BLM are Marxists

Ah, the old "it's never been done right" schtick. Nice try. Maybe you should actually read that Communist Manifesto you've had on your bookshelf all these years.

Not what I said.

This may amaze you, but Rush Limbaugh is not a scholarly or rigorous souce of knowledge about the historical significance of Karl Marx
To all of you who attacked me for suggesting that Black Lives Matter, the organization, are nothing more than run-of-the-mill, garden variety Marxists, I accept your apologies. If you're too lazy to watch the entire video, the money shot starts at around 3 minutes.

Sooooo now you want to lynch Marxists?

Ask two of the founders, they refer to themselves as trained Marxists. Maybe you could also tell me why, when you donate money to BLM, you are redirected to an organization called ActBlue.

I think that I would rather contribute to the Marxist, than the White Supremacist, the KKK, or the Neo-Nazis.
Agreed, but better to contribute to those supporting the Constitution and the rights of everyone.


What a complete non sequitur. This is an ill-informed red herring argument. The KKK was a lot of evil things but hanging Marxists wasn't one of them. Of course, if Marxists got in charge of America, they'd have hung all the KKK because they don't like competition.
What a complete non sequitur. This is an ill-informed red herring argument. The KKK was a lot of evil things but hanging Marxists wasn't one of them. Of course, if Marxists got in charge of America, they'd have hung all the KKK because they don't like competition.
Dude, your defense of the KKK is noted.

No, the Marxists won't take charge of America unless the LWLs and RWNJs keep chipping away at the Constitution.
Thank you for the gratuitous ad hominem.

Not true either. If they get their desired revolution, the Constitution is toilet paper.

You use that phrase, but you obviously don't know what it means. If it is, you could tell everyone what ad hominem I supposedly used against you.

Your lack of faith in America and American ideals is sad. No worries, there are plenty of good Americans who continue to fight for our nation. Cowards and liars can hide in the basement.
You use that phrase, but you obviously don't know what it means. If it is, you could tell everyone what ad hominem I supposedly used against you.

ad hominem
[ˌad ˈhämənəm]
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
"vicious ad hominem attacks"
in a way that is directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
"these points come from some of our best information sources, who realize they'll be attacked ad hominem"
in a way that relates to or is associated with a particular person.
"the office was created ad hominem for Fenton"

Your response attacked me. It didn't address my argument. That makes it an ad hominem.

Your lack of faith in America and American ideals is sad. No worries, there are plenty of good Americans who continue to fight for our nation. Cowards and liars can hide in the basement.

My certainty in how the Progressive Left operates for over three centuries tells me that my position is correct. America is just as vulnerable to their lunatic idiocy as any other nation. That is why I confront them at every turn.
Your response attacked me. It didn't address my argument....
Bullshit. You defended the KKK, I called you on it and then you shit all over yourself.

One question: Who vandalized the WWII monument?

What a complete non sequitur. This is an ill-informed red herring argument. The KKK was a lot of evil things but hanging Marxists wasn't one of them. Of course, if Marxists got in charge of America, they'd have hung all the KKK because they don't like competition.
Dude, your defense of the KKK is noted.

No, the Marxists won't take charge of America unless the LWLs and RWNJs keep chipping away at the Constitution.
Bullshit. You defended the KKK, I called you on it and then you shit all over yourself.

Then show me some solid evidence that the KKK lynched Marxists. That is the gist of my original statement, that the KKK for all the vile things they did do, didn't hunt down and lynch Marxists. Otherwise, you are the one that is spewing BS.

One question: Who vandalized the WWII monument?

I don't know, but it's a pretty good bet it wasn't radicals on the Right.
Then show me some solid evidence that the KKK lynched Marxists. That is the gist of my original statement, that the KKK for all the vile things they did do, didn't hunt down and lynch Marxists. Otherwise, you are the one that is spewing BS.

I don't know, but it's a pretty good bet it wasn't radicals on the Right.

Your defense of the KKK continues. What's it worth to you for me to dig up the info? How much money will you donate to the forum in my name?
You Trumptarded idiots throw words around rather loosely, such as Marxists, fascists, Leftists, communists, racists, etc.

The problem is, you don't have a fucking clue what any one of them means.
To all of you who attacked me for suggesting that Black Lives Matter, the organization, are nothing more than run-of-the-mill, garden variety Marxists, I accept your apologies. If you're too lazy to watch the entire video, the money shot starts at around 3 minutes.

What the hell is a "trained Marxist"?
Marx's project was never implemented, certainly not in the Soviet Union, PRC, or DPRK. He never advocated despotic rule or political terror.

I also doubt anyone under the age of 50 is going to be frightened by elderly conservatives trotting out the Marx boogeyman again.

Marx's historical determinism had been proven totally wrong. His economic program was not particularly well thought out.

But Marx's social criticism and critiques of untethered capitalism was relevant to the times. And some of his insights remain relevant to this day. He was asking the right questions - even as he did not necessarily come up with the right answers.
Marx's criticism and critiques are irrelevant as they are little more than the ramblings of a failed academic seeing as how Marx never really did anything outside the library or an academic setting. He neither asked the correct questions or came up with the correct answers. All-in-all, Marx should be relegated to history as a footnote on failure.

You have never sat down and read Karl Marx's publications. All you are doing is repeating what you have heard rightwing media personalities and conservative opinion columnists say about him.

I am honest to say I have not read his works either, but as an interested obsever of history and philosophy I have gone outside the sphere of untrained media personalities and leaned about Marx from trained and reputable scholars of economics, history, and philosophy.

The broad consensus is that Marx's historical determinism failed, and his economic solutions were poorly thought out and executed.

But he is a watershed personality in the history of intellectual thought because he was asking the right questions which were relevant to his times, and which few other intellectuals or public figures were asking:

-What is it about society that allows children to work 16 hours a day in conditions of extreme danger?

- What is it about society that allows millions of men to become indentured servants living on the edge of extreme poverty, while a few thousand people live in leisure and luxury?

-What kind of society treats women as second class citizens and virtual domestic slaves?

Those were exactly the right questions for his time, and in some ways they resonate through to our times.
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