpwatchdog/evangelicals-and-the-kremlin-a-history-of-collusion-dcc7d07c430f

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." Philip K. Dick



"[The Great Depression, Pat] Robertson wrote, did "more to shape the existing framework of U.S. government policy than any other single event in recent history." The legacy of the Great Depression included "a powerful central government ... an anti-business bias in the country ... powerful unions," and, most important of all, "the belief in the economic policy of British scholar John Maynard Keynes, to the end that government spending and government 'fine tuning' would guarantee perpetual prosperity." Robertson conceded that such measures might have played a role in ending the Great Depression. But fifty years later they were responsible for the "sickness of the 70s" - the devaluation of the dollar, inflation, the decline in productivity. Robertson called for a "profound moral revival" to combat the economic weaknesses plaguing the United States. "Those who love God must get involved in the election of strong leaders," he insisted, and they should choose men and women who were "pledged to reduce the size of government, eliminate federal deficits, free our productive capacity, ensure sound currency." Kim Phillips-Fein (p225 'Invisible Hands')

"Early issues of the 'Journal-Champion' carried numerous articles calling the faithful to the fight to cleanse America of sexual sin: homosexuality, pornography, and abortion. But interwoven with this campaign were descriptions of the economic and political crisis facing the United States. 'The greatest threat to the average American's liberty does not come From Communistic aggression, crime in the decaying cities or any other external cause," read an article in the June 1978 issue. "It comes from the growing internal encroachments of government bureaucrats as they limit the freedom of Americans through distribution of rules and regulations, many times called guidelines." The newspaper criticized OSHA's "insulting or silly" regulations, and published an open letter to Congress denouncing the "faceless bureaucrats who sit in strategy meetings and formulate federal guidelines," saying that they "pinch our pocket books, restrict our work privileges, govern our spending habits, determine the 'safety' restrictions of our businesses and influence the type of homes we live in."" Kim Phillips-Fein (p229 'Invisible Hands')

And now:

"But even that general conclusion is too fast. We will not actually know whether Trump’s election exhibits a failure of democracy until we see whether the institutions of court and congress function to prevent him from carrying out his anti-democratic impulses. We see a failure in our electorate, but institutions may yet save democracy. For example, if the Court rules against Trump’s proposed religious test for immigrants, and his proposal for a religious registry, and does not overturn (as he has proposed) the constitutional protection for flag-burning, or implement his proposal to punish women for having legal abortions, and resists his attempted removal of due process protections for immigrants, and resists the privatization of education as a violation of equal protection, then the damage Trump could do to democracy would be limited to some degree." http://www.thecritique.com/articles/failure-of-democracy/
the level of stupid on this thread is amazing. After the Cold War and the reunification of Germany, we and Russia
were going to coexist. the USSR was over, and eastern Europe was freed.
James Baker promised not to put NATO troops beyond Germany's border.

so what did we do to promote a lasting peace? EXPANDED NATO right up to Putin's doorstep!
That was Clinton's doing -the "zero sum" mindset that we simply could not exist peacefully with Russia

The Obama's state Dept (Victoria Nuland) and John McCain broke the Budapest memorandum -and turned the Ukrainian Maidan's legitimate protest into a revolution to remove Yanukovych because he was willing to partner with Russia in paying off it's nat. gas debts, in return for joining the Eurasian Economic Union.

That forced Putin to annex Crimea for guaranteed Sevastopol access and heated up the war in Donbass.

We forced Putin to act, because we treated him like a cornered rat, despite Obama's so called rapproachment.

This thread is so FULL OF STUPIDITY , it's a hopeless cleanup.
Americans are woefully ignorant of US/west/Russian relations- as this thread exposes.
Who are we against? Why it is Assad. Who does Russia back. Amazingly, it is Assad. You don't know that?
we are not in a proxy war. we were under Obama when he decided to arm "the rebels" (FSA types)-
which was a terrible idea.
We gave them TOW missiles ( and more) and they lost their shit to al Nusra, so al-Nusra wound up with our advanced weapons to use against Assad's armor.

Trump put an end to the proxy war. he quit sending arms to Syria.
Evidence shows the Annex in Bengazi was doing the same.

and then Obama warned Putin in Syria was a "quagmire" - he was a fool,
and Hillary was going to continue this stupidity
the Clinton campaign “emphasized candidate and personal issues and avoided policy discussions to a degree without precedent in any previous election for which measurements exist….it stressed candidate qualifications…[and] deliberately deemphasized issues in favor of concentrating on what the campaign regarded as [Donald] Trump’s obvious personal weaknesses as a candidate.”

Strange as it might have seemed, the reality television star and presidential pre-apprentice Donald Trump had a lot more to say about policy than the former First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a wonkish Yale Law graduate.
the Clinton campaign “emphasized candidate and personal issues and avoided policy discussions to a degree without precedent in any previous election for which measurements exist….it stressed candidate qualifications…[and] deliberately deemphasized issues in favor of concentrating on what the campaign regarded as [Donald] Trump’s obvious personal weaknesses as a candidate.”

Strange as it might have seemed, the reality television star and presidential pre-apprentice Donald Trump had a lot more to say about policy than the former First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a wonkish Yale Law graduate.

On what planet? Trump made accusations and called names like a preteen. He attacked the press and everyone else he could think of. His was the least informative and substantive campaign I have ever seen. He had such great plans like "lock her up'and Build that wall, and Mexico will pay for it. he ran a nasty ,insulting campaign. that is why he is not going to be invited to Mccains funeral. Insulting is not how you form allies and productive friends in the legislature or around the world.
the level of stupid on this thread is amazing. After the Cold War and the reunification of Germany, we and Russia
were going to coexist. the USSR was over, and eastern Europe was freed.
James Baker promised not to put NATO troops beyond Germany's border.

so what did we do to promote a lasting peace? EXPANDED NATO right up to Putin's doorstep!
That was Clinton's doing -the "zero sum" mindset that we simply could not exist peacefully with Russia

The Obama's state Dept (Victoria Nuland) and John McCain broke the Budapest memorandum -and turned the Ukrainian Maidan's legitimate protest into a revolution to remove Yanukovych because he was willing to partner with Russia in paying off it's nat. gas debts, in return for joining the Eurasian Economic Union.

That forced Putin to annex Crimea for guaranteed Sevastopol access and heated up the war in Donbass.

We forced Putin to act, because we treated him like a cornered rat, despite Obama's so called rapproachment.

This thread is so FULL OF STUPIDITY , it's a hopeless cleanup.
Americans are woefully ignorant of US/west/Russian relations- as this thread exposes.

Countries asked to join NATO. The US did not expand it.