I stumble often, but never fall. I'm able to automatically shift weight from one leg to the other, avoiding injury. I know exactly what you mean about twisting an ankle. It happens when I'm walking across a lawn and suddenly find a dip with my foot. Before my ankle fully bends to the side, all weight is off of it. Being clumsy, it's imperative that I be able to use my balance.

I've never been a runner, but most of the runners I know develop problems from running on the pavement. I often believed that the headsets/earbuds would present a danger in the scenario you mentioned above. Now that I'm severely hard of hearing, I use ear protection when mowing, using a chainsaw, or using power tools.

When I'm weed whacking near the road, I'm always checking my surroundings because I cannot hear a car that might be riding the shoulder. I'm not comfortable in that situation, but ear protection is imperative

I truly think the idea that running destroys your knees is a myth. Running incorrectly may do so, but if you're running with proper technique, it's nothing but beneficial for your joints.
I truly think the idea that running destroys your knees is a myth. Running incorrectly may do so, but if you're running with proper technique, it's nothing but beneficial for your joints.
As we age, our bodies tend to show wear. I know people who developed shin splints from running. As previously mentioned, an injury caused by a twist or sprain might create an injury. The people I know who developed injuries from running tend to be older. I think treadmills are better than hard surfaces.
I've marched with them, donated to them, and sincerely believe in their cause. 400+ years of systemic racism and police brutality requires this movement. Full Stop.

The fact that you were a teacher is sickening.

BLM is racist & behind riots. Go figure. The Leftists darlings.
To walk in this way, we have to notice each step. Each step made in mindfulness can bring us back to the here and the now. Go slowly. Mindfulness lights our way. We don’t rush. With each breath we may take just one step. We may have run all our life, but now we don’t have to run anymore. This is the time to stop running. To be grounded in the earth is to feel its solidity with each step and know that we are right where we are supposed to be.

Each mindful breath, each mindful step, reminds us that we are alive on this beautiful planet. We don’t need anything else. It is wonderful enough just to be alive, to breathe in, and to make one step. We have arrived at where real life is available—the present moment. If we breathe and walk in this way, we become as solid as a mountain.

What does "Mindfulness" mean to you?
No. The 'chosen people' are the Jews. Chosen by God to suffer. His politically motivated actions in Israel were rather transparent.

Only according to the Torah or the OT. Why did God chose them to suffer? According to whom?
Only according to the Torah or the OT. Why did God chose them to suffer?
I think the suffering thing is more tongue in cheek among Jews. The 'chosenness' has more to do with being those that are chosen to spread the word of one God. Guno might be able to expand more.
I think the suffering thing is more tongue in cheek among Jews. The 'chosenness' has more to do with being those that are chosen to spread the word of one God. Guno might be able to expand more.

Most, if not all, of the Native Americans called members of their tribe a variation on "the People". They had other names, some not so nice, for other tribes. I suspect the behavior is common among all tribal humans.

A great scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey was the waterhole fight where the tribe of primates which learned how to use a club won the day. Then the ape who first learned to use a bone as a weapon tossed the bone into the air and it transitions to a modern nuclear weapons platform satellite. The message seemed to be "Our toys have improved but we are basically still the same".

i suppose the short answer is full awareness.. that's a bit more difficult to reeks of Zen
'slow down the mind' (monkey mind) to see and feel and hear the surroundings
but be alert as well

Agreed on full awareness.

It's like playing wastebasket basketball; a person can hit 10 shots in a row but as soon as they call for a witness, they miss. Why? Mindfulness. Instead of just making the shot, they're too focused on being watched. It shouldn't matter to them whether there is one witness or a million, but obviously it does matter to them. Mindfulness is partly not minding.

My wife wanted a dart board for fun. Rather than just putting it on a wall in the garage, I mounted an over 6 foot tall, four foot wide piece of plywood (painted) on a wooden floor dolly (on sale at America's favorite Chinese hardware outlet). This way one side is the dartboard, the other is a display wall for her crafts of stained glass, sun catchers, dream catchers, etc.

Getting back to mindfulness, I've been working on "not minding" when throwing darts and will go out into the garage to "be the dart". :) It's fun and I'm getting better.
Trevor Phillips talking profound sense on BLM, naturally all the race hustlers on here won't agree.

Imagine being a member of the master race that enslaved, lynched, disenfranchised, locked up, and murdered blacks for 400 years and when that race fights back you call it "Race Hustling."

You wanna know what the fuck "race hustling" is? Here it is:



Weird, that looks like roughly the # and type of people outside the Capitol on Jan 6th.....
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Imagine being a member of the master race that enslaved, lynched, disenfranchised, locked up, and murdered blacks for 400 years and when that race fights back you call it "Race Hustling."

You wanna know what the fuck "race hustling" is? Here it is:



Weird, that looks like roughly the # of people outside the Capitol on Jan 6th.....

Lynchings were terrible, but only killed about 3,000 Blacks in the course of approx 85 years.

Approx 7,000 Blacks are killed by other Blacks each year.