Bob Dole Switches To DEMOCRAT Party

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

RUSSELL, KS—Former Senator and presidential candidate Bob Dole has passed away at 98, marking his transition from a lifelong Republican to a reliable DEMOCRAT voter.

Said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. "We welcome him as a faithful DEMOCRAT voter for the rest of time."

According to DNC sources, Dole has already endorsed every local, state, and federal candidate with a "D" after their name, and will continue to support them via mail-in ballot.

Dole's late father, also a DEMOCRAT voter since his death, is glad to be joined by his late son in voting for DEMOCRATS, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison added.
Bob Dole was a real man. He didn't have a flambouyant personality, so he didn't get elected. He was rather soft-spoken.

He would have made a good president, though.
I'm not familiar with the Democrat Party.

I have been registered with the Democratic Party since 1967,
but this Democrat Party that pachys keep talking about doesn't seem to actually exist.
The giveaway is that APL is threadbanned. It's Legion.

first of all, APL could be stupid enough to use Anon to bypass a threadban, second even guano has been using Anon, as have Jack, Mason and a dozen other people........

second, in the last 11 years I have never seen Legion tell anyone to fuck off....
first of all, APL could be stupid enough to use Anon to bypass a threadban, second even guano has been using Anon, as have Jack, Mason and a dozen other people........

second, in the last 11 years I have never seen Legion tell anyone to fuck off....

Good points! Still I think OP is Legion.