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On the 26th of January this year, the illegitimate POTUS46, "Blow Hole Joe" Biden, signed FOUR Executive Orders directing Federal agencies to advance EQUITY, and in particular "racial equity."

Before he signed these Executive Orders and all of the others that were piled high on a desk, awaiting the Presidential "scribble," Biden delivered a brief, melodramatic speech recalling the dead of George Floyd; in which he said, at one point...

"Those eight minutes and 46 seconds that took George Floyd's life opened the eyes of millions of Americans and millions of people all over the world. It was the knee on the neck of justice that would never be forgotten."

(NB:George Floyd actually died of cardiac arrest following an overdose of the extremely potent, narcotic drug, "Fentanyl" that he had taken some hours earlier. Although it certainly appeared that Floyd was callously suffocated to death by a White police office, while being held in custody, this was not the case. Most Americans who watched the video footage of George Floyd's shocking death would have automatically concluded that Floyd had been cruelly murdered by a racist white police officer who hated Blacks; and there's no way that the American public can be blamed for thinking that this is precisely what they saw on the video-clip that captured Floyds final minutes of life. What you see on this video-clip looks for all the worldlike a white police officer slowly suffocating a black man to death by pressing his knee against the his neck. But this is not what killed George Floyd. Even if he has not come into any kind of contact the police, Floyd would have died that day).


The violent race riots that Floyd's death triggered, and the alarmingly high level of racial tension and animus that is still simmering in America in their aftermath, no doubt played a large role in the Executive Orders on "racial EQUITY" that Biden signed into action. Though it is not just EQUITY for racial minorities ( i.e. "people of colour" in America) the four Executive Orders are focussed on. Rather, the big idea is to advance the principle of EQUITY throughout the entire economy, the Criminal Justice System, all of America's Health-Care and Housing systems and all of its educational institutions. In other words the ultimate goal is to realise universalEQUITY across America. This is pretty much stated in one of the four Executive Orders in a passage that directs the federal government agencies to:

... pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing EQUITY for all, including people of colour and others who had been historically undeserved, marginalised and adversely affected by poverty and INEQUALITY."

The word EQUITY is used appears many times in the four, "Biden EOs", I'm talking about. Applying and extending the principle of EQUITY into every corner of American life is obviously a major, domestic policy priority for the Biden administration. So where did the idea come from?....


Well, it certainly wasn't something that "Blow Hole Joe" dreamt up. Biden is a POTUS in name only, because he is incapable of acting as a head of state, or indeed, as the Leader of the Free World" ! (That's actually a terrifying fact if you stop and think about it for more than a minute or two, so I try hard not to). ( NB: In terms of leadership, Biden is a photographic "negative" image of Trump. When Trump was President, HE called the shots. HE was the boss who issued all the orders and directives for how to MAGA Like Caesar, Napoleon and Churchill Trump was totally in charge and a great leader For the first three years of his first term as POTUS (before COVID hit) Trump was delivering for America BIG TIME in just about every way, For one man to have achieved that with a nation like the US in the ultra-complex world of the 2!st century is simply mind-blowing. He made the tough decisions He cannot do this because he has dementia and is now pretty much "off with the pixies." most of the time). Whoops. Sorry, for that diversion off-task. To continue. Joe Biden would not - just for starters - have a fucking clue what the termEQUITY meant in the sense that the word was being used in the four EO's he signed. Rather, the whole "EQUITY" thing was cooked up by the hard Left of the current Democratic Party, by people who genuinely believe that they can make America a better, more unified, more peaceful, more just, more noble and virtuous place by using social engineering to ensure EQUITY for all Americans.

Members of the Democrats' ruling, hard -left faction refer to themselves as "progressives". They do this to deceive the public because they are actually SOCIALISTS - (and radical ones at that) - but "socialism" is still a dirty word in American politics. It continues to hold some very negative connatations for a MAJORITY of the national electorate. This is why the radical Democrat socialists use the label ,"progressive" to hide their true identity The word "progressive" is handy; it gives off positive, "feel good" vibes, because everyone wants to "progress" - to move forward ,to grow, to evolve towards something that is better. Right ? But the Democrat socialist use the term "progressive" as a devious "fig leaf" to cover up the ugly, naked truth of what they genuinely are - FUCKED-UP, FANATICAL SOCIALISTS. I mean crazy people like: AOC; "Pocahontas";Beto O'Rourke; Bernie Sanders; Cory Booker, Bill de Blasio, Gretchen Whitmer, Maxine Waters, Stacey Abrams, etc. Respectable-looking, and more intelligent versions of individuals like these are now have their hands on the levers of power in the Biden administration. They are the puppet - masters who pull the strings of the pathetic, Predidential puppet,Joe Biden, to make him dance to their tune - "The Domination Quickstep".Biden is a very dangerous man precisely because he is nothing but a weak, ridiculous catspaw for hard-line socialists in the Democratic Party. The people who are now able to weild real, political power in America . Susan Rice and Karmala Harris are two prime examples, both of them are fierce advocates for EQUITY

Susan Rice was chosen by Biden in December of 2020 to head up the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) in his current administration. When Rice was appointed, Biden announced that her role would be to, "Elevate and turbocharge a new revitalised DPC"Rice herself stated, (shortly after she was given the job), that under her leadership of the DPC...

...every Federal agency will place EQUITYat the CORE of their public engagement, their policy design and delivery, to ensure that government resources are reaching PEOPLE OF COLOUR in all marginalized communities


As for Vice President Kamala Harris, the day before the 3rd of November 2020 Presidential election, she released the political adverisement below Check it out...

As you can see the theme is EQUITY. and it all looks and sounds nice and sweet and kind and harmless. It's all cutsie-pie on steroids. There's only one little problem....

EQUITY in the sense that Kamala Harris and Susan Rice use the term, means EQUALIY OF OUTCOME or EQUALITY OF RESULT or, as Kamala put it in her cartoon video, EQUITY means that "EVERYONE ENDS UP AT THE SAME PLACE" She means, "at the "same place" in terms of how much MATERIAL WEALTH AND INCOME they have; or, if you like, with respect to the GENERAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THEIR LIVES.

So what, you ask ? What the big deal ?

The big deal is that "EQUITY" killed between 120,000,000 and 140,000,000 people in the 20th century. The principle of "EQUITY" was at the ideological heart of the totalitarian socialist and communist regimes of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong in China during the "Cultural Revolution and Pol Pot in Cambodia. In the 21st century EQUITY continued to murder untold numbers of people under Daniel Ortega's " socialist "Sandinista" regime in Nicaragua, and in Venezuela under the rule of the socialist dictators: Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro.

If you ask the average American adult what Kamala Harris or Susan Rice or "Blow Hole Joe" means by the term EQUITY, they wont know. They'll probably think it is basically the same as equality, but it's not. True equality is EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY not EQUALITY OF OUTCOME.

When "President" Biden signs EOs advancing comprehensive EQUITY as a desirable objective, and when your Vice President, Kamala Harris, is also a "true beliver" in the virtue of implementing social policies based onEQUITY, and when powerful Federal bureaucrarts like Susan Rice are just itching to start drawing up plans for
how to practically work towards achieving the goal of EQUITY for everyone in America, you need to "wake up" fast to the basic fact that EQUITY is a euphemism for the black heart of SOCIALISM/ COMMUNISM.

And you need to know that every, single time SOCIALISM[/COMMUNISM/B] has been tried it has FAILED DISASTROUSLY and typically murdered and immiserated astronomical numbers of the very same people it promised to place on a path to utopia.

This is because it is simply not technically possible to achieve comprehensive "EQUITY", or anything close to it it, in any society of human beings located anywhere on planet Earth; and when a government is deluded enough to seriously set about trying to ensure their society is totally equitablet, all Hell will inevitably be unleashed. If you don't believe me, check out the history of socialism/communism over the past 200 years. It's basically the story of a profound evil. And if you voted Democrat in the November 3rd election, you need to know that you have succeeded in enabling this evil to enter the White House in 2021. Thank you very much for that !! Well Done !!

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Who in the hell is going to read all that sh*t, especially when the source it was copied and pasted off of is missing

Get real, if you can’t summarize it in one or two paragraphs it ain’t worth the time, only shows you don’t even understand what you posted


On the 26th of January this year, the illegitimate POTUS46, "Blow Hole Joe" Biden, signed FOUR Executive Orders directing Federal agencies to advance EQUITY, and in particular "racial equity."

Before he signed these Executive Orders and all of the others that were piled high on a desk, awaiting the Presidential "scribble," Biden delivered a brief, melodramatic speech recalling the dead of George Floyd; in which he said, at one point...

"Those eight minutes and 46 seconds that took George Floyd's life opened the eyes of millions of Americans and millions of people all over the world. It was the knee on the neck of justice that would never be forgotten."

(NB:George Floyd actually died of cardiac arrest following an overdose of the extremely potent, narcotic drug, "Fentanyl" that he had taken some hours earlier. Although it certainly appeared that Floyd was callously suffocated to death by a White police office, while being held in custody, this was not the case. Most Americans who watched the video footage of George Floyd's shocking death would have automatically concluded that Floyd had been cruelly murdered by a racist white police officer who hated Blacks; and there's no way that the American public can be blamed for thinking that this is precisely what they saw on the video-clip that captured Floyds final minutes of life. What you see on this video-clip looks for all the worldlike a white police officer slowly suffocating a black man to death by pressing his knee against the his neck. But this is not what killed George Floyd. Even if he has not come into any kind of contact the police, Floyd would have died that day).


The violent race riots that Floyd's death triggered, and the alarmingly high level of racial tension and animus that is still simmering in America in their aftermath, no doubt played a large role in the Executive Orders on "racial EQUITY" that Biden signed into action. Though it is not just EQUITY for racial minorities ( i.e. "people of colour" in America) the four Executive Orders are focussed on. Rather, the big idea is to advance the principle of EQUITY throughout the entire economy, the Criminal Justice System, all of America's Health-Care and Housing systems and all of its educational institutions. In other words the ultimate goal is to realise universalEQUITY across America. This is pretty much stated in one of the four Executive Orders in a passage that directs the federal government agencies to:

... pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing EQUITY for all, including people of colour and others who had been historically undeserved, marginalised and adversely affected by poverty and INEQUALITY."

The word EQUITY is used appears many times in the four, "Biden EOs", I'm talking about. Applying and extending the principle of EQUITY into every corner of American life is obviously a major, domestic policy priority for the Biden administration. So where did the idea come from?....


Well, it certainly wasn't something that "Blow Hole Joe" dreamt up. Biden is a POTUS in name only, because he is incapable of acting as a head of state, or indeed, as the Leader of the Free World" ! (That's actually a terrifying fact if you stop and think about it for more than a minute or two, so I try hard not to). ( NB: In terms of leadership, Biden is a photographic "negative" image of Trump. When Trump was President, HE called the shots. HE was the boss who issued all the orders and directives for how to MAGA Like Caesar, Napoleon and Churchill Trump was totally in charge and a great leader For the first three years of his first term as POTUS (before COVID hit) Trump was delivering for America BIG TIME in just about every way, For one man to have achieved that with a nation like the US in the ultra-complex world of the 2!st century is simply mind-blowing. He made the tough decisions He cannot do this because he has dementia and is now pretty much "off with the pixies." most of the time). Whoops. Sorry, for that diversion off-task. To continue. Joe Biden would not - just for starters - have a fucking clue what the termEQUITY meant in the sense that the word was being used in the four EO's he signed. Rather, the whole "EQUITY" thing was cooked up by the hard Left of the current Democratic Party, by people who genuinely believe that they can make America a better, more unified, more peaceful, more just, more noble and virtuous place by using social engineering to ensure EQUITY for all Americans.

Members of the Democrats' ruling, hard -left faction refer to themselves as "progressives". They do this to deceive the public because they are actually SOCIALISTS - (and radical ones at that) - but "socialism" is still a dirty word in American politics. It continues to hold some very negative connatations for a MAJORITY of the national electorate. This is why the radical Democrat socialists use the label ,"progressive" to hide their true identity The word "progressive" is handy; it gives off positive, "feel good" vibes, because everyone wants to "progress" - to move forward ,to grow, to evolve towards something that is better. Right ? But the Democrat socialist use the term "progressive" as a devious "fig leaf" to cover up the ugly, naked truth of what they genuinely are - FUCKED-UP, FANATICAL SOCIALISTS. I mean crazy people like: AOC; "Pocahontas";Beto O'Rourke; Bernie Sanders; Cory Booker, Bill de Blasio, Gretchen Whitmer, Maxine Waters, Stacey Abrams, etc. Respectable-looking, and more intelligent versions of individuals like these are now have their hands on the levers of power in the Biden administration. They are the puppet - masters who pull the strings of the pathetic, Predidential puppet,Joe Biden, to make him dance to their tune - "The Domination Quickstep".Biden is a very dangerous man precisely because he is nothing but a weak, ridiculous catspaw for hard-line socialists in the Democratic Party. The people who are now able to weild real, political power in America . Susan Rice and Karmala Harris are two prime examples, both of them are fierce advocates for EQUITY

Susan Rice was chosen by Biden in December of 2020 to head up the Domestic Policy Council (DPC) in his current administration. When Rice was appointed, Biden announced that her role would be to, "Elevate and turbocharge a new revitalised DPC"Rice herself stated, (shortly after she was given the job), that under her leadership of the DPC...

...every Federal agency will place EQUITYat the CORE of their public engagement, their policy design and delivery, to ensure that government resources are reaching PEOPLE OF COLOUR in all marginalized communities


As for Vice President Kamala Harris, the day before the 3rd of November 2020 Presidential election, she released the political adverisement below Check it out...

As you can see the theme is EQUITY. and it all looks and sounds nice and sweet and kind and harmless. It's all cutsie-pie on steroids. There's only one little problem....

EQUITY in the sense that Kamala Harris and Susan Rice use the term, means EQUALIY OF OUTCOME or EQUALITY OF RESULT or, as Kamala put it in her cartoon video, EQUITY means that "EVERYONE ENDS UP AT THE SAME PLACE" She means, "at the "same place" in terms of how much MATERIAL WEALTH AND INCOME they have; or, if you like, with respect to the GENERAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THEIR LIVES.

So what, you ask ? What the big deal ?

The big deal is that "EQUITY" killed between 120,000,000 and 140,000,000 people in the 20th century. The principle of "EQUITY" was at the ideological heart of the totalitarian socialist and communist regimes of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong in China during the "Cultural Revolution and Pol Pot in Cambodia. In the 21st century EQUITY continued to murder untold numbers of people under Daniel Ortega's " socialist "Sandinista" regime in Nicaragua, and in Venezuela under the rule of the socialist dictators: Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro.

If you ask the average American adult what Kamala Harris or Susan Rice or "Blow Hole Joe" means by the term EQUITY, they wont know. They'll probably think it is basically the same as equality, but it's not. True equality is EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY not EQUALITY OF OUTCOME.

When "President" Biden signs EOs advancing comprehensive EQUITY as a desirable objective, and when your Vice President, Kamala Harris, is also a "true beliver" in the virtue of implementing social policies based onEQUITY, and when powerful Federal bureaucrarts like Susan Rice are just itching to start drawing up plans for
how to practically work towards achieving the goal EQUITY for everyone in America, you need to "wake up" fast to the basic fact that EQUITY is a euphemism for the black heart of SOCIALISM/ COMMUNISM.

And you need to know that every, single time SOCIALISM[/COMMUNISM/B] has been tried it has FAILED DISASTROUSLY and typically murdered and immiserated astronomical numbers of the very same people it promised to place on a path to utopia.

This is because it is simply not possible to achieve comprehensive "EQUITY", or anything like it, in any society of human beings located anywhere on planet Earth; and when a government is deluded enough to seriously set about trying to ensure their society is totally equitablet, all Hell will inevitably be unleashed. If you don't believe me, check out the history of socialism/communism over the past 200 years. It's basically the story of a profound evil. And if you voted Democrat in the November 3rd election, you need to know that you have succeeded in enabling this evil to enter the White House in 2021. Thank you very much for that !! Well Done !!


A brilliant post from you. I agree with everything you say. George Floyd was a violent, nasty, menacing, 6 ft 3 inch, criminal thug, built like a heavyweight boxer. I say this as a mater of fact and not to attack the dead man with malice.
Who in the hell is going to read all that sh*t, especially when the source it was copied and pasted off of is missing

Get real, if you can’t summarize it in one or two paragraphs it ain’t worth the time, only shows you don’t even understand what you posted


It's not copied and pasted, and it is not possible to condense this particular issue into two paragraphs.

It's not copied and pasted, and it is not possible to condense this particular issue into two paragraphs.


Bullshit, so you are telling us you authored the whole thing? Right

And the idea is to summarize it into a paragraph or two and then leave a citation for the reader to dig deeper if they want, no one is plugging thru a collection of dangling participles extending endlessly
It's not copied and pasted, and it is not possible to condense this particular issue into two paragraphs.

I suspect Anchovies is the product of public "education" and never troubled to attempt to learn anything he din't have to.

Poor Anchovies.
Claiming the inequality should be maintained to keep the peace is stupid. Really stupid. Dachsy is that. I guess a cop sitting on a person's neck for almost 9 minutes had absolutely nothing to do with his death. Damh this guy us so far right that Hannity looks liberal next to him.
A brilliant post from you. I agree with everything you say. George Floyd was a violent, nasty, menacing, 6 ft 3 inch, criminal thug, built like a heavyweight boxer. I say this as a mater of fact and not to attack the dead man with malice.

A bullet in the head after he and some other thugs robbed a woman while he held a gun to the pregnant ladies stomach would have sufficed! As it would for all the treasonous who vote for liberal politicians! Especially those on here, who are paid to project the lies, and narratives that liberals care about America!
It appears so, Anchovies.

Right, even a demagogue addict couldn’t regurgitate that much talk radio rhetoric at one time, the give away is the disjointed paragraphs, one a sentence long and the next a run on sentence dissertation, no one writes like that, especially on a Internet forum

Totally copied and pasted, you should know, it’s your specialty